worldsurfradio show 16 online

Technical problems on the ship so we got in for tonight, and I was able to get this out quick - pure fluke, sound a little dodgy at times

This show was thrown together very quickly and ahead of schedule.

Hope you enjoy it

Show 17 out about December 12th -15th ish

00:12 Intro

00:17 Simon Anderson (AUS)- Followup from show 15

I got as many more quesions from all of you as could.

Future Design and concept - Thruster Patent - Benefits - Kelly Slater shapes

Views on pro surfing - Fin Systems

06:00 Lee Coulter (Aus/USA)- Booty Voodoo

08:45 Surf Lawyer Dave Pecan (US) (

Background, Practice, Travel and Start,

Huntington Beach Vs. Santa Cruz (and every other surf city USA)

13:30 Timmy Curran (US)- Horses on the Range

15:45 Dave Pecan (

Surf Rage, Causes and Cures

19:30 Meeting Debbie and Brent Pocker, Musical tastes

22:36 FABS (Uraguay/Scotland) - Surfer Girl

23:21 Joe Moran, Pit Pilot UK

Background, Newspapers, Life being Ugly,

Startup, Market Place and contemporaries.

28:12 When things go wrong

30:05 Collage

30:20 Exit Credits

31:30 B Sea Surfers (Lithuania)

34:21 Take 5 with Dane

35:55 Fin…urfradio_show_16.mp3

Thanks again Simon,

I think this will be my newest addiction…beats drugs!!!Herb