Beginners Surfboard, Help with Ideas/Concepts

Well said.      

I`m sorry if some of you feel that way. 

Please read the messages more carefully to see that I`ve listened to you.

Balsas comment (#6) was very important to me. Because, although he is telling me not to go concave, hes describing exactly the feel I want the board to have. Stiff, almost impossible to dip rails.

Antipodeansam with his allowing them to progress made me realise that, if she is enjoying just being in the inside catching white water I will make a board for her to catch white water. 

The idea here is that she can have the most riding time possible. No matter if it is going straight in white water. She will be riding, she will be happy. I (or maybe we?) have to calm down and let her be. Forget about turns. The math is simple, if in a 3hr session she is able to ride 20 waves for around 4-5 seconds each. She will be a lot happier than last season when she was riding 8-10 waves for 1-2 second.

I think some of you are missing the point here. Which is a custom board for a beginner. On top of that, a beginner that has little affinity with the ocean and very little time to spend on the ocean to work on that. She doesn`t feel comfortable going to the outside. I say that some missed the point, because some of the suggestions were for me to make something that would be kind of similar to what she was riding (7´0 funboard 21 x 3). And the reason to create a custom board is so she can try and surf with something very different.

She is heavy footed and she puts much of that pressure on her heels. The reason I went wide and concave was because of what Balsa commented. About the catamaram like feeling. If I were to create a board with V, as some suggested and explained. I think she would paddle it, get up and do exactly the same thing she was doing on the funboard or longboard 80% of the time. A hard turn left to a fall. And when after 12-15 sessions the person is still doing the same thing, a bit of frustration starts to show. 

I don´t care if she rides this board for only 10 waves, as long as she can spend enough time on top of this board to feel/understand her footwork. Actually it would be lovely if in only 10 waves she gets it and can go back to the 7´0 and pop up on it without making a hard turn left. It would be lovely!

I didn´t use a lot of information given to me because I simply think it is not the time. But all this info is here, and I will be using them on the next board. And I´m thankful for each contributor. 

And, the board design I came up with was based on the input given. Its like, lets say I want to create a board that sinks its nose underwater. So I come up with a crazy tail design. I share with you. Then you tell me: don t do it or the nose will sink underwater? Man! Thank you, it`s all I wanted to hear! My design will have the effect I want. Validated by those with experience, I shall proceed with the submarine board experiment. Shall we put some sort of mini-hydrofoil fins to create lift to counterbalance the sunk nose? Yes! Now the board is going underwater and we just have to call some of those german girls that surf with high heels to ride them! Otherwise your feet in the water will create too much drag. High heels is the only way here. Or maybe bailarina feet?

One more time, I appreciate all the useful comments given. I`m sorry if some felt arrogance on my comments. It could be a severe case of projection, or just a mild one. or that I am arrogant. Mostly a mix of all. But for my part, I said many times how thankful I am for the information given. And I feel this project moving along the way it is because of all this information. 

Thats right, Im blaming the aberration on you!




p.s. and it is just an experiment guys, Im sure that if it doesnt do the job it is intended for (time to percieve one`s footwork) it will make great success with the kids. I will probably be able to push three of them sitting down on this thing. Then we´ll have a true train wreck.

Curious why you’d even ask for ideas/concepts if you already had your mind made up on what you thought was right for her?

Been several of these kind of posters. They’ll ask questions, then ignore advice and have all their answers to why. I think they just want confirmation that they are right. At least this guy didn’t get ugly about things.

Too bad he didn’t listen though, that thing is not going to be easy to ride, unless you just go straight toward the beach. Best beginner boards are long, wide, and bit more rocker to avoid pearling. Just buy a wavestorm.


I ask for help with ideas/concepts.  As I mentioned before, validation from the more experienced. i.e. the submarine like surfboard example.

I am doing the way I am doing because you guys validated that. I said what I was aiming for, and got a most desired validation about it. I know where I want to go, and I count with your help to get there.

And when I described myself as an experimentalist, I meant it. I want to experiment, see what happens. I won`t build something that I could just get off some surf shop rack. 

So, shall we move forward to Fin setup and fin placement?

As I said before, I was thinking 2 side fins doing most of the work and putting the center plugs just for the heck of it. But now, with your input, I am leaning towards 4 side plugs and something like a center box. 

Because the shape is so weird I want to locate the 4 side plugs in a way that I have two twin fin options other than a quad. Do you feel me? I have to search more about the effects of fin placement, I would most appreciated some links.

So basically 4 side fcs plugs but thinking of twin fins. So we get two shoots of nailing the twin fin of the century, right? Ha, I thinking most of you are not finding me much funny…

The something like a center box would be 4 fcs single plugs in a row, so I have 3 options to play with the center fin. 

Some of you pointed out a planshape like that would be too fast, and impossible to overpower. I once experimented with torpedo like shaped fins. I had forgotten about them. It was some good years ago. But on the path of the present argumentation a lot came back to light. I once did a torpedo like fin, which after a few weeks got some upgrades and became a half torpedo half cork screw fin.  I used it on a 5´9 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 round nose well couldnt call it twin fin, right? It had two side fins, and then I created this torpedo using the base of the center fin. It was about the size of three D size batteries on a row. I think it is easy to picture it, right? Three size D batteries on a row, where the two upfront would be the torpedo part and the last one would be a spiral very much like a corkscrew (I cant recall if it was clockwise or counter-clock wise, but it was a spiral coming off a torpedo)


Anyways, another example of how important this back and forth is being to me. Should I consider a visit to the doctor? Man, I had totally forgotten about the torpedo board. I actually called it the foot crank board.  I can talk more about it later, it helped me a lot on my transition to more maneuverable shortboards. I think I might make something like it for the aberration.


A big one to be used on the center plugs and two small ones to be used on the side. 


She would benefit a lot from the foot crank effect this kind of fin gives you. If the board works and she starts to get tired of going straight on the white water, I will introduce her to the foot crank effect.



A couple pictures to have an idea of its rocker. 

The measurements are

Nose rocker, from the deck part of the nose to the floor = 6 inches

Tail rocker, from bottom of the tail to the floor = 2 inches

Sorry about the improvisation, I will take better measurements and photos asap.

Harry, speaking of wave storm. I was in costco about a month ago getting bulk beef jerky, tequila and a double pack of 80" plasma TVs,  when I saw the “Hyper liter” 8’0" cork surfboard on sale for $250. My heart kindof sunk thinking about all the time I invested with cork boards and seeing the actual quality in this very well built cork deck and wrapped well board. The fins were shat but it was a good looking board that was extremely inexpensive. The encouragement came when thinking about all the actual enjoyable moments of the cork builds. I actually sold 2 custom cork boards 2 months ago.  I was going to take a picture of it but I would have to photo shop the price tag out seeing it is 2/3 the price of what I would sell a similar board like that for.

I think this 8’0" hyperlite would be an excellent board for the rider in question. VERY light weicht, works every time it is tried dimensions and a price that you can’t beat. I believe it came with fins, back traction pad and leash also.

photos from internet. Sale price was $249



I think it will work out.  If not, you have an excuse to build another!  I for one hope she likes it.

One thing I know for sure is that a 6´3 is smaller than a 7´0. So she will be getting what she asked for!

Does she like dogs?

A nice egg shape or mini log would be a great shape for a beginner

if those are not enough then a fun board will be a step forward

I have surfed a variety of boards throughout the years along with my kids, they always gravitated to the mini’s and eggs

I prefer a long board ,

Bill Stembridge made me the best board ever, 10’,  round pin, a turned up nose and medium V in the tail with a single GT manta fin

Yes but doesn´t have one! 

She does have a 7yo girl and a 3yo boy. But they are very affraid of the water, maybe influenced by her? I don´t know.  

I was thinking about them and  to maybe do something like a softboard? Using some sort of glue and gelcoat mix to laminate this thing. Not sure yet.

As you might have noticed on the pictures, the first coating to protect the EPS blank has been applyed. As instructed by some here in the forum, I used poly vinyl acetate. 

I will be doing the second barrier coating in a few weeks and if after these two coatings I find there is enough structure on the blank, I might try to finish it with a gelcoat mix plus whatever fabric I find. 

I have to research more about it. Maybe the gut feeling I had to stop where I was with this blank was because it will melt during the lamination! Ha! So my gut was telling me, don´t waste more than 40 minutes of your time with something that will be ruined. It would be very sad to spend hours creating a shape only to fall deeply in love with it and see it melt down in front of my eyes. But hopefully the barrier coating works well with this shape and then the next one I can spend more time on it because I have the lamination process figured out.


on another note…

if your glassing skills are weak, maybe you should have went with PE/PU or eps and epoxy

also on the internet there are templats available, they will give you better outlines , parallel rails , not a good thing

I will try to upload a few of the ones I have

these are overviews, not the full template print outs

I can share the complete templates if your interested, I have quite a few different lengths and shapes from short boards, eggs, Longboards and guns

or you can look up 

Thanks Ken, 

As I mentioned before, I will be shapping another board in the near future. I will take a look on the templates later.

In regards to the pu/polyester and eps/epoxy dilemma. Would someone that defines himself as an experimentalist be doing something that has been done a million times or would he be trying something new?

About the parallel rails, what is not good about it? Can you please elaborate?

Im sure there are better explaners out there, but here goes,

if there is no curve in the rails the board will tend to feel like its stuck on rails , meaning it will not turn

rail outline and the full rocker of the bottom work together 

when the board is leaning to the side in a turn the rocker anlong with the curvs of the outline moving through the water allow the board to change dirrections

to make shaping easy , Blanks are made to have a natural rocker, by using an outline or template that is close in length to the blank (of the correct syle of board)  you dont have to do much rocker adjustment


does that make sense?

I was looking a bit about parallel rails and found this to be interesting.



I know what experament meens, you will be spending a lot of money

good luck

I just breezed through your attachment

Lots of rocker in that shape, compensating for no outline, he’s trying to see what will hapen by taking a desighn aspect out of the equasion, I get that, but he never tells about the end result, or at least I didnt see it in the postings

the original point break is the ultimate learning how to surf film. A world ranked black belt and tiathelete should have the skills for open water paddling for sure.  Foot work is the least of your worries. Popping to crouched stance…then to athletic stance…letting brain tell you where optimal balance and glide is.  Other foot work concerns would be like spending time with a triathelete on the water to bike transition time when they can’t even swim.

I thought surfing was way easier and more fun than where this dumpster fire thread is going.