
Swaylocks People (and lurkers),

The address on this post will take you to the WHSA LUAU SITE. The event will be Sept.10, at Windansea Beach. The shack will be ground zero. This years honoree is Pat Curren. The older fellows know his place in surfing history. The younger set may know him as Tom Currens father. Riding BIG Waimea, or making big wave Guns, Pat was simply the yardstick that all others were measured by. Please consider attending the event. Surfings history is passing before our eyes. Don’t let a chance to be part of it slip by.


Surfings history is passing before our eyes.

Thanks for the site.


the photo you posted of me with Woody Brown, and the Hot Curl statue, also contains Alan Nelson of La Jolla. Alan, in my opinion, is a true design genius both in Surfboards and Aircraft. Alan, along with Pat Curren, Del Cannon, and Mike Diffenderfer, (all Windansea surfers) were part of the crew of guys that FIRST surfed WAIMEA in the winter of 1957. Alan also designed an aircraft, the DRAGONFLY, which flew to Oshkosh on its maiden flight, and won “Best New Design 1980”. Alan and Pat are still close friends to this day. I expect that Alan will also be at the event this year. Again, I encourage you all to drop in on the event. Many of the people attending, are those who have helped shape the sport of Surfing. I hope to see many of you there. Perhaps we could set up a Swaylocks area.

Bill, I’ll be there…


Bring your appetite. LUAU, means FOOD !! I forgot to mention that there will be a raffle of many surf related items. Equipment, T-Shirts, original photos, and a Surfboard by George Lanning comemmorating the event. A collectable piece for sure. George has been making surfboards for more than 45 years. See you there.


I will be there, been going for years. Help Mike with set up for many yrs.


Ahhhh, the good ol’ days.      That period of time, the mid '50’s to the mid ‘70’s, were my good ol’ days.       What a time it was!