....a LOT of salsa on my fish taco , thanks George !
[ ....or as they said at the end of 'one' of those american sitcoms [?"modern family" , was it ?] "a little song , a little dance , a little salsa down the pants " :) ]
George , I guess there ARE others on here like you [are you one of the aforementioned "rocket scientists" of swaylocks ? ! ha] ... you are an interesting case [?studier?]
P.S. Man I wished I made some sort of video analysis of the boards way back over a decade ago. Once we
found the "fast" and "slow" boards we could have recorded paddlers from above (like from a pier) to study
the wakes, waterlines, etc. and try to find correlations. There may be a lot to gain.
...Yes , I couldn't agree MORE , George !
I think on that we are on the same wavelength [ it's just that , if I write that , I get accusations like "photo slut" or "performing monkey" , and such similar negativity . [I don't think people "get" that the recording of boards is NOT self-indulgence or ego , or whatever ... it's about seeing and learning what boards do / how they surf / having some kind of much CLEARER and quantifiable evidence [ie" it's visible " , not spruiking theory .]
.... it's about LEARNING [well, for ME at least ?!]
when you mention the volumes ,
because I , for one [others , too ?] i don't think in terms of computer files , how many cans / litres of beer [or whatever ] are displaced ... [I'm kinda backward , when it comes to THAT kind of thought ?! ...]
is there any chance you could translate that , in the boards you mentioned , into good ol' 'feet' and 'inches' , please , mate ? [ I DID warn ya that I was 'old school ' , hey ?!]
" for example ...
my ? " 34 litre board" [or whatever 'litre-age' THIS example would REALLY equal ?? ...like I say , I have NO idea !! ]
= 12" x 6' x 18 3/4" x 2 1/4" x 14 1/4" [with a 4" pod ]
tail and nose thickness = [ ? at tail / 6" up / 12" up , etc ? ]
the rail's "deepest " thickness =
and compared with , say , 2" shorter in length of board ,
"these dimensions " would vary by "this much" , to arrive at the same 'volume' ...
.....would you mind , please ?
that may be an easier form , for me to get my head around [understand]
[?others, too ? ...or , am I the only one 'old school ' one , not thinking in litres in surfboards , here ? I think not !]
cheers , George !
I love your long-time research , and your dedication ...if in the end , it all leads to better surfing boards for the conditions = more fun in the water ...
...then ...
COUNT me in ! , with the knowledge you share so freely
thank you , mate !
[ sometimes , I wish I could do the same with my fins ....but .... I am an average [or below??] surfer , surfing in surf that is probably the same , to most ...if not WELL below , even ?! .... THAT'S why I'd love to have some good surfers , in consistent good waves [indo / hawaii / south america ? / tahiti / fiji , etc ] surfing / trialling my fins ....]
cheers and keep up the great work !
Speedneedle , huie , feral dave , other aussies ...
I'd be very INTERESTED to hear YOUR findings , too, please ??