Are there any tricks to keeping wax on a surftech?

Just thought of somthing:


If you light that thing on fire, it might just appease the surf gods just enough to send some waves…  Don’t stand down wind, tho…

Abalone dont need wax.


did pete peterson eat an inordinate

amount of abalone?,and did it have anything to do with his

lack of waxs needs?

did pete peterson eat an inordinate

amount of abalone?,and did it have anything to do with his

lack of waxs needs?


reply:  No he didn't. Pete Petersen didn't need shit, and he certainly didn't need no stinking rocking sucking abalone.

Thost evil Surftech will repel even the most stuborn waxin systems known to mankind!  Repent....sinner.

this thread is too funny

how is it that no one has suggested duct tape yet?  Certainly that would keep a bar of wax on any popout, or SUP for that matter.

I’m surprised no one else here has ever had problems keeping wax on their boards. I tend to get a bald spot where I sit on the board. The rest of the board will build up over time, but the area under my ass gets worn off. 

I don’t own a Surftech, so I don’t know if they have more problems than other boards. I did notice that on my newest board, the wax didn’t go on as easy as before, but I polished this one and all the others are sanded finish. I also waited until I got to the beach to wax up and it was hot. I usually wax a new board on my board racks at home where it’s a lot cooler.

Been using Sex Wax since the 80’s and pretty much only sex wax.


I'm surprised no one else here has ever had problems keeping wax on their boards. I tend to get a bald spot where I sit on the board. 


Maybe more of a warm Hawaiian water issue there, I suspect.  I don't have that particular problem.  What I get here in So. Cal. is gooey slime when I take my board out of the board bag if I let it sit in the direct sunlight.  Oh yeah, and if it cools off in the board bag, then it gets welded to the board bag LOL.

I don’t use board bags. I leave my boards under my house, and they get dirty. Board bags just get really dirty. So I have to take them off before I put my board inside my car.

I give my boards a quick spray with the garden hose, try to wash off the dirt as best as I can, and then a quick dry off before heading to the beach. My brother uses bags and they have all the wax residue on the inside. I have seen what happens when you leave a board in there and it gets hot then cools before you can take the board out. 

I keep my ass baby butt smooth…that way no wax ever sticks too it. sharkcounty, i would recommend you shave that hairy monster.

Now THAT is not a pretty picture.

It just grows back again.


It just grows back again.


Not to be redundant, but have you tried waxing?  Kim Kardashian swears by it.

As in Brazilian? I saw how it’s done. No thank you.

I don’t mind waxing my boards, ain’t never gonna wax my ass.

Speaking of wax, what do you guys prefer. As I said earlier I use Sex Wax, but’s that’s only because I get it cheap at the hardware store down the street, and FH has it too. There’s all kinds of wax at the surf shop, but I rarely get my wax there. 


It sure as hell is.

I got to thinking.     

 Maybe this guy knew what kind of responses he was going to get here when he first wrote the thread?

Maybe he’ was just out on a friendly fishing trip (trolling) ? And if so, he’s had lot’s of bites and even caught a couple of biggun’s ?

Maybe someone’s checking in occasionally on his thread and smiling?

That would be funny.


Mrs Palmers (and her 5 daughters),Extra Sticky…or…STOMP Black Label.

Page 3 Reverb on fire, yew!!

Whats this people talking about ‘Base Coat’? WTF Just wax the s#!t on and go surfing.  I don’ think kelly’s sitting there before his heat with 3 different kinds of wax making a tripple decker bus of wax??

The “coloured wax” that emerged a few summers back is interesting…deck graphics using coloured wax ! like building a sand castle with the tide coming in…will we see the emergence of artistic surfboard waxing become a mainstream activity ?..or possibly included in a future olympics ? synchronised swimming or ribbon dancing ?..or the grand poobah of pretentious cultural stupidity , " The World Air-Guitar Championships" !!!

one thing i’ve learned over the years is that waxing a clean new board is an art.

this is what I do…

I learned this from waxing my downhill and powder ski’s back in the 70’s-80’s

lay down a good layer of “basecoat” wax as your first layer.

basecoat wax is usually harder and of a different “milky” formulation

once you've got a good layer of basecoat wax over everywhere you'll put your feet or place your hands, then wax up using a stickier softer was like sexwax or mrs. palmers or any of the other waxes for your water temp. i usually lay a really thick layer of wax on a new board allowing it to form into wax bumps over time. the wax under your a** and legs will always wear out that you'll need to recoat. that why most surfers here don't have as much hair on their inner thighs as they do on their lower legs or arms. surf without a top and your chest hair is open game as well if the entire board is covered in wax. surf in a speedo and you'll be  a bronzed hairless body muscle head in no time.
then again glue on some cork or waxless pads. (SUPS are pushing the envelope in this tech as well as surfco)

My boards always have blank spots in the wax right where I sit. They usually have dents in the deck right there, as well. I have a bony ass.

Speaking of hair, during the warmest part of Summer when I wear a shorty I lose the hair above my left knee. This is also the spot where most of my wetsuits wear out first. I unintenionally drag that knee when I stand. Always been that way.

I have dislocated my knee-cap twice because of the same thing…the first time was in my late twenties …400 metres off the beach - stood  up catching a wave-and the kneecap banged off to side off my leg. …painfull!- I banged it back in place ,and caught the next whitewater in… crawled back to the campsite…stuck in the desert…nearsest pub was about 30 somethin km’s…couldn’t walk without  a crutch for almost 2 weeks…it happened again about 20 years later ,which is when I worked out that pushin my knee against the rail when catching a wave , is what caused it to pop off…be very aware of it… its not much fun…