
I get to go to Hawaii! Our class voted to go to Maui for our senior trip, it’s going to be sweet. I don’t know which side we’ll be on, but our hotel is across the street from the beach, so I’ll hopefully get in some sweet rides. I was really glad we chose Maui, it was between Maui and Oahu, (Honolulu), a few of the girls wanted to go to Honolulu for the shopping etc, big city, while the rest of us wanted the beach. We got our way, Hurray!


Class trip to hawaii? You ARE lucky. We went to central park. And not the one in new york, but the one in the lovely post-industrial city I grew up in. And we had to walk to school in the snow. Uphill both ways. On our mitten free hands.


Hey now, I’m paying for it, not my parents. Our class is raising the money with fundraisers, selling candy etc. it’ll be awesome though.

wow thats worst than mine to D.C.

as I recall, our class trip involved a bus ride to the sugar cube factory. Or something like that.

class trip? We didn’t get no stinkin’ class trip! Wait, there was this sugar cube…

A lot of people in my class tripped on sugar cubes too…

ahhh, the things I’ll never tell my children…

The only class trips we had involved buses and museums. Well, the officially sanctioned trips that its.

When did they start this whole “class trip” thing anyway? Jr. High kids are having graduations…what’s it all coming to with all these indulgences?

We had to build our own classrooms each year, out of mud, in the snow, with no boots or mittens, and the teacher caned us to keep us workin’. Dang kids are soft these days.

oahu has more choices

maui is just as crowded

time of year is important on how the ocean and weather will be.

we do have a rainy season and we do have flat spells according to seasons.

want to see a surfboard legend go visit Ole.


was dat?


only if UR rubaslipa wen brake

have fun

spend lots of money

don’t cause trouble

and don’t be a target

my favorite class trips were when we would walk to the cow palace

in sanfrancisco to see the livestock

cool for city kids

and then the boyscouts would take us for the rodeo

they called it the Grand National Rodeo

I never made the connection

till I was maybe fourty years old

cow palace


they held everything there car shows harlem globetrotters rock shows wow


now you guys goin to hawaii

someday you will realise

hawaii is more than you think it is now.

There is great depth

to these Islands

they go all the way to the bottom of the sea

and every cubic foot has a story…

listen and you may hear.


still listening