Hola from South of the equator. I have been spending winters in S.A . the last few years and every year I try to have projects to keep me busy. This year a “friend” who has a few of my boards and also visits the same area I stay at contacted me about building some Balsa boards. OK this years “projects” has been sewn up I will have plenty to dowhen the surf is flat. I made and sold to him at a good price a prototype board to be used as a “plug” for the balsa boards. I got him discounts for all the materials. I told him to contact me when he got here , we were going to arrive first, and I would let him know what we needed to do. Well he decided to go to one of the local board builders on his first day in the country and told them to copy my board and use the materials he optained thru me at a good discout. When he finally shows up at my place he tells me what he has done and I say that I am not too happy about this he says “your just grumpy get over it”. I said there is the road see ya bye. 4 boards would have keep me busy AND paid my expenses for at least a month. Fourtunatly I have other things to do, we’ve had lots of surf. and I do not need the money it is just the principle of the thing. Am I just grumpy? I have a feeling he is going to be making some of these boards to sell and maybe bring back to USA. He is not doing this for nothing. So, I have not authorized blessed or given my permission to copy and sell my boards to ANYONE. If someone comes peddling “copies” of ACE boards made out of balsa, they have different logos not mine, please note that this is what has happened. I thought I was retired from the “business” and done with this kind of BS, and I thought we were friends. Oh well not the frist time been been stabed in the back.
but hope your having some good times down there and the locals are improving
sorry about typos and bad spelling really bad internet down here i have to type really fast or i get kicked off
Doc, Sleepy or Dopey maybe, but definitely not Grumpy.
Clearly seems like a violation of a verbal agreement and a pretty lousy thing to do - much less to a friend.
Having gotten the prototype from you the and materials at a discount that you arranged, and then to go to someone else, man, that’s pretty rotten in my view.
That sucks.
Just be thankful he’s not Chinese.
He could have copied your stuff in waaaaaaaaay bigger numbers.
Just remember, good art is always immitated.
Rarely replicated.
Ace u got burned - yeah that would make me grumpy too!
But I love every board u post and want to copy every one lol - not for sale 'tho.
I would have responded thusly:
Friend: “You’re just grumpy”
Me: “And you’re an asshole”
Personally, I’d rather be thought of as grumpy than to be considered an asshole.
Your supposed friend is a real asshole.
Ace here isa game plan. Apologize for being so grumpy. Wait until the boards are complete. Ask in a very polite way that you want to see how they came out. Look The boards over carefully make nice comments on the quality work. Then take out an Axe after a few well placed chops. Let your friend know that it’sa shame they didn’t pass the Ace Axe test.
That’s B#llsh!t!
Send him a bill for the difference between the retail price of materials and the wholesale, “as if the materials were for you” price. Also send him a Licensing agreement for copying your “Prototype”
Simple breach of contract.
Don’t expect to get paid. Maybe he will learn from it. Doubtful, but the is always hope.
With friends like that who needs____________. Fill in the blank. What an asshole. Mike
Life’s too short, move on or you will just make yourself miserable.
Have a nice surf, and enjoy!
Revenge is a meal best served cold.
I like Artz’s idea.
Go get em’.
I like ARTS idea too. Could get him into trouble though. But it would be sweet justice. Just remember. It’s not revenge, it’s punishment. Be careful.
time for a down grade.
friend?perhaps now an aquaintence.
upon further review perhaps by the pope
excommunication… as ol’ phil seidler once put
so very well,turn his plate over,so when
he comes to the table to eat he will he is no longer
being served his favorite food.
oh yeah .take back his wave priority
when you are out.
Hey I am grumpy. Proud of it. Took me 65 years. My young friends call me a Grumpy old Geezer. I dig it. “they call me the Geeze” (sung to the famous JJ Cale tune “they call me the breeze”) RIP JJ
my co-workers call it my"Kill Bill Mode" or CE-No! vs CEO
its usually because of stupidity and selfishness that causes great harm and loss
and why is it that all the "legends"just end up chubbier with wild white hair and grumpy as sh*t for not being appreciated for their talent
Only BK, uncle George Downing, John Kelly and a handful of others still smile with each and every new customer and new shape
I had a “friend (?)” like that. He developed and published one of my professional designs that we had discussed and did not even have the decency to acknowledge me.
The karmic wheel turns. What goes around comes around.
And payback is a b!tch …
sue the bastard for every penny he’s got !..take his house , his car and all his assetts…humiliate him globally so that his reputation is in tatters , and he will never be able to get a job again , anywhere in the world !..then , after a few months , hire a bunch of thugs to drag him into a dark alley and give him a good flogging…he’ll get the message !
“Send Lawyers Guns and Money” Warrren Zevon