1971 Surfer Mag Discovery

The October 1971 issue of Surfer Magazine, has an entry on page 85, that I  did not know was there until five days ago.   If you can find it, scan it, and post it, people may find it an interesting bit of history.   Forty years ago this month!

Bill, tell us please, is it you at Sunset, please scan and post it if you have it, for my second shape I am thinking about attempting something similar to your 7’10" all arounder square tail…


Bill, tell us please, is it you at Sunset, please scan and post it ...



No, It's not me at Sunset.     Sadly, I'm not scan and post capable!  It's a photo of my removable Tri-Fin system, in the Oct. 1971 issue of Surfer, on page 85.    Puts to rest the question of who did what when.    My first tri-fin was done in 1964, in the popular   2 + 1 configuration.    I was hoping perhaps SammyA, with his extensive magazine collection, might post it up. 

Sorry, Bill…my collection is in storage while I’m in temporary housing. Remodeling my place, and had to empty it out.

YIKES !     I had such hope!!!

If I go by the storage unit and the box with my 70s mags is easy to find, I will try to dig it out for you.

Wait…just remembered my scanner is packed away, too. Using just the laptop while in transition. I guess I could do a good photo of the page if I manage to find it.

SammyA,  Kinkos/FedEx maybe has scanner use for pretty cheap, under a buck I bet.


I appreciate your willingness to help.     Hope your project goes smoothly, with no hiccups.       

Thank you for any help you can provide.


We don’t have those kinds of places around here.

You are blessed and I mean that sincerely!

We don’t have …strip malls, fast food joints, chain stores, Walmart, stop lights, crack houses, meth labs, violent crime…and lots of other stuff.

There are other things that we wish we had, but we make do without.

     Howzit Sammy, Sounds like Kauai 10-20 years ago,where are you located. Aloha,Kokua

[img_assist|nid=1061951|title=Bill T's Fins|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=214|height=232]










Thanks to Sluggah, a Swaylock’s lurker, for scanning this and sending over to me to post.

Nice catch.

I remember that ad. I was in Hawaii…looks like a Mini Thrimmons with Thrailster fin set up. My lawyer said he would help you get patents. He should be out of jail in a month or so. Got run over by an ambulance.


You've got to stop it!    I almost spewed my coffee all over the keyboard!!!    That was funny.   Who do you think I should sue first?


[img_assist|nid=1061951|title=Bill T's Fins|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0]











Balsa Bill,

Thank you for posting the above excerpt from the magazine.    Seeing it in print, in  a forty year old magazine, blew the mind of a few fellows.    One guy said, ''I didn't know how much I didn't know!''    The board in the photo is 7' 10'' x 21'', with 10.5'' point to point of the arc tail.  (aka, Broomtail)   That was my personal board, and my hands in the photo.    I just never knew, until recently, that it ever appeared in a magazine.

That’s one groovy sleeve Bill.

[quote="$1"] That's one groovy sleeve Bill. [/quote]

Living proof that it really is from 1971 ! ! !    Flower power was still alive and well.