a new tails of beginnings>>>>>>>spitzer boattail bullet<<<<<<<<thrailtail twin vector<<<

well,it in the works and should be done by this weekend.

a competely new tail design and fin set-up.

that tail design is actually the boattail,and the fin set-up is called a thrailtail twin vector.

it should prove to be one of the next big things in surfcraft.

it’s as easy to shape as a conventional type tail,and all parts used in the fin system already exsist(for me this time  = red-x).many fin systems can be used.

it won’t take anymore time to build than a thruster or quad does.

it’s mono tail design,like a squash tail,square or diamond etc.

the prototype is painted in, a “smoke and fire in the sky” camo,and i 'll probably add some glitter for the hollywood effect.

i’ll take some pics of it ,and i hope someone here will step-up and and post them for me,being that  my computer is “haunted” !..lol.

interested ?

it’s different and if it carries out the task of what i set out to build/ride,you to can build your own spitzer boattail bullet/thrailtail twin vector .

also the tail shape can be used with any finsystem as well as the finsystem will travel to other board shapes.

checkout my comments on it in the earlier thread on sidefin placement.


can you hear it.

something is happening !







Anxiously awaiting photos up North Herb

Hi Herb -

You can email pics to me and I'll see what I can do:

goomba271(at)charter(dot) net. 


i wanna see!


so what type of board is this for? big waves? small waves? long or short boards?


make the board turn better, go faster, or just levitate out of the water.

it should work in just about any condition/surf, with any size/type of board(s).

of course… it will levitate !




i might have to physically mail them to you.i believe i still have your address,unless it’s changed.




C'mon Herb, go figure out the pic thing...I DID and I'm upside down down here!!!





herb- try uploading the pictures to www.photobucket.com  (you might have to set up a account but its easy and free)

host the pictures there and select the < href > files to share, copy, paste them to this forum.

can help more if you need. 

I really want to see pics too now!

Try going to ‘File attachments’ under the comment box, then ‘choose file’ from your desktop or whatever and ‘Attach’, thats how I do it most of the time anyway, good luck!

It's called 'buiding suspense'.


Herb, are you sure you are not in marketing?

hey wildy,



i would have been good at it… eh ?

no,i’m not trying to be a suspense builder, but things are just the way it is.i’m relaying info. as soon as i can get it out.

i just finished the lam and hotcoats today …tomorrow i box and sand and it will be ready to photograph/ ride by friday.

the tail design is competely mine …as far as i know,and what i can’t figure out is how it got passed up all these years.it’s a basic geometric shape,and should have falling into place years before i was born.it’s should be as common as a round pin,diamond,square,etc…but it isn’t.not because it won’t work,but because the greater community of surfboard builders over looked a very simple shape/design.

whit,maybe i could use your help,but the big problem is… i can download  photos into a file,then try and transfer it to…whereever… and the dam computer says, that the file is either,not found or doesn’t exsist…while the whole time it’s in front of me with the file name…go figure ?

someone pm’ed me and said he could come up my way from irvine with a camera ,and assist me in my journey.

this is almost nuts …surreal…sh#t…did i die and didn’t know it yet?

one last note here…the boattail shape is used in firearms bullet technology…but it came from boats,hence the name boattail,now, it’s traveled all the way around back into a watercraft…completing a full circle…a revolution…really trippy…

welcome to the revolution!




btw…the shape is like… looking at the outline of the bottom half of a stop sign.like a diamondtail with the tip lopped off into a square.

i have also come to realize that you could add another set or two of corners and it wold even be trippy-er.

someone is watching over me…thankyou.


oh btw…soon,i’ll bet… you’ll see all kinds of people in the industry claiming this one…lol.


Hey Herb!

I did something similar with the first board I shaped.(I’m not “claiming” it though)

I just cut a little half inch triangle out of the middle(like your idea of adding more angles)

The outside corners on this one started about 2" back and I kicked up that last section a bit

I have another one sitting on the “to do” pile that I already cut the tail out on.

I’m sure it’s not the same as yours, I just thought the description of the tail was kinda similar.

What do you think it would be like to round off the corners? Like a diamond with the top rounded off.

Can’t wait to see the pics…that paint job sounds SIIIIIIIICK!

Let me know if you need help posting up the pics.

very simular todd,

but w/o the cut out.

i think we’ve(ed and i ) have been doing models for about 10 months now but the board i started sunday is the first full scale prototype.

i’ve seen others like yours …here…in the last few months that’s why ed and i have put the final figures in and popped out this new design.

it’s really never mine/yours to claim anyway,but i thought the industry needed a bit of shaking up.

wait until you see the fin set-up.


Herb -

Go ahead and mail it to me and I'll post.  Same address. 

Did someone else email the pics to you?  If so you might be getting that error code which can be beat by simply forwarding the same email to yourself.  I have no idea why that 'end around' works but I've been able to save and manage pics that were emailed to me by doing that.


Can’t wait to see it Herb

I had called mine a “Jet Tail” because I was inspired by a jet propulsion design when I first mapped it out a couple years ago.

I’m totally down for filing it under your boat tail category.

Leave it to Herb to instigate a shake up. LOL

Count me in!


Here you go: 



Nice talking w/ you, Herb.

More photos of Herb’s other boards:


Thanks for the SCs, too.


Thank you HERB!

Oh man! I’m inspired now!

I am TOTALLY going to get WAY more EXTREME!