
Can’t stand em, dudes! What do you all do to get around them? I give em dirty looks and steal their waves.

that will take you far.


Help me out! What on earth is a zonie?

80’s hollywood ridgemont high type speak, normally reserved for surfer mag ‘discussion forum’ teenage college types.

…words like ‘gnarly’, ‘dude’, ‘homies’, and other assorted gibberish abounds there, along with ‘lol’, ‘roflmao’ , and other completely irrelevant language to a genuine surfboard design site like swaylocks.

Best left ignored.


Thanks for sorting that one out!

Aplogies to all, teenage daughter hacked into my account. Time to change the password I guess. She’s on KP for a month!



80’s hollywood ridgemont high type speak, normally reserved for surfer mag ‘discussion forum’ teenage college types.

…words like ‘gnarly’, ‘dude’, ‘homies’, and other assorted gibberish abounds there, along with ‘lol’, ‘roflmao’ , and other completely irrelevant language to a genuine surfboard design site like swaylocks.

Best left ignored.

new glossary term?

Agent 86 Maxwell Smart:

I should have known, its the Old

‘Teenage Daughter who cant’ cook but can hack into Computers’

Trick. I’m not falling for that one again.

Agent 99: but Max he truly does have a daughter.

irrelevant- maybe. but jjp, thats one of the best fancy dress ideas i’ve ever seen!!