Yet another tutorial on how to post images

Seeing broken image links on Swaylock’s is breaking my heart.  Over the years people have used many different methods to display their images.  Some people just post text because the whole process of getting your images to diplay correctly is so complicated.  You can upload the images directly to Swaylock’s, but I have found this to be very frustrating.  It takes a long time to select all of the categories, and then you end up with little thumbnails until you figure out the exact settings to select.  I swore-off uploading my images sometime arount 2006 when the site had a big redesign that resulted in the loss of everyones uploaded images.  I had several project build threads that became text-only summaries overnight.  

A lot of people seem to be using image sharing sites that have low limits on file space, and their older pictures are rolling out of visibility.  I think this is what is causing all of the broken links.

I have been using Flickr since 2006.  Flickr used to have a 200 images limit on their free accounts, but that was recently lifted to 1 Terabyte.  They also updated their instructions regarding deep linking.  Thankfully, they didn’t break all of the existing deep links.  Now, the policy states that when you share an image from Flickr you have to make sure that it is linked back to the source image on Flickr.  This seems fair to me, and they have made the process of sharing an image easier in my opinion.

Here is how you can use Flickr to display an image in your post.

  1. Set up a Flickr account

  2. Upload your image(s) to Flickr, and make sure that they are viewable by the general public.

  3. Go to and navigate to your photostream (mine is at

  4. Choose and image, and then click on the share icon on the bottom toolbar.

  1. Choose an image size and then copy the BBCode text.

  2. Paste the BBCode directly into the compose window on Swaylock’s as you are writing your post.  Note that you don’t have to click on the “insert or update and embeded image” icon in the toolbar.  Just paste the code into your compose window.

  1. Click the Preview button to make sure that your images are showing up in the correct locations, and then click Submit.



does the ‘flickr’ of which you speak , work using the 'simple editor ’ mode here , please , Swied ? … I ask , because THAT ‘mode’ now seems to be the ONLY way that I can post here AT ALL nowadays , for some reason ?? And , without being able to post photos , at all ??? […yawwwwnnnn…]

I’m still using photobucket.  I found that sometimes I have to try several times to get the pic imbedded.  frustrating, but that is where all my pics are.  and eventually it works.

simple editor click choose file find the image then select it, then click attach. followed by post. For some reson if I attach more than one they won’t show so I have to go to edit and tick the boxes next to the pictures.

Does this not work for you Ben?


What is this simple editor of which you speak?  I am sure it will work, since all you need to do is paste a line of text.  You don’t need to click on any toolbar buttons.  

Here is an image of how my screen looks when I am composing a message with an embedded image.



The line of text starting with “[url=http…” is the BBCode that I copied when I clicked the share image link on the Flickr website.  I think BBCode is short for Bulletin Board Code.

Note that you can put many images into the same post.  You can also specify how big you want the pictures to be.  The images below all point to the same picture.  I just shared it at different sizes.

At the bottom where it says input format. And under that its file attachments. I’m usually posting from a phone cut and paste is a pita.

For images that don’t need to be saved for a long time, I have always used Not necessary to create an account, just free image hosting with a few clicks. A while back, they implemented using captcha to foil spambots. After you upload a pic, you just copy the url on tinypic, paste into your post,  and add the [IMG] tags before and after the url.

I’m often befuddled by the number of people who have difficulty posting images here. It’s one of the few things that are reliable within the sometimes glitchy format of this forum.

without a photo editing programme on a computer , it is still possible to load photos.


how ?


well,   most digital cameras nowadays will have a ‘trimming’ or a ‘resizing’ facility , in their menu’’ settings", after you have taken the photo go to the menu setting. .


 for example ,


  with my point and shoot canon ixus , after taking the photo , going to 'menu’setting on the camera …


  I can hit  the ‘resize’ setting , and scale down the shot to ,  say ,  1600 x 1200


 so I can  ‘upload’ it to ‘photobucket’ , as a smallish file .


Then , as I mentioned on another thread ,


  just click on the image , to enlarge it.


  then right click on the image


  select the

[copy] option.


  go to this box here on swaylocks , right click again , to get the


[paste]  option


[if it asks you to  ‘allow access’ ? … yep ! do that …]


 and …  voila !


  here it appears… just  like developing a photo in a tray  darkroom  magic !   :slight_smile:


photo progessive-surfing2_1024x1024_zps09b79fb5.jpg

The most frustration I have ever endured…navigating Swaylocks .After 10 years not much has changed. Could have gotten investors to make this site like Facebook,but noooooo we are still stuck with a site from the late 90’s.With all of the traffic and great articles one would think the owner would step it up.Could be making a lot of money by updating this site bringing it in to the 21st century .

I’m pissed when a third party site like Photobucket suddenly decides to start charging and those of us who linked through them either pay up or find images no longer accessible. This site and others are now loaded with dead links… as if the Swaylocks format change wasn’t bad enough with total loss of private messages, posted images, etc.

John, it’s because you sill have the same haircut from the 80’s

How have you been? I knew you way back then.

Well, if the most frustration you have ever endured is navigating Swaylocks, count your blessings my friend! Plenty of people, myself included, post pictures regularly, send private messages, and navigate our way around the site pretty well.

However, I have to agree there is a lot of room for improvement. PIctures, if posted from files in the MB size, often appear distorted or upside down. PIctures from other sites can be posted using html, but it should be simplified to a menu requiring only the url. The search function is sketchy, and I often am unable to access past postings that I KNOW exist. I’m sure we can add to this list, maybe we should start a thread in the hopes the site owner will see it?

You mean the moderators don’t have Palar’s phone number?

well, I don’t

It’s very easy to resize an image in windows or on a mac. You don’t need extra software, both platforms have a simple image editing program. Google resizing images and there’s a lot of easy instructions.
Just make a duplicate image then resize the longer side to 600 pixels. Once you do that you can add them to any post. That way the will never disappear and you don’t worry about third party storage issues.

This is a nice plus aboutApple/IPhone. If I have the pic in my Photo Album; I can post it. I’ve never tried to post a pic from another site, so I’m unsure about that. Generally I post pics I have taken myself or that have been forwarded to me and saved. My whole IPad and IPhone thing is all screwed now because I don’t have a Cloud Account. Which means I have no pics on this IPad and have to go to one of my two IPhones to post with a pic. Don’t ask me why I have two IPhones and two iPads and shit cell service. Long damn story. Lowel

Sharkcountry, I’m a serial offender. How do you resize a duplicate image to 600 px?
all the best

I use a Mac. I open the image in the preview program then use the resize image command under tools and type in 600 either in width for wide images or height for tall images. Preview will also let you crop and do simple color adjustments.
In windows, I used to use photoshop, but there’s a couple of free programs that are a part of Windows. My PCs are running windows XP, so they are old. My photoshop is old too. I used Windows Paint before to do things.

I’m not familiar with windows vista or windows 10. This is right off of google.

Select the photos you want to resize, and then on the Edit tab, in the Properties group, click Resize.
Click the Select a size list, and then select a size for your photos. For a custom size, in the Maximum dimensions box, enter the maximum width you want your photos to be.
Click Resize and save.

Check here too.