All kneel and spray! Show us your knee boards!

As a beginner surfer who has only stood up once in his life and rode a wave for about 45 seconds. I find myself naturally going to my knees instead of poping up the “standard” way.  As a novice shaper, I am intrigued at the pictures and want to shape my own personal knee board.  

Anybody have any recomendations for dimentions for a board for me to shape, Im 33, 6’6’’ 250 and a beginner surfer and novice shaper.  Also wher can I find the knee board pads, that I see in some of the pics?  Would I still need to put a leash plug in or go leashless?

Would like to hear ideas! 

hi mate !


  google is your friend !

  and , if you know any kneeboarders , or surfshops that stock kneeboards , or kneeboard shapers [where are you?],


  ask questions , see if you can try out others boards .


  you are a big guy ,


  so paddling floatation will come in handy .


 [  flippers  will help , too , of course ! ]


  okay , I hope this helps ?


  cheers !



Here’s a fresh one.

6’ for a 6’6" guy.

And a couple shots of the board pictured above in action


Thanks Warthawg!

Yeah changed it up…

Great thread, love some of the boards. 



Made this for my kneelo buddy Chris.

He’s bought a couple from me now.

This one is 6’ x 23.75" x 2.75".

His “step-up”.

More rocker, a special bottom configuration I use on my widest models, Pulled the tail in a bit and gave him a rounded tail.

Put a couple semi-circular  knee patches to prevent deck damage.

Also put a 8.5" center box so he could try the 2+1 set-up.

great stuff bazza , keep it alive . Action photos , ALWAYS appreciated !

My new twinny! 5’8" x 23 1/4" x 2 5/8". Glassed on flexy twin fins, channel bottom, fluted top rail. Orange tint. Ridden once and went well, can’t wait for next session! Always nice going from thruster to tri and letting the board run.


Very nice.

Long live the twin

Saw this spoon in a surf shop at Noosa yesterday and had to take a pic.

Never seen a channel bottom spoon before.

Damn, pics don’t work.

… none of these are mine , I found them searching neal cameron …


  some interesting ones , nontheless  eh ?


there are plenty more , but these are only a handful …


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