All kneel and spray! Show us your knee boards!

Ha, nope UK born and bred! Just so happens that our kneelo history in the UK has oz roots and influence at its heart. I’ve also gone out of my way to get in touch with various key players to find out more and put together a series of magazines with a mate Duncan Jones so interviewed a few people including Dale Ponsford. Been a great journey so far and the kneelo community is still innovating heavily! The KSUSA site really has been an amazing coming together of kneeboard kind.

If interested the mag can be found here

Oh and the right is Polzeath, North Cornwall on a pleasant summer swell a few years back!

In the earlier days (I only go back to '71 or so), fins on kneeboards were far back, rather like standup boards. The fin setup allowed boards to hold in critical situations, but the boards bogged easily when wave power declined. Kneeboard fins in Australia started to move forward, finding that boards retained drive when side fins of multifin boards fins were 16-20" forward because the fins were so far apart on the wide tails (8-9" from the stringer). The board could be made longer so it had more carry, but it would still have drive and hold. Most importantly, the rider could now kneel in trim near the centre of the board, but have his ankles or shins over the turning axis of the fins. These changes allowed high performance even in mushy surf, but did not detract from function in good waves. The design led to the modern “head down, butt up” approach rather than the “sit on ankles” style of early days.

old school 5’8" Shaped by Spider Murphy of Safari Surfboards. My TOADS board from 1980 or so showing more rearward placement of fins.

South Africans lifted the design concept from the Australians at the first Kneeboard World Titles in Durban around '92, and the U.S. followed along some years later when the KSUSA started sending contestants to the world champs. I guess Europe adopted the concept about a similar time to the U.S. or maybe Bro Diplock brought the ideas over a bit earlier.

6'10" kneeboard gun On kneeboard guns you can take the side fins to 20" or more forward. When I have the guts and fitness, I give this one a run. Bloody massive for a kneeboard. Over 8’ waves only.

Some general numbers:

5’6" to 6’2" length; 4 1/2 - 5 1/2" nose rocker; 2- 2 3/4" tail rocker; 1-1/2" at 1’ back and 1’ forward; 22-24" wide; Nose 17-18"; Tail 17-19"; Thruster side fins 16-18" up; rear 7-10" up

Here’s my standard rounded pin design for 3’ to 8’ waves. Fins under centre of rear pads.

Rounded pin 6’ 2" ; 23 1/2" T flex construction from 2008 or so.


Hi Red, fantastic stuff as always! And apologies as well as I should have included you in my little listing of influence and people that have helped on the way.

Board looks sweet! Hope all is well.

To show some variation, I’ve been running my rocker much flatter. 4 3/4" in the nose, 1" at 1’. 1 1/4" in the tail. Thats on a 5’10 x 23 1/4" with about 17 1/2" tail. Front fins at 16.5" rear at 9". Rails are super thin through the back but quite thick through the middle (over 1.5" at 1" in). Board is super quick and turns without thinking. I stopped wearing flippers a few years back which I think has an effect on pressure through the tail. I don’t think I could ride it as comfortably with them on!

Hi Ben,

Here’s a snap of the fins I had made up from the original templates. 5.5" deep and 4.75" on the base. Currently in my Friar Tuck twinny and go really well!

Jus’ gotta say keithmelville that is absolutly the bitchest wooden Kneeboard OPS has ever seen.

nice !


  thanks bryn


  thanks , red boards , for the great info and photos


  bryn that right looks like a lovely mid north coast warm day :slight_smile:


keith , WOW !


  beautiful !


  what woods did you use …do I see paulownia and / or agave [?] amongst it ?


  cheers !


Made this one about two years ago now for a swiss/australian customer:


thanks Chipper (and Oldphart!).  Yes the board was made of agave, paulownia, redwood, and balsa wood.  Came out pretty good, I think! 

yeehaa Keith and Balsa !


  what were the dimensions of your boards , please ?


and , Keith …were they homemade paulownia [or balsa?] fins , too ??


was it a hollow wooden surfboard construction  or [ I’m guessing] …SOLID ?  What did it weigh ?





Nice shape! Noticed anomalies on the nose that appear to be lease plug and FCS single???

Oh love the knee dish but really unnecessary unless you do ride it upside down (LOL) thinks you could pull some nasty nose wheelie’s 360’s!

Some Knee “grooves” are custom, HA got this used and have continued to customize!

hiya  old fart !


  the nose plugs  on balsa’s kneelo would be for a go pro camera , I’m thinking . My mate Craig back  in Perth has the same setup , on his kneelos.

For in the tube point of view shots …yeehaaawww !!


  cheers !



Knee wells make my ligaments hurt just thinking about them! Tend to be put in by stand up shapers thinking they’re a good idea on kneeboards from experience. Beautifully done though!

One of Bud McCray’s beauties! Quad or tri?

The Blast on the other hand looks like a well worn barrel slipper ridden by a regular kneed rider ha. Check Casey out at for some sweet handmade to fit custom kneeboard deck pads! Saves decks and knees…


when OPS got it, tri fin modified after first session. see  post # 1…

Awhile back have moved to larger fins and dropped the “knubster”

Thanks for the link!

wifes knee board…chambered

From the 1970s , a Hardy kneelo [margaret river shaper]


After I had tried surfing it numerous times , it was then stripped and reshaped.  Into the ‘bushfire fish’ , posted earlier on this thread…


photo surfingpics11-09-04020_zps599a43d4.jpg

photo surfingpics11-09-04019_zps62980476.jpg

photo ben59_zps2bfdc0a8.jpg


And …this Michael Mackie twin keel fish ‘may’ have worked better for me , if I had tried kneeboarding it … ‘maybe’ ?! …

photo zkneelobfishmackies_zps94529e3b.jpg


Neighbour John [from my Scarborough W.A.  days] ,  had kept ‘most’ of his from the last few decades …

  here are 5 of them … [he made the purple pigment one , himself …]

photo zkneeboards-1_zpse15e26b8.jpg

  cheers !




Rad shit for the day!