Simple fact in the last 100 years governments around the world have murdered 100’s of millions of people.

Go to far left or right you get tyranny.

That tyranny is always brought on with the excuse of protecting the people the fatherland or the children it happened to Germany and it can happen here.

It is happening here NDAA SOPA PIPA PATRIOT ACT I II AND NOW III hell they are now making it illegal to collect rain water drink raw milk or take over the counter supplements.

Folks it don’t matter which side of the political spectrum faux false right left paradigm you claim to be they both are slowly turning our country into a police state.

Groping granny and radiating people out of fear of the Islamic boogieman and using terms like lone wolf.

I discovered a very deep dislike and distrust for Obama when I watched him flip off Hillary and then McCain when he did his acceptance speech.

He starts with a sorta of scratching motion and moves to a full blown middle finger he is petty vain and very arrogant and for the life of me I don’t see how anyone can still believe anything coming from his mouth.

Politicians are all liars, crooks and everyone of them is in someones pocket.

This one won a Nobel prize for nothing and has yet to earn the right to have it now he says if Congress won’t do what he wants he will write an Executive order and do it anyway?

Bush talked about how much easier it would be to run this country if it was a dictatorship and this one all but claims to be one.

If you want a real eye opener read the book “behind the green mask UN agenda 21”

I don’t trust Mitt, Santorium, or gingrich and Ron Paul won’t ever get the nomination because he has the bad habit of pointing out the simple truth big government has always been the enemy of a free people.

Wake up Obama stinks Bush stunk clinton stunk poppa bush stunk when will we demand better?


Regarding gasoline:

A.   If there really were a better alternative someone would have created it and made billions off of it by now.  Money talks.

B.  A huuuge part of the reason our economy has been in the dumps the past few years is because of high fuel prices.  $8-$10 per gallon gasoline???  Yea right, that’s really gonna help things as we all go back to living like its the stone ages again during the depression that that causes.

C.  Petroleum is not just the gasoline in our cars.  It fuels the airplanes we fly in, the trains, ships and tractor trailers that bring goods to market at a fair and reasonable price.  

D.  The vast majority of the products that make our lives on this planet great do not exist without petroleum.  Cars, surfboards, wetsuits, computers, anything plastic and on and on.

So if you have an alternative for all of this best of luck to you as you become the greatest billionaire or trillionaire the earth has ever seen.



BIll there have been products that make better use of fuel and they have all been bought and taken off the market.

Henry Ford ran his cars off Hemp seed oil I se epeople runnign diesels on used cooking oil and if the pain gets great enough people will switch over which is exactly the point Steven Chu and Obama are making.


AS Obama has recently stated and is being made fun of there are algaes that can produce 60% of their mass in a useable oil  being grown in salt water vats fed sewage on an 8 day grow cycle somewhere in the Sonora desert.

I don’t like Obama but in this one area I fully support him.

I also support the use of certain plant oils in blowing blanks like soybean blanks.

Globalism the belief in a one world government.

Eugenics the belief there are to many people and something must be done to bring down the population by 4 billion or so people using various methods like toxic vaccines (tainted mercury or SV-40) floride in the water poison Monsanto GMO foods toxic artificial sweeteners. comma on me keyboard is busted.

Serfdom enslavement power over everyones lives with a nanny state based upon the two other points above.

Someone was talking about the handsigns  being thrown by politicians this information can be found on www.infowars.com

Alex Jones sounds like a complete nut but over the years I have seen what he talks about come true over and over.


HOly shit that was crazy I feel like I just got raped from reading this thread…

Ok, this may finally get this thread locked: you want cheaper gas, why not deal with Venezuela, after all, Chavez was willing to help the U.S when Katrina! Oh wait, there are better alternatives to petro (this one might get the men in black at my door but what the hell, this is a design forum isn’t it) anyone of y’all do it your self guys ever heard of perpetual movement energy? Yes, Tesla shit man, and I haven’t smoked any of my hydro today! Making electricity with MAGNETS!!! It’s all in the internet and has been done in places like Iceland and Sweeden for decades. My friend made a prototype with an old computer CD wheel and some small magnets, it takes in energy from a 110 outlet to get it started and produces an excess of 1 to 2 watts! Imagine that with a turbine rigged with 100 lbs magnets! Magnetic power mothafuckers!!! Yes, and if it takes a threat or an insult to lock up a thread, I am going to call my fellow puerto rican atheist gang members again to go beat the shit out of y’all lefties and righties!!! NOW, can we PLEASE go back to surfboard design. Maybe Resinhead can apply one of those perpetual movement outboards to his fishing SUP, BTW, I love that board Resinhead!


[quote="$1"] Gee Bill are you happy now?  [/quote]

No.   What has happened is like the card game of Hearts, when you ''smoke out the queen.''     The spleen venting displayed here by the haters, yes, HATERS, going ''off topic'' attacking past office holders, and deceased presidents, was a revealing display.   Read the original post, it is humor founded in truth, about the current and disastrous office holder.    I, like you, have experience a severe disappointment with a number of the hateful, vicious posters in this thread.    You among them.     You know who I am, I'm easy to find, I don't hide behind a phony internet name.    If you want to get in my face, do it like a man.     Up close and personal.   I'll be civil.  Can you?   Just FYI, your  Founding Fathers comment has real meaning to me.   I'm a direct descendant of the Pinckneys of South Carolina, two of whom are signers of the U S Constitution.    Look it up.  Read a little history, you'll get an insight as to why this topic is meaningful to me.   The freedom you enjoy, is because those ''rich men'' of that day, put it all on the line to create this country.


Bill, The post had no place here intended as humor or not. 

 Like you I can  can trace my family back per Revolution my mothers side of the family were Quakers came to this country with William Pen.  One of my forefathers helped finance The Revolution.   I'm a member of The Sons of the American Revolution on both sides of my Family I also served my country in a time when being in the Army wasn't all that popular. So what! I love my country and Served my country in a time when Serving was not popular. I'm a Liberal. I'm a F-ing gun toting liberal. it took many years for Conservative to Fork up this country. My President and your President has had just over 3 Years to at least stabilize the economy.  Doing it while Cantor and his gang of do nothing have actively worked to keep the country in ruins. Yes they would rather that you me and every working American suffer so they can Blame their failure on President Obama. Cantor even said he would do just that.

I don't think any person who is being honest with themselves can say that Obama has done a good job and that they want 4 more years of the crap he's been shoveling down our throats.  The fact is that he has taken over a challenging economic situation and made it far worse than it ever would have been by putting his leftist agenda ahead of the best interests of the american people.


stylish, holding a nice line…gets my vote!

Unclegrumpy nailed it. If I had to pick one of these politicians I think I would quit trying and blame it on the guy who is the only one who spreads Aloha. When will we all come together and work at making things better and not trying to shut down the government for political agendas? We have all these people saying Obama is the worst president ever? No facts just rhetoric with nothing to back it up. The economy had been shut down for whatever reason and there is a lot of finger pointing going on. I just think some people are pointing it at the wrong people. 

If I had to pick a new leader for a free world it sure wouldn’t be any of the one on stage these days. I have a lot of conservative friends and they agree. 

Swaylock is not a political platform or is it? 

justa bunch of criminals to me.


Herb nailed it better.     Grumpy failed.

Your above cartoon post is a great example of the hate that spews from the left.     So typical when the intellectual ground is lost.    While I MAY like tea, it's clear that you like Kool-Aid.     Stay on topic, the left turning POS.      Not Bush, not Nixon, not Reagan, and not the Tea Party.    Please offer rational support of his merit in office.  If any. I think he is the George Wallace of the left.   (a fellow democrat)    Equally divisive, and equally hateful.     Not the unifier the press sold you.

I thought this current model the “POS” was being judged on it’s performance in this thread. Wait if only Bush was better, no Clinton, no maybe the other Bush, no Reagan, no Carter, no Ford, no Nixon. Well that about spans my lifetime. This current model doesn’t work for me so I choose to rack it and try something else. Anything else.

I guess Swaylocks Super Pac is next. This site is no longer a design forum it has moved in a political agenda. So much for sharing the stoke. Even Kooks take personal responsibility then again some don’t.