5-10 Bolt Action build ride report update

Here’s one of the newest…

Started with a US Blanks 6-8A (had it)

Cut it up and did my second glue line job, used yellow this time and much better results thanks to a little experience.

What started this build was basically three things, rocker, outline and bottom contours.

Having success with longer boards with low nose rocker, hell why not?

Ah, the template, grabbed an early “flyer” (one of AM’s best ever) as base on this build.

Tweaked and fiddled around till I was happy enough, cut it out and stand it up and Whoa!

The thing looks a lot like the Hansen/Lopez boards (fin drift special) from 69!

Kind of cool and I went with it, after all the idea was to get straighter lines at the tail outline and if I stumble into something that was done before (the story of my life, yeah Velzy’s bump) I’ll try to update it.

So now I’m stuck, too interesting to just sell so again why not?

The bottom was in flux I am tried for what is the norm single to double and so forth.

Prior “tries” were two full single concaves via “Tales from the Crook Shed” AKA M. Cole and tests prove (to me) you need a lot of “juice” and being this is Cali not a wise choice for the normal surf, well except for “blue moon days” of head high low tide Rincon!

Being located close to big name shaper and learned a few years ago, the man is on my wavelength (or vice versa). And he is going with a single concave under the fins, so monkey see monkey do!

The dimensions are 5’-10” x 21 ½” x 2 ½

Flat deck with volume thru out, tucked edge from nose to fins hard edge from fins to tail. The bottom, nose a very slight “belly” goes flat and single concave begins about a foot ahead of the fin cluster going deepest under “da feet” or at the fins and exiting flat with a tail roll for those revert landings, “Boy” not me, Ha!

Build was not without a few little crappy trouble (like puttin the stomp pads too far up, ops ha) that won’t happen again.

Set it up fin boxes as a “thang” and I know I’ll war with “Boy” over fin set ups, I pulling for the quad!

Wet test soon waves coming Thursday HA! Really Noon to 3PM extremely short period swell!

Hope you guys find this somewhat interesting.

Nice!  Beautiful planshape, so clean and classic looking.  Nice so. cal. relaxed rocker, I like everything about it.  I can’t ride boards this small anymore, but this looks like a board I would have had a blast on, back in the day.  

The single concave seems to get used on smaller boards, maybe the lift is more of an advantage on smaller shapes with less volume than the bigger boards I ride, which seem to utilize the double concave - V more.  Yeah, I did see the Maurice Cole video, it was excellent.  Nothing I enjoy more than hearing a shaper talk about design.  He seemed to focus more on the straight line the water follows on a banked turn more than the lift of the concave, IIRC, but l would think lift is a definite factor also.  So are you saying you built a couple of these with a big lengthwise concave and weren’t happy with the result, but decided to try the smaller single concave just in the fin area?  Sorry I sometimes feel like I need a translator to explain what someone just said lol.

The blank glue-up turned out nice, yellow glue stringers.  Pinline a bit wider than usual, is there a story there?  You put a US Blanks lam on it!  Where did you get the lam, print it up on computer - worry about UV fading? or did you get an actual logo lam somewhere?

If you don’t mind sharing, how wide is the nose @ 12", the tail @ 12", and the tail itself?

Thanks for sharing this.

Very nice.

I’ve never seen glue lines that wide. What is the process/composition you used to get them that size?

Hey Huck,

Thanks for your interest!

No secrets glad to help as I’m a member of the deep underground movement  “let’s move ahead”, HA!

#1. Hey neither can I ride 'em. Like Tarzan sez Boy test pilot!

#2. Not saying M.C. stuff isn’t tuff just need a ton of amps, the tow board speed really caught my eye!

#3. surfteach is hep, I was on my soap box on the Double concave to vee out tail specifics tread, always loved John the Baptist! Anyway in that post I made reference a video i.e. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2YH_4WaAYI  tune in it will explain the “trottle”.

#4. Ha (the resin pin line) it was suppose to be a dbl blue line. Old eyes my friend catilized @ 78 degrees and it was really 73! Me pull tape and, ok black line to cover up mess hey my 2nd go and you started it really, HA!

#5. I print my logo’s here “inkjet” and a type of ricepaper EZ Foam sells. Really just trying to look more “pro”, me I could care less "hotcoat it knock the edges off and wax up!

Finally #6. “You ask many questions paleface.” The diam’s (da tail to nose) 14 3/4"x 20 1/2" x 15"


Thanks Sammy,

This the 2nd time with the glue up, posted a tread on the first go. I’m using Barry’s “secret sauce” or honey, I use pigment to color it .And the stuff is atomic even with great care in prep it will expand like a bitch hence the “bigger” glue lines.

The next go I’m going to go with lam PU resin “aged a while” it can’t be any worse to shape, I’ll have to see…

Thanks for your interest.

OK I didn’t see the black line, it seems it worked well, looks good, I just had a gut feeling there was some kinda story there lol.

Sorry, try not to ask too many questions, but every board / build thread opens lots of doors with lots of questions, so believe me when I say I only ask about one question for every ten in my mind.

I wouldn’t have pegged the nose at 15" wide, nice full curve 'tho makes sense now that I look at it.  I’m gonna guess the actual tail at about 8".  

I saw the link to the video before, but was away from my computer, and my i-phone is so crappy on videos, constantly freezes up, so I missed watching it until you reminded me.  Nice video.

The tucked edge front to back seems pretty popular right now, a good blend of the hard down and the old soft round, retain some of the roundness but with a release edge, usually about 1/2 to 3/4" in from the edge.  Robin Mair says on his website he’s doing the full length tuck on all his boards.  He has some good stuff about the channels he’s using on there too, worth a look if you’re interested.

Huck just funnin’ 

Ask as many questions as you think I maybe able to answer. 

Robin has it going on !!! 

Just nutz on the guns, looks to me like he has experiance and I was very impressed with the kneeboard stuff.

Gezz, just double checked his website and DOE… the “Probox” guy yeah? Honestly I was thinking Texas Gulf, LMAO!

My favorite island! Great stuff!!!


That would be a nice board to take back in The Wayback Machine to when I could ride a board that short. 

Boy got it wet and called in.

Paddles well “Popz I kinda hassled to long boarders”.

Takeoffs and get gone? Boy tries to fib, i can sense it and “no hurt my feelings now” O.K. just avevage. No shit! And In hindsight I know why.

The board a speed is responsive and builds speed on pumps. Rode as thruster with back foot close to back fin.

Also and important, no problems with the low rocker. 

Allready got the next one rolling around in my head.

Just the 1st surf and maybe I will give more on this if anyone is interested.

 I didnt really understand about the longboarders, but u think he’s not stoked on it? Probably just needs a bit of juice, some decent swell with a bit of punch.  Hope he gives the quad setup a go, too, curious to hear the difference.

How much rocker does it have?

Huck I cut down a US Blanks 6’-8" A (good old Wade) to make a 5’-10"! 

Bad news, i never wrote down the rocker in fact it clean slipped my mind.

I’ve shaped a couple of “Flyer” knock offs and based the Bolt action on a lot of the board and my success with the HPLB.

I mean low nose and entry rocker and the “pig fish” really started it. 

Now I’m really thinking! a slight bog on take off, humm!

Stayed up late last night fondeling a surftec CI Flyer. Put a rocker stick on it and went thru the blank catalogs.

This isn’t gonna be EZ called Steve @ FGH and got some help but I think I’ll fax him the spec’s as I am totally lost. I’m thinkin’ a 7’0" A with the 7’-1 EA “deck centered” rocker and just waste it to get my rocker and template. 

Ya know what I really think? Surfing is good for the body and soul and making boards is great for VERY old minds and I love it all!

Aloha Nui!

I think what you ended up in terms of width, wide point and rocker shares a lot of similarities with a fish.  I think those types of boards always require an extra stroke to get in and require a little more timing to offset the quicker transition that ensues when the conditions are weak/dumpy.  For his height and build that board might actually be more length and foam than he needs for those conditions.  I think that with shortboards in small and weak conditions it’s is usually more about timing and positioning than about paddling as such.  

Test pilot “Boy” called in late after long surf at Cou*%y*Lin#.

Good size, figured he would surf the new trill (the Griffin inspired) “Fang”.

NOPE… “Bolt action” Geez been a long time for that board to come out of the quiver!

Ride report 1st crazy fast (ah "faster than the “Fang”) made insane sections.

Before I could ask about the rocker, Dustin said no rail hang or reentry woes!

Rode as quad.


This is cool.  It shows that your first impression is just not enough water time to really say.  Gotta take a board out in a variety of conditions.  So many times I took a board out because my board of choice was unavailable - and ended up being more stoked on the default board than the board I would have chosen.

Boy has surfed the heck outta her now.

1st repair heel thru deck, air drop landing and the board really should have snapped, maybe the gluelines?

Oh some photo’s credit as follows

#1 Massey

#2 shayladawn

#3 Massey

#4 Massey

Enjoy and yeah I have a  smile on, stoke comes in many ways.



Xlnt photos!

Just kickin’ this up one more time.

What happened to the photo’s?

WTF? once more. check picx…

Had a bitchen day with “Boy” and rider x  today reef and point surf, ah in my chair sipping on my beverage, ah the life Observing from the shade watching not only my boards but really observing and  this board came back to me.

Funny sometimes you stubble into something worth another look.

Nice board and shots MattWho?

BTW, where are you located?

Ventura and that is “Boy”
