Beginners Surfboard, Help with Ideas/Concepts

When I said something to help her progress I was suggesting fun board with fun curves, rocker and length. I fear this will help her progress straight to the beach at speed prone like a missle. But I applaud your unique thinking and vision Ed, that’s part of what makes this site so enjoyable to visit, look forward to more pictures and an honest ride review. 

From what I understand, you want to make an over-stable, straight-line going type of board, assuming this is best for a beginner.

I think you’re wrong.

If I had raised my children by making it over-easy for them in every life situation, chances are they would not be fit to deal with real life.

You don’t learn to surf on a board that doesn’t turn because turning is the basic essence of surfing; you cannot learn how to balance yourself if you cannot bring back the board under your gravity center every time your weight is offset.

You will never learn to walk if you stand on a conveyor all the time.


I don´t think is a matter of skill BB, but a matter of affinity as I mentioned. I know you think she should be able to go outside. But she fears the waves, and she refused to go outside a few times. And when I insisted and she went, she complained and almost froze. What can I do? Hook her up to an ECT machine and crank it up to maximum?

About footwork BB, I beg to differ. I think she will benefit a lot with this board allowing her time to adjust her weight. I have seen her in the water, and I am quite sure she will poop up on this thing and will push so hard on the inside rail that this thing WILL start to turn left. Only difference is that with this thing she will have time to adjust herself on top of it in order to control direction.

Still with you BB, I liked this `letting brain tell you where optimal balance and glide is.´ This is exactly the whole point of this project! But let me ask you a question, how can someone let their brain find the optimal balance when they are not even up on the board? 


Thanks for the uplifting words Sam, I will bring more pictures, the board review with all the different fins I intend to make and maybe even a video. Just a matter of time. And a matter of this thing not melting during lamination.


I feel you Balsa, but let me ask you a couple questions: Did you teach your kids to ride a bike with or without training wheels? And the fact that you gave then a bike with training wheel meant that they would never ride one without it? Or was it just something temporary so they could understand what riding a bike is all about?



Someone told me here; Don´t loose her to paddle boarding! 

She was starting to get frustrated because she was doing the same thing over and over. So I am changing a variable in order for her to respond to it accordingly. 

If I were to create a board that is pretty much like the 7´0 she is riding, she wouldn`t have anything to respond to. She would keep doing the same as before.

I will leave this video,  Kelly makes some very interesting points starting at the 7 minute mark up to 8:30 or so. Worth the click. 

On a side note.


I am getting tired of explaining myself over and over, once again and once more. So I will step back for a while. Let time work its magic.


No point on coming back here to say what I have already said. So if you have read this thread and didn´t get it, go back to the beggining and re-read it. If you have got it, then move forward with the conversation and talk fin options, placement, personal experience with different fins as well as lamination process.


Thanks a lot. 

See you in a week or so.





There’s nothing you’ve said so far that people didn’t understand the first time you said it.  The advice you’re getting here is being offered with the intent to help you toward your goal of making a board that your surfer will be able to surf, not to dump on you.  We’re trying to make HER learning experience better, too.    

Not only will your novice surfer be unable to surf this board, you will also be unable to surf it.    Nor could most of us surf a board like that.  


If this is your process and this is what it takes for you to learn the value of the advice that you came here to solicit then you might as well get to it and finish this board off.   The sooner you learn how difficult this board is to surf the sooner you’ll start thinking about what you can do to make it work better.    We were trying to save you the time/effort of reinventing the surfboard but we can’t make you (or anyone else) understand - ultimately, everyone has to do that for themselves.  

well said

They have been selling those for about a year. Probably a good riding board, but the wavestorms seem to be the hot ticket. I think the wavestorm guaranty is a big selling point.

R U still doing cork? That last board with the figured wood looked nice was that Paulownia?

Next time Keith is in town, we should try to get together, maybe Bernie will come of his shell.


This train is derailed.

Still doing cork board for orders only.  making two boards now that the cusotmers are participating in the build. Trying to learn foiling better. It seems the crappy waves directly behind the house are a gold mine for this activity. Say hey to Bernie.

so sorry to hear your wife is clinically depressed and in need of electroconvulsive therapy(ECT) eduardo. Maybe you should not push her so hard with the surfing stuff. I am an avid bicyclist and ride with many hard core tirathaloners. They are swimming 2-3 miles prior to me biking with them. They are swimming on the west side of my island in Sharktober with no fear. Some of them surf, most of them don’t. Maybe you need to talk to your wife regarding her desire to surf? Depression is not something you want to fool around with like a surfboard design. Your anology with the ECT makes no sense unless you consider it a cry for help. Anybody with common sense who gives ECT’s would know that turning up the dial is not the solution, but tweaking the patient’s meds to establish the most optimal condition for a quality seizure. Not length of seizure mind you, but quality. With the proper adminstration of the appropirate anesthestics and timing of the Shock therapy, things will improve most likely over the 12 treatments, one administered every other day.  I hope things improve with your wife’s condition.


Just watched the youtube link… Man bull shat always should better with an australian accent!!! 

Training wheels, in your case, would be learning to swim before learning to surf. I did use training wheels with the kids so they could master pedals, brakes, handlebar; that was learning to swim; when came the time to learn the real thing, we took the training wheels out and I would push them, hold them for a while and then let them go on their own; And sure enough there were falls, scratched knees and tears and “I will never ride a bike again!”. You know what? They all became very good at bike-riding; Again: you can’t learn anything without some degree of pain.

Now, I have had enough of this pointless discussion. Here in France, we have a saying that goes: “On ne peut pas faire boire un âne qui n’a pas soif”; I’ll let you look up the translation. Meanwhile, I’m going to work on some boards with outdated curvy outlines that, weirdly enough, seem to work good enough with my customers. Good luck with your “experiments”.