show 3 out now

Show 3 out now

Fargo Intro

Chance “Say What you Will”

Rabbi Schifren (part 1, sorry about the sound quality)

Gabriel Rios “Broad Daylight”

Anthony Butler- Film Maker ( Mr B Productions) Sound on my side is bad.

Tristan Prettyman “Evaporated”

Richard Hardy, Campaign Manager Surfers Against Sewage

Tristan Prettyman "Love - Love - Love "

News & Events

Forecast Ireland & Britain Mar 24th 25th 26th 2006

Hawaiian Astro Boys

hi Simon !

pardon my ignorance

what is a ‘pod’ ?

a ‘podcast’ ?

how do I listen to it on my computer ? [is that possible ?]

cheers !


why am I technological gumby man ? [ don’t answer …I’m just “thinking out loud” , on this one !]

A Podcast is a combination of the words Broadcast & Ipod- but this is a misnomer, any MP3 enabled device can play a show, including your computer. Essentially it is an internet radio program for surfers

Try doubleclicking

You can also right click and save.

You do not need an ipod to listen to a podcast.
You need to open the file on a device that can play it, like your computer or any MP3 capable device.
The most recent podcast will always be on the front page
Just double click on this icon
You can also right click and save as
Each show is a separate file. Previous shows are found on the Podcast page, use the navigation bar at the top of the page to access a list of shows
You can simply double click on the podcast icon and it will play on your Microsoft Media Player or itunes player directly.
You only need to download and save if you intend to transfer the file to an ipod or MP3 player.
Simply right click on the podcast icon and Save As
On the Podcast page, you will find show notes, at the bottom of the show notes you are again offered the option of direct download.


The service is totally free - You will never be charged to listen to download, subscribe to or listen to a show on
For Broadband if you have itunes you can subscribe so your itunes is updated automatically
You can download itunes for free
There are other subscription services also, depending on your computers settings.
They can be found on the front page of worldsurfradio, to go there click on the shell below.