Aside from their entertainment value...................

I could care less about whats “proven” in Hawaii. Or Super Bank or Indo or J Bay or Mavs. I dont care what top pros ride at Teahupoo. I don’t give a rats ass about the strongest and lightest boards made for other people riding other waves in other places.

Whats totally killer are boards that feel really good and surf well for me in my areas waves.

Howzit Norm, And just where do you surf.Aloha,Kokua

“NormDe Plume” …

Surely not !!!

THE “NormDePlume” ???

the guy who surfs couchland , bitworld , and bytebreak ??

well , I never !!

welcome to Swaylocks , if that IS you ??

How is ‘troll land’ looking today ?? I hear you’ve been surfing it a LOT lately ?

You could hook up with ‘Chinga Dera’ [aka ‘Overboard’] …I hear he / she has been… er …“surfing” Botswana, lately …maybe you could get a good tandem act happening !!

cheers Norm !


EVERY Norm I’ve EVER met surfs couchland

Norm… I am stupid, I refuse to learn anything from history, I don’t believe history can teach me anything, I will blaze my own direction to glory, and I am doomed to repeat history’s mistakes over and over again… Norm …

I’m with Norm, surfboards suck.

Howzit Kokua,

I surf the Santa Barbara area. Summerland is home.

Aloha, Normand

Howzit LeeDD

Au contraire! Ive learnt a bunch from history. Like how to take advantage of local board builders who know way more about shaping and glassing than I ever will. Heres one: Steves boards are superb! Great for our local conditions and lotsa other waves around the world.

Kinda funny how that works

Howdy chipfish

My first name is Normand. Yes my username is a pseudonym (nom-de-plume). The same as most Swaylocks members prefer for privacy, fun or whatever. Including yourself who spends more time surfing byteland than most.


NormanD …very good !

…if, like me , you start to spend a lot of time in byteland , we could call it the Norman D invasion .

My apologies if you are in fact a REAL person …it just sounded too much like a bogus ‘Dower’, ‘WoodMaven’, or ‘Sirwanksalot’ [now , THERE’S a real screamer eh ?] username.

Nice Brom fish , how does it go ?

cheers Norm !


Howdy chipfish

My first name is Normand. Yes my username is a pseudonym (nom-de-plume). The same as most Swaylocks members prefer for privacy, fun or whatever. Including yourself who spends more time surfing byteland than most.


Hey Normand… there’s an old friend and fish rider who lives in your neighborhood. Made beautiful boards back in the day(early 70’s)… Reeve Woolpert… you happen to know 'em? Lives on Shelby(?)

I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t injured…

Wind’s up, kiteboard just came out of the bag and the sandwhich is looking superb!

I’ll make a new thread.


Howzit LeeDD

Au contraire! Ive learnt a bunch from history. Like how to take advantage of local board builders who know way more about shaping and glassing than I ever will. Heres one: Steves boards are superb! Great for our local conditions and lotsa other waves around the world.

Kinda funny how that works

tell us about these boards and why they are so special? what’s your take on them?

“Before you post a question – please do a search!”

Magic Man …(783 results)

Steve Brom …(240 results)

Fish …(15545 results)

Why don’t you ask the man who makes them? Swaylocks member “magicman”

They’re is one guy around here, Tucker Alvis, who rips them. I haven’t seen anyone else who come close to riding them well. I know for myself what the answers are, but I’d like to here the Norm version. Or anyone else for that matter.

let’s see some photos

Hey folks, don’t forget, or if you didn’t know, Epac has a respectable “in” with S.B. shapers.

I think what he’s looking for is Norm’s personal observations on the board.

How does it ride and what makes it so special to him?

But hey, what do I know?

baloney,no in’s.

I just pay $ for boards and make respectable friends.

curious though about Norm and this thread.

Brom fish

Short, wide, thick, flat, fast. Loose but not squirrely. Not for tricksters. Super glide and carve. A special blend of foil and rocker unlike any other fish. Pure hedonistic pleasure

Pretty board for sure…

I’d love to see someone standup tearing up 10’ Haleiwa(alii) or 10’ Sunset on one, one of these days.

Like you said a wave is a wave and you can ride anything in anything like my stoned out school chum Brian Higa trying to ride his 6’6 in good size waimea.

Brom does make some nice boards (tigerfish/rocketfish) almost bought one(an epoxy one) in ventura last year.

would be nice too if everyone just stayed put surfed and enjoyed their own local breaks where ever that may be.

Life would be so much simpler and fun…

Right on epac!

Norm- Have you tried other fish shapes?

Oneula- the Tigerfish & Rocketfish were originally made by Clyde Beatty Jr. and a couple of his shapers. Mine was made by Max McDonald. Could be that Brom started making some for him but for some reason, I think not. Anybody else know for sure?

Magicman- You out there?

if it looks like fish, smells like a fish and rides like a fish it must be a fish!