Are there any tricks to keeping wax on a surftech?

Yep. Personally, I don’t mind wetsuits or deck pads. I mean, look what wax did to me…

[img_assist|nid=1068611|title=Chest waxing never pays|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=428]


Now I know why I don’t have hair on my chest. Maybe I should surf without pants.

Doc we must be brother’s, that photo looks just like me, except I don’t have as much hair on my shoulders, and I smile more.


Give yourself a brazillian =D

surftechs are awesome id rather have one then a custom poly from a know it all shaper

Geez Paul, them’s fighting words on this site!

But for those who haven’t already seen it, I think its worth reading this article on Randy French


awe some is a low rating,

to be of some awe is …

but to be full of awe,now you are talking

awful,yes awe full.


mr know it all?

I din’t know he shaped too!

Hey doc,

Judging from your picture, I’d say you’re one of those MMA fighters when you’re not fish’n.  The little coliflower ears gave you away. That and it looks like your nose has been punched in a few times. I wouldn’t want a piece of yah or nothing.  Just saying…

I use cold water Sex Wax.  But I’ll use whatever’s laying around.  A bar last a long time in cold water.  Maybe the wax stays better on the bottom of surfteks.  That would be the side with the fins, I think. Mike