An Open challenge to TomBloke

I/We will give one year to post a video of you going 30+ MPH.

Its time to put up or shut up.


…on a surfboard…

Angry Post! Angry Post!Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post!Angry Post!Angry Post!Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post!Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post! Angry Post!

I can write angry posts too!

LOL werepat . . . I was waiting for something funny to come up.

Tom will simply upload a video of him cruising out of the 1000’s in his library. This whole speed thing is funny like the Tom Curren vs Aaron Cormican from -Er mag forum.

  • trim

( bottom turn

~ pump

( cutback

8 round hose

^ air

0 360



OOO TUBE oo(exit)

Jeffreys bay in two years. A (~8~`` * (&(^~))*~8~OOOOOOOOooo~)~~~(^

*&(^()~~~``( \

\ kick out

  • hoot or whee or stoked yell

Oh wait was the arguement again?

Speed is old. Slow Surfing is now in. Slow Surfers the world over are enjoying the gratifying sensation tasting the juicy sweetness of the wave at a reasonbly slower speed. It’s about the process.

p.s. speed kills


Speed is old. Slow Surfing is now in. Slow Surfers the world over are enjoying the gratifying sensation tasting the juicy sweetness of the wave at a reasonbly slower speed. It’s about the process.

p.s. speed kills

Jesus, yer spending too much time at San O…


Slow Surfing is now in. Slow Surfers the world over are enjoying the gratifying sensation tasting the juicy sweetness of the wave at a reasonbly slower speed. It’s about the process.

Great news, I’m also excellent at surfing slowly while meditating on the view !



I/We will give one year to post a video of you going 30+ MPH.

Its time to put up or shut up.


I already have Craftee

But thanks for the invitation, I presume you are talking about a video and gps reading with an independent scrutineer present, presumably an American citizen with no beard or turban ?


Nope, just the video.

“30 something” is almost twice as fast as Curren’s Jbay video.

If you are indeed going almost twice as fast, it would be obvious from the video.

One year is a generous amount of time dont you think?

If youre suggesting that the video you have on your website is showing you going 30+, then like I said before, you have ZERO CREDIBILITY (but maybe lots of hits on your website - and thats what this is all really about isnt it?).

I’ll give you this though:

Of all the surfers on the planet riding long, heavy, wooded surfboards with tunnel fins, you are the fastest.

One year brother.

Tic Toc Tic Toc…

You say that 30 mph would be ‘obvious’ to you, but it’s right in front of your face already you just choose not to see it.

By the way I am not your brother, and you have zero credibility with me due your extremely stupid statements e.g.

  1. The fastest surfer is the one with the most talent ( Stupidity rating 10/10 )

  2. The fastest surfer is the one furthest back in the pocket ( Stupidity rating 10/10 )

  3. That at 30 mph a surfer must appear as a ‘blur’ on video (Stupidity rating 10/10 )

Anyone who can write that sort of nonsense is way below the line in understanding of basic logic, and that means you Mr Craftee.

As for hits on my site being the big motivation, if it was all about money I would be out there in the building industry or teaching for a job not surfing, I’m a qualified carpenter, and teacher. I’m doing surfing stuff primarily because I like it.

I realise that there is a cultural issue here: The Craftees of this world believe that speed is a style, that the earth is flat, that waves move surfboards by pushing them along, that light boards are faster (i.e more stylish) that ‘high performance modern shortboards’ are made by NASA, and landed on the moon, that the fuzzy wuzzies are terrists, that Craftees are some of the most amazing men in their country, that truth can be decided using a gruntmeter, and that Tom Curren had his sandals stolen by Shoulderhopper.

So let’s just say that relative to your world view, you are 100% correct, congratulations !




and you have zero credibility with me due your extremely stupid statements e.g.

  1. The fastest surfer is the one with the most talent ( Stupidity rating 10/10 )

  2. The fastest surfer is the one furthest back in the pocket ( Stupidity rating 10/10 )

  3. That at 30 mph a surfer must appear as a ‘blur’ on video (Stupidity rating 10/10 )

Those are called OPINIONS Bloke, not facts. The blur comment was meant as a joke. You understand humor dont you?

You OTOH, are making your speed claims as fact, using GPS data to “prove” your claim/fact.

And youre changing the subject again. Defending yourself by going on the offensive is a tired old political debate trick. Please.

Btw, I think your helmet is interfering with your GPS. Perhaps to, with some cross-interference from the stuff inside the helmet.

The video youve shown us so far DO NOT show you going 30+ MPH. Not even close. I know it and so does everyone else.

Put up or shut up.

Tic Toc…

I think that we should get ye two together (maybe at jbay), let craftee drop in on TomBloke and ye have a race down the line!

Winner takes all. Maybe then the bickering will stop!

Can of worms…


It was a simple request Outhouse. No bickering from my end. Pretty bold comment coming from a newbie.

Roy claims routine speeds of 30-35MPH.

He routinely records his surfing using video.

Mysteriously, there is no mixing of the two.

Sometimes, you gotta dig thru a can of worms to get to the facts.

Its been three long years of this relentless speed debate.

For the official record, I no longer claim Im faster then TB. I am slower. The only thing left to show is TB’s 30-35MPH in video. None of the current video’s he’s produced show those speeds. Not even close.

If TB were to simply state, “Im really fast”, “faster than most” it would be fine with me.

If he’s doing 30-35MPH in avg BBs, like he claims, he is undoubtedly the fastest surfer in the world.

THAT, is simply outrageous.

Tic Toc…

just seems like he’s winding you up. i don’t know if anyone is taking him seriously!

You know that instance, where you’re held back, body tight and mind see sawing between the decision to go for it or not. Its when you’re locked up and torn between two decisions, to go or not to go. The only cure for this malady is action, the only way to break the ice is to plow through it.

But you’re afraid of being a bull in a china shop, or that football linebacker that runs through the banner but hold back so the paper gently eases him backwards and does not tear . . . two extremes hot or cold, yet you do not go engines full on your icebreaker to break through the monotony.

Such that. Then finally everything slows down, you’re in the moment, you cast all care into the wind and step out into the void.

AND you smile,

You walk up to her (they can’t use 10 because she’s an 14 and most of its due to her vivacious personality and social dynamics; 4 Rachel it would be him, and he makes Pierce Brosnan look like Carrot Top)

Your mouth opens, and the words fall, dropping like a bumped loose jar of pills hitting the floor. “Ello, whats your name, I’m , howz it going?”

And she just gives you that “Anyways, I’m leaving look”. Not a single word, just a look. Not of disgust, but of inconvenience. An image of a minor disorder, like natural order displaced when a Coke can bobs past you in the line up.

What happens next is all up to you.

That same woman (or handsome hunk for Rachel) is giving all of us that look.

She neither hates us nor likes us. Neutral. Not a scientific observation neutral, but more deadlier form of neutral, a mind numb that stops you. Not long enough to kill you, but to slowly rot you by inaction.

We all know Roy can be argumentative. But he also embodies Miki Dora’s independence and free thinking. Roy does it his own way. Its surfing at its best. Like 10over’s sig says, get your blank, shape it the way you want and surf it the way you want (ok it may not be 100% that but its along those lines).

Z* says winners always find a way. And Roy has.

Craftee, you have posted lots of beautiful insights and excellent, well thought out posts. One of them was a while ago, the details are mixed up in time, but the feeling still hits me home. It was about design and the importance of feedback . . . Its good to have your opinion here.

That said you can take your bag of convention goodies and move along, your both holding up the VIP line . . . *when they open it, inside they find a viewfinder. It shows what they see. Pull the orange lever and it switches to a UV / Starlight optic / Infrared mode. Don’t pay attention to the colors. Wait wait!! There . . .

now whats your intent?

A random flying gear comes out of nowhere, hits the soap box racer Hiro is standing on and it falls over and he’s sprawling on the ground and gets up, “I ment to do that. Yeah. Dude I was just messing around.” brushes clothes off

that cg animated movie surfs up, it also gives a nod to shapers

Hey Kendall with all your industry contacts, any chance you could convince some company to come up with the cash to fly craftee and tom bloke to J-bay? I’m sure the video would sell in bucketloads. Or maybe TB Vs Tom Curren Vs Derek Hynde :slight_smile:

We’ve already tried that with a all expense paid trip to the North Shore. But if you take one bean, you got to bring the whole burrito. Bloke’s got a commune of some 50 wifes and off spring, so the logistics of just feeding them is nearly impossible, let alone the transportation costs. I mean we could come up with $1,500 - $2,500. But $200,000 is out of the question.

we tried passing the hat, and had quite a few Swaylocker that were willing to pay to see such a thing. I brought it up a few days ago, and got yelled at by the NZ crew, and they made fun of my penis.

Good luck on the J-Bay thing.

Hey if any body want to sponsor a crippled, old, blind, footless surfer, I’d be willing to go.

Just a thought.

Craftee, Tom:

I’m just a bystander here and have no interest in the outcome either way in your challenge. However, there is an easy way to figure out how fast Tom is cruising there in his video. Assuming that the video is not altered in any way (i.e. speeded up), I checked the time it took Tom to pass a fellow surfer in the water. Here are the assumptions:

  1. Tom’s Olo board is roughly 16 feet (Tom can concur)

  2. Tom passed the other surfer in approx. 0.5 seconds - those with stop watches can get better readings

  3. Tom’s speed is as follows: (16 feet/0.5 seconds) x (1 mile/5280 feet) x (3600 seconds/1 hour) = 22 MPH.

Conceivably, Tom could have reached 30 MPH if someone can get a more accurate reading on the time it took to pass the other surfer in the water. Hey, 22 MPH is still pretty fast.

This is just an engineer’s approach to the problem…