An Open challenge to TomBloke

Hey Kendall with all your industry contacts, any chance you could convince some company to come up with the cash to fly craftee and tom bloke to J-bay? I'm sure the video would sell in bucketloads. Or maybe TB Vs Tom Curren Vs Derek Hynde :)

If I could come up with the cash, I’d want to fly out myself. It seems Roy is fairly planted where he is. I think we should start planning a swaylocks BBQ in NZ, and all go. We can wave our large American penises around and smoke what ever Roy is smoking.

That’s some pretty rough figuring, and I’m pretty sure that’s not the 16 footer.

Also, to be accurate, it must be said (and has before–I missed it when I saw it the first time) that the (fairly a beginner, to appearances) longboarder looks to stall out over the shoulder.

It’s NOT a clean pass–

after his long, drawn-out sloppy whitewater “drop”,

Roy is carrying speed yes, from the whitewater shove,

but as he draws even, they look to be at the same speed

(according to Roy’s claims of section-beating speed at will, this should have been accomplished easily, and much more quickly, with the guy gaping at Roy’s back still riding on the wave–see Todd Proctor’s lil Rascal video at for examples)

and the beginner guy, in avoiding Roy, stalls out.

Accurate assessment, to others’ eyes?

i think you would find that most surfers wouldnt even get past the whitewater on that wave

most would sink

i know i would unless i was riding a longboard and even then it was pretty remarkable

thruster would sink

i agree with kendall you guy should all come for a barbecue

waves here are great and uncrowded


Hey Kendall with all your industry contacts, any chance you could convince some company to come up with the cash to fly craftee and tom bloke to J-bay? I’m sure the video would sell in bucketloads. Or maybe TB Vs Tom Curren Vs Derek Hynde :slight_smile:

We can wave our large American penises around and smoke what ever Roy is smoking.


I’ll need the hit before we do the waving though. Actually, I’m not big on smoking anything or waving my big American penis around to scare the small flightless birds of NZ! Plus isn’t that water pretty cold?

Can I just go surfing and have an Elephant by a fire instead?

Your turn, Paul!


how about we all just take a photo of our penises (video optional)

and post them here or youtube

and rate them out of ten :slight_smile:

So are we re-wording the challenge to Roy, then? I’m afraid.

Oh, but that’s right, his surfboards are huge…

and have tunnels


I’m game…let’s go the NZ and have a BBQ!

Can’t bring my penis though…wife keeps it in her purse so I can’t get into trouble. Maybe I can borrow one?


how about we all just take a photo of our penises (video optional)

and post them here or youtube

and rate them out of ten :slight_smile:

Ok, you first.

Lol there are more radical claims about Tom Bloke being made when he’s not around than he makes himself !

50 wives

50 mph

Fantastic !

Keep up the good work guys, you are creating a legend

ROFL some more


“if it was all about money I would be out there in the building industry or teaching for a job not surfing”

What the F??? As a high school teacher I am extremely excited to know that Tom Bloke can find a job where teaching pays well enough that the money is the primary motivation! Send me a link!! My resume will be in the mail tomorrow!!!


I could care less about TomBloke going 3,000 mph, just let me know about any teaching jobs that actually pay well.

I agree yall should have a “Sways speed event downunder”.bbq ,board shows ,a bit of line dancing and you all could bring your gps’s and all do speed comparisons together ,that way it would not matter how big or small ,fast or slow the waves are cause you’d all be on a level playing field and everyone would get a better idea on what everyone else was doing.Surely it would be good times had by all.

Yes, and we have to hold it at Mount Maunganui, the speed surfing capital of the world :wink:



“if it was all about money I would be out there in the building industry or teaching for a job not surfing”

What the F??? As a high school teacher I am extremely excited to know that Tom Bloke can find a job where teaching pays well enough that the money is the primary motivation! Send me a link!! My resume will be in the mail tomorrow!!!


I could care less about TomBloke going 3,000 mph, just let me know about any teaching jobs that actually pay well.

It’s probably safe to say that we live a more frugal or efficient financial life than most people in the USA

For example for food we live on about US $5 a day per person, have no medical insurance or medical bills, buy all our clothing second hand, drive a vehicle only once a fortnight or less, don’t go out for meals, use very cheap firewood for all hot water and heating, use only about 2 Kw per day electricity.

Due to these efficiencies we were recently able to buy a second house and are now looking at buying a shop as well, all on less work based income than a teaching job.

Try those little tricks and your pay might start to look like a small fortune !

There aren’t many communes where I live (and I live in OB!). So, instead I drive a Hummer with gold rims and eat fast food for every meal while watching my 94 inch plasma screen and drinking fresh-squeezed Iraqi baby blood. USA! USA! USA! Is that bad?

BUT… I do surf waaaayy faster than the average TomBlowhard!

second house roy?arnt you worried about all the p heads around these days?we’ve thought about buying another one but with the interest rate squeeze going on at the moment and the some of the new risks(ie it being turned into a p lab) its a little less attractive.The shop sounds like a good idea.


USA! USA! USA! Is that bad?

I didn’t suggest that you are bad, just less efficient with the loot than we are. .

Hunty with the prices in the South Waikato being so low there’s a boom going on as lots of people scramble to get into the great deals that are around.

We paid US $50 k for a three bedroomed cottage with a big section and reliable tenant, it’s worth US $80K now 18 months later, the higher interest rates are actually driving the bottom of the market up as people bail from Auckland high prices. . . . they are great little towns here too, hidden gems, people from the Mount are buying holiday houses in Tokoroa as they are so cheap, nice and close to the lakes and skifields etc, and quieter than the beach towns.

The shop is pretty cheap, nicely placed on the main Street, for US $18K

Plenty of cheapies on trademe


how about we all just take a photo of our penises (video optional)

and post them here or youtube

and rate them out of ten :slight_smile:

well we can’t do it on youtube, that is porn and not allowed, you could do it on

So, I finally find someone else who puts chocolate on theirs…snicker snicker


I’m proud of you Roy, you’re doing well mate, keep up the good work…