board from waste again, cause why not.

Hey guys just a quick one, I’m at the “make stuff from rubbish” thing again. This little beast is showing some real promise. Someone may get a kisk out of seeing the pics, and maybe some ideas too.

5’6" 19" 2.5"

7 bits of foam,

2 cedar stringers, same one left overs from the wall I pulled out of the old house, might be the last ones left.

So the thing has 4 glue line stringers and two wooden ones. Makes finishing the rails a mission.

And yes it was machined and now I’m hand finishing it. Some will hate, but ya get that.

Finboxes from a snapped board, Yes “I have a cunning plan”, bit of a concern as one appears to have been over sanded by the original sander.

Recycled leggie plug too.

The only thing new in it will be the resin and fibre.


Very nice!

What type of glue did you use for the foam strips (foam glue-lines)?

You did a good job. I like the shape.

I started cutting up EPS coolers that are stacking up again. I can only get 2" thick and 12" long pieces, but I have quite a few coolers, and a bunch of off cuts. Probably be the last of these I do. I was thinking a McCoy nugget style board, short, wide and thick.

foaming PU

Ready for routing.

Up to glassing stage, did second filler coat this morning. Just have leggie plug and then sand.


Yeah man that is very good!

Something from nuthin!

cheers boss.

just need to put a leggie plug in, sand then seal.

Great work!  I admire your ability to turn junk into something that is very cool.  

Top lam and post filler ready to sand pic.

Recycled leggie plug fit.

And a question of glue, I’m doing a recycled tail pad As in removed off an old broken board, these are the two forms of glue I have in the garage. Spray adhesive usually needs glue on both surfaces, so maybe the shoe glue.

I’d go with the spray glue first and weight down the pad. They make levels of stickiness(is that a word???) so depending on the glue it may/may not stick well. 

That shoe goo will probably won’t stick all that well to fiberglass. I know you can stick it on glass and peel it right off. 


Hey Sk8ment, another great project man. I’ve reused those FCS2 plugs before. You need to break off the glass around the upstands. I did this with a chisel and then I finished it off with a dremel. I glued them in as per normal. For the glassing over I filled the holes with surf wax which worked really well. Takes a while but it’s quite satisfying re-using those puppies aye. Better than sending them to the landfill anyway. Did you glass over your plugs? I guess you can use them either way if they’ve already been used. 

I have attached a pic of a repair I was working on a month or so ago. The guy drove over the back of his board with his van so it was pretty farked up. I ended up breaking a whole part of the tail off and gluing it back together to get it right. Anyway, the plug at the top right of the photo was broken right out so I had to reset it. As you can see it’s been glassed over and sanded. I did another hot-coat later on to get a decent finish. As part of the deal he gave me a snapped board of his that I have salvaged the plugs from. This is my current project. I can put up some pics for that if you like. It’s gonna be a nugget. 

For re-using leash plugs I also fill the hole with surf wax, as it’s very hard to avoid getting resin in there otherwise. Sometimes I hot-glue an icecream stick to the plug so it’s easy to get it to sit at the right height. 

A lot of people out there are probably wondering what is the point of making boards from trash. Well it’s obviously never going to be a commercial proposition, but if you enjoy pottering around in the shed then it’s a great way to make surfboards for fark all cash. Like $60 as opposed to $260. Keeps the wife happy, and as you all know happy wife = happy life. 

Oh yeah, here’s a pic of that board before I glued the tail back together. It was right royally farked really. I think he took the thing to Fiji with him last week so it’ll be interesting to hear how it went. 

That’s rugged!  Broke one off like that once jumping off a rock finger onto shallow reef at low tide.  A beautiful mid 80’s  6’6 Canyon/Rusty thruster.  Shit canned it and replaced it with a 6’3 that was never enough board for me on big drops.  Shoulda fixed it.





Glued on the old tail pad, the two piece because it was easier, ghetto clamping.

Pic of the recycled finplugs, nice and deep.

The pic with the white board from same foam but the squashed version i based the shape on.with the waves in the background.

Ghetto clamp

Random shot of the finished glass job top and bottom with what ever light I could get before it got dark.

Arty beach shot.

The “post surf coaching, squeeked a surf in after it to get the board wet, stoked it went really really good” shot.

Talked my other coaching mate to film my two waves on it but havent uploaded them anywhere yet.


Wish me luck in the Vissla Upcycle contest.




Hopfully this works to show you the instagram post with the video.

Looks like it’s getting the job done. Good work!