My quiver at the moment is a 7’10’’ nugget/minimal, and a 6’2’’ twin keel. Both 22 wide, both 3’’ thick.
My 6’2’’ paddles a little better than the 7’10’’ which is no slouch either. Weird huh??>
So, show me yours.
My quiver at the moment is a 7’10’’ nugget/minimal, and a 6’2’’ twin keel. Both 22 wide, both 3’’ thick.
My 6’2’’ paddles a little better than the 7’10’’ which is no slouch either. Weird huh??>
So, show me yours.
6’ x 20 3/4" x 2 5/8" Dennis Ryder Stubbie Quad. I’m a bit of a lightweight. Amazing board.
An oversiezed twin keel retro fish… 6’4x23x3. Paddled like a longboard, and caught absolutely anything, but you wouldn’t turn the thing unless your foot was right on the rail.
The other day I took out a mini-mal shape in chest high surf. I felt like I was having a really hard time paddling. I was tired within about an hour. So I went in and grabbed a shortboard bonzer shaped by Malcolm. I felt like Michael Phelps. I didn’t expect it, but the shortboard paddles easier for me. I’ve noticed this a few other times on my longboard. Feels like the stroke requires more power on a bigger board, which tires me out faster. Go figure.
Durbs, got any photos of that board? Sounds like something I am thinking about building, thanks!
My 11" x 23 x 3 7/8 Brewer
So it will out paddle you litle fishies.
Hey Mr. Head - I’ll grab my 12’ x 4 1/4" thick tandem board and race you to Pickleweed Point and back again. Loser (you) buys the beer.
My 6’4" Clyde Beatty Jr. twin keel paddles so easily, it’s just a freak of nature.
I just find it a bit strange, as my fish is not dead flat, it has around 5’’ in the nose, and 2 1/4+ in the tail. Just strange to me it would paddle so well. The even better thing is, because its so short, i can get away with swinging around and taking off late, something that does nott work well at all with the longer board!!
Here ya go
I hope Dennis sees this, cause I got my first barrel (ever) on this board last week at one of the local right handers. My surfing has improved a ton because of this board, cant measure how much fun i have on it.
[img_assist|nid=1041272|title=DR Stubbie Quad|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=413|height=547]
Amen to that, brother! Mine’s 6’0"… jealous that you’ve got the futures, mine’s got the triple fcs-plug keel thing going on. Easiest paddler ever, makes every other board I’ve paddled since getting it feel like a dog. …just noticed that yours is the CB Junior and mine’s the CB Senior. They look about the same though, and same style of tint exactly. …same board.? Close enough.
Your on!! You must have forgotten my ability to summons the demons from what lurks below. I am one with the ocean and i will use my SS&TA abilities. Thats right! SSTA…Seal Summoning & Towing Abilities.
I have learned to use them for my cause now! You are all doomed.
Mr. Head: I bet you forgot that my big board has MRST - mammal repulsing sonar transponders - and USTBBC - uber secret turbo boost bottom contours. Not to mention my CDFF - completely drag-free fin. Double or nothing?
That’s what MRST means??. I got that on my last board coz i thought it meant Mammary Revealing Sonar Transponders!!. D’oh
the AquaBat is the best paddler I have ATM, its 6’3 x 20 5/8 x 2 11/16, its the travelling MORE the merrier board, its a bat-tail quad, Fat-Bat and it paddles insane, so easy to get around, bit hard hopping back down to my usual shorty wich is 2 5/16" thick…
Bringin' this thread back up, just because!
My quiver at the moment is a 7'10'' nugget/minimal, and a 6'2'' twin keel. Both 22 wide, both 3'' thick.
My 6'2'' paddles a little better than the 7'10'' which is no slouch either. Weird huh??>
So, show me yours.
Just working off your dims and such, then what would you say is the difference that makes one board a better paddler ?
In your case with the 2 boards,
if theyre the same width
and same thickness,
and the 7'10" would have (maybe) more overall foam and thus bouyancy,
do you think its the elongated rocker on the 7'10" thats maybe slowing the board down as it moves forward during paddling ?
So if 2 boards were totally equal, a longer board would paddle slower just because it was longer because
1/. theres more length of nose rocker pushing water and
2/. theres more length of tail rocker pulling the tail down.
Unless it was a lot flatter.
Havent had that sweet twin keel blue for a while now. Stupidly tried to strip it down. F*cken miss it.
No idea, but it just seemed easier to paddle than the 7'10'', though like i said, it paddles great.
You had that striped board as your avatar for so long, every time I see a striped board I think...
I only tried paddling this one once on an unauthorized test run. I was making it for a friend and it wasn't quite finished.
11' X 27" X 5" - with a fairly flat rocker and single concave through the front 1/2 it paddled like a champ.
It's not a SUP but big enough to be used as one. Those deck patches were applied temporarily for the test run.