a new tails of beginnings>>>>>>>spitzer boattail bullet<<<<<<<<thrailtail twin vector<<<

Think it will work on a longboard?

yup !

of course there are variables.



i opened the box,and here come the demons !

building a bullet twin vector quad for mark perry ,a gun,no less,(7-11) for hawaii/ranch/el cap.

and a longboard for a pro who wants to remain nameless ,at this point.

took the prototype over to basham’s and daum tooling yesterday and got some good reviews.

even if you don’t like it and/or think it doesn’t work…it still makes you look !


and ya,it works…boy…does it.


i think this thread should be re-named to: " what were once vices…are now habits"…lol.

Thanks for the reports Herb - Next step… Get some others on it, and get that video footage going!

taylor got some good waves on it yesterday + a nice air launch and land w/o any of the drawbacks that a standard thruster or quad gives.

need some vids ,yes!!!..someone in the industry will cap on it and claim it…i’m sure.


it’s a design that is definitely here to stay.



reversing fins for tommorow to see how it works with the larger fins forward.

man there are some great combs i can come up with this system.

maybe i should name it versi-tail.

i’m also going to build a simular board to this boattail-bullet, but  rail finned =  3/4/5(w/superchargers).


Right on Herb!!!   Viva la revolution!!!  And get some action shot… Ha!

Try to get some people to test it out for ride input comparison.

Herb, any new developments with the board? Different shape in the works, more feedback? It’s pretty interesting; I woudl definitely be stoked to see vid!


Rock on…

got 3 in the oven so to speak.

a fish type/longboard/ and a gun just about to be finished.

all with the 4q2 fin set-up.

the prototype is presently at daum tooling ,home of red-x and lok-box.

tom and others will give it a good going over.

tom’s always been honest with me ,and should give some great feedback on the design.

as far as video ???

no one’s going to do it for free…at least these days and i really don’t have the funds or patiences to deal with some uppity pro video dude,who wants 200+bucks an hour to film it/me.

i built the design out of love of the sport and craft,everything else is tied for last place.

if by some dumb chance i get some vid of it,i’ll let you and the world view it…for free.


Great to hear, I am super stoked to see further photos and hear the reviews of those other shapes too! Great to know how it goes in alternate shapes etc…

Good luck with the rest of the process!

OK…so I posted this as it was in the works on another thread…but I thought it came pretty close…so here goes

The “Cyborg Squid”…just a little more of my lunacy

Not as extreme as Herbs though.



i like it,in fact my next 4q2’s will have a extra set of outter boxes to run other/different fin patterns.


i guess that would be a 4q2+2.

nice board todd.




Just wondering if theres any updates on how this fin setup goes,

Todd have you surfed the board on the previous page and how did the fins feel, looks like a cool idea ,I wouldnt mind trying the setup on my next board so any info would be cool!

you should see the board now…


…i’ve just took surfing from piston prop driven age…


…to turbine jet propulsion era…


next generation ,“interceptor”…a 50/50 double ender / finless,that works in alot of respects… better than a finned board…and it eliminates the leash.


this is getting weird.



hey n.o.,

got a guy up north ,santa barbara way… that’s got a 7-11 gun version… like the original.

he’s been killing el capt. with it,when it’s on.


a longboard down south…with the 4q2 fin set-up as well…jury is still out on that one,but i’m sure it will ride great !
