podcast 20 online

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00:00 Intro

00:40 Kenyon Gibson

Industrial Hemp Uses, Applications and Environmental issues

06:10 Ed,Lonnie and Lonnie jr. Young

From the Alan Lomax collection

08:00 Keyon Gibson pt 2

Industrial Hemp, political problems

A history of impractical supression

15:00 Viking Moses - Werewolves in the City - US/UK

17:10 Mexpipe Challenge Info piece

17:38 Steve Pike (Spike) pt2

background, wavscape film festival, South Africas unique culture

23:45 Balta - Walking Away - US

28:00 Steve Pike (Spike) pt2

Pollution,Sharks,Aggrivating activities, sharkpod, visiting SA

36:00 4WFS info piece

36:30 Grant from FoamEZ pt 1

Clarks aftermath, looking at alternatives like MDI EPS etc

Andy McKee - Drifting - US

43:20 Grant from FoamEZ pt 2

Outsourcing, Walkerfoam, Clarks in Orange County, EPA

47:15 Outro

47:50 Credits

49:15 Fin -

I’ll check it !

Thanks Simon…Herb

where can I download this from?

really keen to hear about the 4wfs… thinking about using it on a fish…



If we can prevent growers from hiding marijuana plants in with the hemp, since they look similar, than I’m all for hemp. But otherwise, keeping marijuana off the streets is more important.

Hi Nathan,

Narcotic hemp, Marajuana, the stuff that stoners use, is very hard to grow to the required potency and requires specialist attention.

If you smoke a cigarette, you are smoking hemp as the paper is hemp based - so different strains do different things.

Industrial Hemp is a different plant - but there is confusion. To get stoned on industrial, wild hemp you would need to smoke a small field.

The onlything you would get high on are the drugs they would give you for the lung cancer.

The main point is I dont see farmers in Tennesse taking the chance mixing narcotic hemp with a perfectly good, financially viable crop.

Its like growing a 1000 acres of wheat to make a barrel of Moonshine.

The irrational fear of stopping industrial hemp to prevent pot makes no sense. Its even more senseless than stopping potatoes because of Vodka.

Marajuana is a totally seperate issue, but it is standard and successful practice for the petro-chemical and pesticide industry to mix up the two.

My advice, read Hemp for Victory by Kenyon, and Fastfood Nation by Eric Schlosser.

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