4 Way Fin System - feedback???


Blakestah, i noted your comments about 1/16 toe on the probox system. Have you ever tried 4 way fin system www.4wfs.com ? not only do they have all the other adjustments, but toe-in & out, which is pretty useful to have…anyway, just thought i’d ask if u had ever used 4 ways and if not…why not, as it is the best adjustable fin system in the world, i’ve ever seen. surfrat

i’d suggest you click the link at the bottom of Blakestah’s posts

Soulstice, I followed Blakestah’s link, but that web-site doesn’t offer much detailed imagery about what the fin system actually does…sorry, maybe i am missing something, but from what i can see, can the fins still be moved forward and back? and can the splay be changed too? can’t see the advantage he is getting from that system compared to the 4 ways product, thanks, surfrat.

Soulstice, I followed Blakestah's link, but that web-site doesn't offer much detailed imagery about what the fin system actually does...sorry, maybe i am missing something, but from what i can see, can the fins still be moved forward and back? and can the splay be changed too? can't see the advantage he is getting from that system compared to the 4 ways product, thanks, surfrat.

The fins turn in toe-in WHILE you surf.

Not in between surf sessions…

You can therefore, on a short or longboard, adjust trim to adjust drag - lean forward to go faster on a 3 fin board, which has not been possible on boards started coming with rail fins. Works wonders on side-bites for longboards too…

Outside rail fins also fold out of the way to allow smaller radius, faster, more powerful turns.

I guess I need to fire my marketing people…


ok, thanx for the insight…surfrat


I ordered a few sets directly from South Africa and I’m very happy with both the system and the service I got. The system is easy to install and it is great to be able to adjust the toe-in angle, especially when I use the same board for both surfing and kitesurfing. I don’t think the small base is a problem as it seems to give enough hold even for kitesurfing.


Looking at the picture it seems like there would not be enough support for the fins and that the fins would not be deep enough in the box. This is just an observation and definitely in no way a cut on the system. It looks interesting. I can I see one of them up close?


I have 2 boards with them, one is a Gun from Deano, I was so impressed that I refitted an FCS to 4WFS.

Next board I will be shaping in September, maybe October - when winter sets in, and will be going for 4WFS side fins.

Contact dean direct in SA if the agent is giving you Gip

SimonJ, If you were impressed with changing your FCS fins to fit 4WFS, next time just use your FCS fins without changing them and put them in Probox and you will really be impressed.


Blakestah, i noted your comments about 1/16 toe on the probox system. Have you ever tried 4 way fin system www.4wfs.com ? not only do they have all the other adjustments, but toe-in & out, which is pretty useful to have…anyway, just thought i’d ask if u had ever used 4 ways and if not…why not, as it is the best adjustable fin system in the world, i’ve ever seen. surfrat

 surfrat, Blakestah is the master of toe-in and toe-out, have you ever tried Surf Trux just thought I'd ask.

nope, never seen surf trux system…


SimonJ, If you were impressed with changing your FCS fins to fit 4WFS, next time just use your FCS fins without changing them and put them in Probox and you will really be impressed.

I think I put that wrong. The board I got from Deano, it was already fitted with 4WFS.

That really opened my eyes to possibilities with tuning one board (and I’m not a great surfer)

After that I re-fitted a Bufo Boards Mal with a 4WFS kit.

Tok a quick look at Probox - good range of fins. If I have mates with the system will take a closer look - but I am fairly convinced that 4WFS with longetudinal, toe and splay adjustment - it works for me

Simon, i agree…all the options, all the possibilities using 4 way fin system, the other systems out there are incomplete, when it comes to being fully adjustable.

4 Ways still my first choice system, by far! surfrat

I have used both and I have to say I’m now committed to pro-box for the small number of boards I do.

burnsie, if u have used both, what do u find better in probox vs 4 way fin system?

besides being able to use an fcs fin, i can’t think of any advantage of using pro-box over 4 ways?


The probox are the easiest install there is, hands down, 4wfs are fiddly. There is a huge range of innovative fins available for Probox, customer service is way more than you can expect and importantly the fin base can support anything from huge keels to superchargers. Also as a bonzer fan the ability to support 20 degrees of cant is hugely important.

IMHO Probox has a slight advantage over futures, lokbox, 4wfs, redex, etc. since it only requires a single depth routing and a single router jig that doubles as a resin dam, which is a plus. The jigs are inexpensive too (comparing to other systems), and Larry is a super nice guy. I still think FCS is easier and cheaper as it does not require a router. That said, there is more than enough information on swaylocks to install all the other systems with or without the (pro or homemade) jigs and you don’t need to be a genius to do it either.

For me who is a small time hobby builder who do not know the first thing about where to place the fins in the first place, nor the splay or toe in and is likely to screw it all up in the process, the advantages of the 4wfs are obvious.

FYI… the tab is 12mm or 1/2" deep (same as FCS) and width 33mm or 1 5/16" .

The base has enough stability for your average thruster fin template.

On our extended base foils such as the SK(semi-keel) we have moved the tab further forward, all of which is explained on our web-site www.4wfs.com

i have posted a 4A-3 glass fin template so you can see the tab detail.

Feel free to ask, if you have any other questions


The fin tab is certainly stable enough, as proven over the last 5 years both in the surfing and Kite-surfing market.

for our semi-keel fins we have moved the tab forward, as can be seen on our web-page www.4wfs.com

Please note our fins are designed to snap at the base on side impact whilst the fibreglass fins won’t snap, our inter-disc is designed to break under impact as well. Reducing damage to the board…

all that’s needed is a spare disc and fin and you are back in the water.

i have included a close-up picture of our tab, which is 1 5/16" wide and 1/2" deep.

look forward to your thoughts & comments.



ps: feel free to email me directly at deang@4wfs.com if u like.

Hey 4wfs,

Will online ordering be available on www.4wfs.com in the near future?



IMHO Probox has a slight advantage over futures, lokbox, 4wfs, redex, etc. since it only requires a single depth routing and a single router jig that doubles as a resin dam, which is a plus. The jigs are inexpensive too (comparing to other systems), and Larry is a super nice guy. I still think FCS is easier and cheaper as it does not require a router. That said, there is more than enough information on swaylocks to install all the other systems with or without the (pro or homemade) jigs and you don’t need to be a genius to do it either.

For me who is a small time hobby builder who do not know the first thing about where to place the fins in the first place, nor the splay or toe in and is likely to screw it all up in the process, the advantages of the 4wfs are obvious.

This post is very confusing. In the first paragraph you mention the wealth of info available on this site, and that you don’t have to be a genius. In the next paragraph you state that you know absolutley nothing about any of these settings, and will most likely screw boards up.


IMHO Probox has a slight advantage over futures, lokbox, 4wfs, redex, etc. since it only requires a single depth routing and a single router jig that doubles as a resin dam, which is a plus. The jigs are inexpensive too (comparing to other systems), and Larry is a super nice guy. I still think FCS is easier and cheaper as it does not require a router. That said, there is more than enough information on swaylocks to install all the other systems with or without the (pro or homemade) jigs and you don’t need to be a genius to do it either.

For me who is a small time hobby builder who do not know the first thing about where to place the fins in the first place, nor the splay or toe in and is likely to screw it all up in the process, the advantages of the 4wfs are obvious.

This post is very confusing. In the first paragraph you mention the wealth of info available on this site, and that you don’t have to be a genius. In the next paragraph you state that you know absolutley nothing about any of these settings, and will most likely screw boards up.

        Hi Jim, I think you mis-understood Haavard in the first paragraph, He's making a comparison between the systems mentioned on this site(Thread), not the wealth. And that Swayslock's Arc. has all the information needed to help you install any system, which you don't have to be a Genius to figure it out. 

        The second paragraph I believe Haavard is stating, he is a Hobbiest and all the varibles of 4wfs is more than he requires. Sorry for interrupting. :-)
