YA!,, and why do I get another web browser,,,,

When I click on a topic and open sways???

it happens on all my pc’s and laptops

   Howzit kensurf, I am a little confused as to exactly what your problem is, are you saying you get a diffefent browser when you click the topic button? What browser are you using, I know the one that came with my OS wouldn't let me post or do anything but read threads. I down loaded internet 8 and have no problems, some people are using the Mozilla but I didn't care for it so did the IE 8. Aloha,Kokua

hi Kokua

I guess  I was kind of vague

sways work fine , its just that when I click on a topic another web browser opens, sways is still there but another one opens at a different site, random, wierd I tell ya.

    Howzit kensurf,By any chance is your computer named Hal, Aloha,Kokua


I think their all named Hal

Ha ha  LOL