Ok, I’m totally remiss in not having documented this build… But it’s similar enough to my other projects (and simple enough) that I can probably describe it.
Here’s what I started with.
I’ve been riding it for a couple of years, it’s held up really well, so I thought it would be a good candidate for to be a bisect-ual spec board.
Started with some proboxes, used a forstner bit to cut 7/8" holes into it, then trimmed the end of the bolt from a “Titejoint” setup to make it short enough to fit:
Implanted those into the board probox style, then sliced the whole thing in half (no photos).
Once I had the board halved, I took my homemade CF tube (made by molding CF sleeving from solar composites over an aluminum pipe with two layers of wax paper so it would slide off), and cut teeth in the end of it to make it like a really long holesaw. After carefully marking my position, I bored into both sides of board using my CF tube, making the hole oversized for adjustment.
Roughed up the finish of the CF tube using some 40 grit, then set it in place with some gorilla glue. After gluing in to both sides of the board, I assured alignment by using the already-positioned clamps, and by spacing the halves with a few chunks of 1/8" plastic so there’d be a gap for me to saw through the CF tube once the GG was set.
Then I sawed through the tube and all the GG foamy overflow, and faired the ends of the tubes back down to the cut face of the board halves.
I roughed up some sheets of 1/8 ABS plastic with 40grit, smeared them and the cut ends of the board with epoxy thickened with milled fibers, then placed the board halves face down on the plastic sheets (sitting on a sheet of glass to keep them flat) and pressed down to squeeze out all the excess.
The edges of the plastic sheets were trimmed with a laminate edge trimming bit. The hole for the CF tube was cut out using the same bit, inserted into a hole drilled for access.
Then it was just cleanup work. pretty simple, really… Ha!
I didn’t wind up using the original 7/8 inserts that came with the titejoint clamps. They were slightly too tall for the maximum hole depth I could cut in a probox, they would have stood proud of the board surface (I thought about grinding them down, but that would have taken off the zinc coating, inviting rust), so I milled my own inserts out of 7/8 aluminum tubing (LOVE my tabletop harbor freight mill!). An added benefit is the inserts are a press fit and stay in the probox holes. Only the bolt and nut from the titejoint clamp comes out. Much cleaner. Lighter too.
Sorry about the lack of build photos, I was trying to push through to get this one done to replenish my hobby kitty (it’s for sale if anyone’s interested). But if you have any questions or want any clarification, please feel free to ask.
Here are the finished photos: