Auslock, Auslocks AUSLOCKS!!!

Hello Fellow Aussie Swaylockers!!

I’ve been having fun surfing the auslocks board lately. mostly been riding it as a thruster but got two good surfs in on the widowmaker setup. The carbon back fin eventually snapped on the tab, I tried the old superglue back together method but didnt seem to work to well. I’ll give it another attempt. I could go on surfing this board for a lifetime but thats not the spirit of the auslocks board so the question is…


surely someone must want too.

come on guys,

Now that Robbo isn’t back till Feb I cant get the board to beerfan all the way down the south coast. Someone must keep the auslocks spirit happening.

Cheers Mates!


Good on ya Josh,

Chip’s got a question, Where’s the photos?

"Now that Robbo isn’t back till Feb I can’t get the board to beerfan all the way down the south coast. Someone must keep the auslocks spirit happening. "

will your dad and you guys be going anywhere near gerringong before Christmas , Josh ? [‘entity’ [Daren] , and ‘quentin’ [Ross] are very near there …]

so that way , maybe “beerfan” can ride it for a few weeks , too ?

just a thought …



…not going anywhere south of gosford for a long time.

To much surfing to catch up on…

…newcastle is not too far a drive north , though …

ad68 , renton , lucas , gill ?

others ?

…IS ayone interested there interested in riding it ?

(Glenno , do you ever venture to the central coast from where YOU are ?)



I can get to sydney no probs, but the central coast is a bit far. Unless anyone is in a rush i can wait til robbo gets back. My fish is done so im trying to figure out how to ride that. From first impressions in tiny tiny tiny crap waves is that it may take some getting used to, though it is fun. Today im trying again, hopefully there’ll be at least 2 feet haha!. When i get it in some decent waves, i’ll post pics of the finished board, but dont look too close, the sanding job is crap, i need a sander!

I’ve PM’d with Robbo who might be able to come down this way soon and take the auslocks board back with him to Scotts.

Chip, anywhere is a long way to drive if you dont have a car…haha.

Hi Josh et al,

haven’t been here in a little while. I can pick it up and can take it to Sydney, maybe have a surf as well. Where can you get to Beerfan? I work on the north side but have family on the south side. However, If Robbo is going to get it, I can get it later and do the same deal.


"I’ve PM’d with Robbo who might be able to come down this way soon and take the auslocks board back with him to Scotts. "

…do you mean ‘Glenno’ , Josh ?




Hi Josh et al,

haven’t been here in a little while. I can pick it up and can take it to Sydney, maybe have a surf as well. Where can you get to Beerfan? I work on the north side but have family on the south side. However, If Robbo is going to get it, I can get it later and do the same deal.

Hiya Bish!

Your welcome to get the board anytime you want it and surf it. I think Glenno is trying to come down this way eventually so looks like everyone will get a go.

Bish, what do you mean by north?, im a bit of a burb’s boy ( wollongong ), and can get lost in the big smoke haha, my oldies live near the airport, thats easy to get to though.

OK, what’s happening now??

I am most likely coming to Sydney for a weekend in early February next year. If I do then I would be able to take it back to Melbourne with me, surf it and pass it on westward. Assuming that no one further south of Beerfan wants it to travel along the coast to Vic instead.



GREAT idea !

thanks Rohan !

hope the plan comes to fruition .

getting it from sydney to melbourne [600 miles distance , people] , and then points west of there WAS a concern , for sure !

so, cheers mate !


[then , it’s just a question of melbourne / bells to adelaide , then adelaide to perth …a few MORE thousand miles …]

I live on the Coast and work in Sydney.

Josh, if you pm me yr address and I’ll collect.

Then, whoever can meet me in the CBD during the week can get an early Xmas pressie! I can also stop off the train in Hornsby, or get a ferry across to Manly during lunch if it’s easier.

The silence is deafening.

Offer stands till 22 December, then I’m on holidays - apart a beery NYE I don’t plan to make the commute back down to Sydney for another couple of weeks.

the addy is in a pm Phil. cheers mate!

Cheers Josh…

Hope to pick it up tonight…who wants it in Sydney? Robbo?



Good on ya Bunyip, enjoy the ride and let us know how it goes…

Wooo Hoooo

Hi Bunyip!

Tonights fine by me. I’ll pm you my phone number if you like.

Cheers Mate!