I’m looking for a longboard that’s traditional with a medium dose of moxie. Someone is pointing me in the direction of a 9’10 x 19.5 x 24 x 15.75 x 3 with 5" of nose rocker and 3.5" (+/- .25") of tail rocker. Theres a fair amount of roll forward of the fin. Nose is flat. Rails feel medium knifey - even all the way around - no hardness at the tail. It’s a rounded pin but so rounded its really a round tail. Weight is comfortably fiberglass, not too heavy, not too light. Taking it for a spin tomorrow. Anyone care to offer how they think the width and round tail will affect the ride in various sizes of waves up to head high? Thanks
Personally the only problem with the board with the info you provided is for a longboard there is to much rocker in the nose and the tail. This board will not nose ride well or catch waves to easily it will probably plow. Stay Soul, Rick http://www.ancientartsurfboards.com
I agree with Rick. You’ll just be pushing water with that much nose rocker. I don’t know your size & weight, but it seems a little wide also. I think you’ll find a narrower board a lot more responsive.
Sounds like your into the traditional measurements. Go to one of the shapers who specialise in these boards like Cooperfish, Takayama etc. You will get what you want. Stay away from nose rocker.
what they said
I’m going to have to take a slightly different position on this one. 5" of nose rocker may not be a problem for nose riding depending on how the rocker is put in. Overall, this is a big-ass board. That’s a lot of foam on the water. Consider installing a fog-horn and perhaps an anti-tank weapon on the nose. Check the classifieds for a used recliner to add to the mid-section. Long and short – it will do what any big board will do, catch lots of small waves when all the others boyz are on the beach.
I pretty much agree with everyone–sounds like an ok small wave, san-o type board. It also sounds like the width and ‘almost’ round tail will really hold you back when the waves have any push to them, making the board hard to control and turn quickly despite the roll above the fin. At this length, I would look for something a bit narrower, and a bit more pulled in at the tail–now that we’ve redesigned it, less nose and nose rocker would be good. Ghunt would probably suggest a glass on fin, Halcyon would foil it for you, and it’s always nice to see a deep, dark resin tint (blue? red?) to complement a good shape. How’d it ride? Jamie
Good to see your name drop in out of nowhere…!! How did that Walker blank turn out?
I respectfully declined it. Lifeless. Felt like it would be a marginal board in any kind of real swell. Was ready to paddle in after the second wave but stuck it out for about a dozen waves. Paddled with the nose always out of the water. But it was really great to be able to try it out. When I asked why the present owner was getting rid of it (always a yellow-flag when a board is being sold without even any back-foot pressure dents) the response was pretty much what I thought. Thanks everyone for your predictions.