Are there any tricks to keeping wax on a surftech?

I have a surftech longboard and have been having a hard time keeping wax on it. Does anyone have any tips?


I do but it involves a chain saw and a bonfire.    


That’s probably not what you had in mind.  



Damn! You use the same method I employ for SUPs        (aka SUPpositories)

Are you using base coat?

Try putting it on the top of the board.  That works for me.

Ya gotta put the wax on the bottom of yer feet.

What color is the deck?

Ocean and Earth wax does the trick I find.

Try using an old candle for basecoat (parafin).

40 grit sandpaper, then any wax will stay.



sandpaper of 1000 around the top of the board is enough!

a twenty penny nail will hold

just about any bar of pop out wax

to the board , about seven diffrent

flavors would make a great bouquet.

the posibilities for foot placement

increase with the number of bars

included in your array.A good rule

of thumb is to follow the

twister pattern.

Your wave buddy,nice wax job

is that an importrd sports car?


pete peterson didn’t use wax.

That’s right! Pete Peterson didn’t need no stinking wax!

Your a tool !!!  My question is a REAL F@#king Thing.   I have been surfing for 30 plus years and this is the first time i have never had this problem . Also it my first time with  a surftech ? Does it help to spray poly resin on it ? Or, is that to much to think about?


I’ll ask my question again: are you using base coat?

[quote="$1"] I do but it involves a chain saw and a bonfire.

That's probably not what you had in mind.   [/quote]


Your a tool !!!!!!  My question is a REAL F@#king Thing.   I have been surfing for 30 plus years and this is the first time i have never had this problem . Also it my first time with  a surftech ? Does it help to spray poly resin on it ? Or, is that to much to think about?


Chill out my friend.  Any post on any subject is likely to inspire some humor, sarcasm, etc, at any given time.  My guess is gdaddy is not a fan of surftechs.  No biggie. 

A lot of people, especially ones that are new here, don't seem to realize that an unanswered post falls further and further down on the page, until eventually it ends up pages back, where no one sees it.  So any answer at all, no matter how far from what you wanted to hear, is good - it brings the subject back up top, and in the spotlight.

Surftechs, despite their unpopularity among some, do not cause wax to melt.  Heat does that.  I'm guessing that yours is probably a darker color, which tends to heat up in the sunlight more than a standard board of clear glass over white foam. 

You got some good replies, related to the wax you are using.  Base coat is a hard(er) wax that doesn't soften readily.  I haven't tried parafin (old candle wax) as a base coat, but I have had base coat surfboard wax turn runny and messy, inside my silver board bag, from being in the sun, so maybe parafin would have been better as a base coat.

I wouldn't spray poly resin on it, no way, no reason to.  But if your board is a dark color, there is a white epoxy paint available at my local Lowes' home improvement store that is used for refrigerators etc, and it would probably work well on a surftech to minimize overheating in the sun.  Just clean all the old wax off real well before painting.  I have used it for painting a GSI board after repairs.

So 30 plus years surfing........

1) If you have been surfing for so long, then you should know better than buying a Surftech. So either you don't care about localized custom quality shapes, or you live in some armpit surf out post on the planet?  So that lead into my next conclusion?

2) God is punishing you, and your wax will never stick.


Posting up questions about a surftech on this site will only draw fire.  I will give you a little insight about swaylocks.  We all enjoy surfing, or the idea of surfing.  We all aspire to make our own surfboards. Some of us suck at it, some of us are ok at it, some of us a really good at it. But we all enjoy every aspect of surfing......cept the Surftech aspect.

But everybody here knows what Surftech has done to the surfboard Industry, the shaper, and where the money flows.

So to answer your question:

1) Scuff the bitch up

2) try a different brand of way

3) clean the deck with some form of acetone then wax.


There is not a surfboard on this planet that will not wax up....except your Surftech.



30 years surfing....shame on you for not having thicker skin.



base coats are a waste of $1 that could have gone to a real bar of wax… keep your wax cold and hard and it will go on fine.

putting pe resin on it is a bad idea

make diagonal lines with the wax, then make more diagonal lines the opposite way, now you have bumps.

good luck


After waxing your surfteck, leave it at home and surf something else.  That should help keep the wax on it.  Sorry.  Just having fun.  Mike