a new tails of beginnings>>>>>>>spitzer boattail bullet<<<<<<<<thrailtail twin vector<<<

Freaky! Can't wait for the report - my prediction is that it'll be very loose, retain drive and take some getting used too!

oh i like the look of that.


ride report! please. i would think with the fins all under your foot it will be loose and really responsive.


looks like i will be making a new board now

Hey Herb -


After talking with Bill Thrailkill at Sacred Craft, I'm curious how you might like it with the center fins swapped so the foiled sides are towards the center.

From what Bill described (if I understood correctly) there may be something to having the foils facing each other.  At least I think he said that's how he tried his twin fin design... not sure how it would work as a quad setup such as yours.  Maybe try forward fins flat side center, rear fins foiled side center or vice versa or all 4 with foil sides center????

GET BUSY...  Curious minds want to know!


Flat side out, foiled side in, on the two center fins.


Ride report???

wow, now that is different! I’d really be interested in seeing pics/sequence/video of someone putting that through some turns



it works…i have to put more time in,but it goes faster than anything i have ever ridden.

at first…i had 5-3/8"t x 5-3/8"b centers,with 3-5/8"t x 3-1/2"b…way toomuch fin for me ,but the two waves caught with this set-up yielded me two cover-ups in waste high waves…that should have closed out on me.

i realized it was way to stiff…like a 13" fin feel. …so,

i down sized the centers to a 4-3/8h x 4"b custom reworked x-2 ,and a custom set of 2-3/4"h x 3-1/2"b fronts.

keep in mind that this is blackies on monday,knee to waist high with a occasional chest/should…nice and glassly…a bit crowded…and slow and lined up.

got a few floaters with one at the end of the day that would rival any floater for the conditions.

it’s very stable,positive…turns on a pin point…very fast down the line.

tomorrow ,i’ll give it another go…i believe this is the next step that i was looking for.

plus…the fin configuration is not finnished as bill t. said foils in flats out.

the fins i use thus far are just the reverse of that,and it works this good.

i am in the works in making a fin sheet for custom center fins.

…i was expecting the unexpectable…but it proved to be an easy rider…and ya…

i got the stoke !



thank you for taking the time …and coming out here .

ghostshaper, you’re the man!!!


it works 100% !!!


Cool herb!, nice when a project works out right.

got some meaty waves today…but really,really cold !

i still can’t believe how user friendly the design is.

it was also super crowded…i’ll try and get some waves to myself tomorrow.

so far…it smokes any design i have ridden to date…and not by alittle…by alot !


it works sooooooo killer !


you guys are missing out…lol.


next is a fish type w/a bullet tail and twin vector fin set-up…after that… a log.


i don’t think i’ll ever go back to any other fin set-up(maybe a single… to old man it… once and awhile).

it’s the future…now.


So Herb - We have heard about the Bill T. “twin” fin set up, but how did you go about laying out the “side” fins?  In realation to the “twins,” or?

I think it's good to see the fins getting back actually under foot, under the c.g. .....makes sense to me, frees the rail up too.

somewhere between a twinnzer/quad/bonzer/c-5/supercharger.

it drafts like a twinnzer and also works as a fin in relation to a quad.

the setting is closer to an old school bonzer…in a …tweeked way.

the center of the mass is a passhall…a venturi

the space btwn the fronts and centers are vectors(vacuum).

so you can bounce from side to side using the vectors like boosters.

also the center fins flex back and forth causing a self propelling mode,more so that any other flex fin, …feels much more positive.

the design thus far shows no negative aspects and has great future potentials,


,i  will further explore it qualities.



i prefer the flats on the inside on the center fins w/a 2 degree camber. the inner flat foils are backfoiled at the leading edge=10% on both leading and center fins.

i also prefer the quad set-up as stated vs. the upright twin inner foiled set-up w/ the flat sides out…at least in this particular board.

it rides like nothing else,very stable,very responsive,very fast !


Thats a real nice board Herb, quite a departure from whats out there at the moment. I think Rawson uses that twin centre fin set-up in some of his bonzers. It makes sense.


I was wondering how you guided the water into the fins. Is it a single concave all the way?

Does it need some Vee to compensate for the lack of rail fins?

Is the rail in the tail softer like a single fin so the fins can engage?

and finally… why didn’t you supercharge the lead fins?




yes burnsie a mild mono-concave to help the flow… but no vee… and the tail edges on this board are shape like a razor.

i’m sure this will not be the last of it’s kind…either from me or from someone else.

once it catch’s on…many,many more of them will be built.

in the future i will be exploring different avenues,rails,bottoms,foils,types of boards…and oh ya,superchargers,but for now,i’m just getting some basic info down before i move into a different arena.

i mean this particular design has really never been done before and/or challenged…so therefore i must explore it from the bottom…up.

thanks for the comments folks…and yes,it rides even better than it looks strange.



hello out there in cyberland !


if anyone would like to meet-up with me and try it out/watch/ take videos or just check it out in person.

let me know.
