Would like some help with fin set-up and rails - 8' board

Hi Folks

I am looking at shaping board number #2 and #3. One of them is going to a 6’ 4" diamond tailed quad however i am a little stuck with the other.

I have been surfing for a number of years in total but had a long break before getting back into it recently and i am not 100% sure what effect different fins set-up and rails will have on some shapes/types of board.

I defintely want to use this blank http://www.xtrafoam.com/images/8‘3’'.jpg and keep it as close to 8’ with the round nose. I’m really want a board that glides well but can turn well etc. I do know i don’t want a board that pivots around the tail however.

Shape wise i am thinking of going for either a squashed mal or egg shape, 8’ x 19" X 22" x 17" x 2.75" ??. Rails wise and fin set-up i don’t know what would be fun but without making it a dog…

Rails maybe soft 50/50 through the nose, body and going really tucked under to hard through the last 18-20"?

Fins maybe a quad set-up with a flat through to double concave on the bottom ?

I’d love some input. Thanks for listening :slight_smile:


I’m currently riding a 7’10" board that I’m very happy with. I will bring that post back to the top with some comments…

I just made an EPS blank and will be shaping a board like you described some time in the next month. Check out this link. Shorter than what you are planning but answers some questions. http://www.swaylocks.com/resources/detail_page.cgi?ID=1049.

During the planning stages of a project I go to the Resources section and look at boards that other Swaylockers have built. The rolled bottom is my next training assignment…


Already done the scanning of the resource section…that place is a goldmine of ideas :slight_smile:

You know what though, i have no idea what a rolled bottom is…

Thanks for your input.


Hopefully someone can comment on the rolled bottom. It’s something I’m learning about. I think it’s also called Belly. Shipman often talked about rolled bottom with pinched rails. That’s how he described it. I saw his eggs with soft 50/50 rails. No concave but this rolled bottom thing. Hard for me to discribe but think oppisite of this whole concave to double concave stuff. And Vee out the back. I can see it in my mind but maybe I’m just making things more confusing…


Hopefully someone can comment on the rolled bottom. It’s something I’m learning about. I think it’s also called Belly.

Bill Thrailkill told me about what Belly is on a surfboard. The bottom is rounded off towards the nose of the board where the rocker turns upward. I looks kind of like a belly sticking out. This helps push the water aside while you are paddling. The board that he showed me had a pointed nose. I don’t know how it would work with a rounded nosed board. I would think that it wouldn’t be a good thing for a nose rider.

Rolled bottom = convex, like a boat hull, for displacement. Difficult shape to convince a blank to take imho…