Bob Simmons Influence

I may be biased.

I like ours better than

the others,although,

I might eventually

change the profile

on th right fin.

maybe wax the deck,

take a photo with a

tall woman adjacent,

with nice shoes on.

photograph it with

a pink and red

azalea behind it

in full bloom.

but definightlee

better than an

onshore wind.

I just like it.

thats all.


mana , yep ,


Woops. I must be getting tired.

Thanks, Ambrose. I like ours better too. Because we built it ourselves. I might surf it a time or two before I change the profile on the right fin. Did you notice the fins were green? I live with three beautiful women. None of them are tall, though and might be too shy to pose with the board, anyway. About the flower idea. Our native ceonothus usually begins blooming in late February(as you probably remember). Would that do? Mike

great job rooster.

this thread has now been bookmarked…

so much good information

Your verbal description of a Simmons is spot on. I have got to take a look at two over the years and you described them to a “T”. The rail line and deck can be seen in Liddle’s boards.

those photos of the recent martin implementation are SCREAMING for an UL compsand version…it’d be real easy to get down to those thicknesses through the rails and tail and still maintain snap resistance; putting the pop in the flex. those look to me to be about as close to a “stand-up velo” as one could get.

sexxxxxxxy. if there were room in the basement for one more board, I’d be on that like stink on sh*t

John Cherry’s Simmons Replica…constructed by John and shaped by Terry:

The other stand up Velo:;search_string=velo;#365425

These all originated from the template on the right.

Is the one on the left yours Spence…I thought you had a twinny. I’ll give you $50 bucks a piece…cash!!


Aloha Roger,

Enjoy your Aussi trip. Give my best to Josh and Davo


Is the one on the left yours Spence…I thought you had a twinny. I’ll give you $50 bucks a piece…cash!!


They were all mine at one point. Now all sold except for the one on the left.

what??? the 6 footer is gone? i would love to have had that board…

That one second from the left…that’s the vision.

OK long time lurker here, but I think I am ready to post some pics of a mini-simmons I did over the summer. This is a super fun board to ride at Sunset Cliffs - SD or my local beach break. For me the size works it is 5’6" x 22" wide x 3" thick, nose is 19", tail is 20" and about 15 1/2" at the very end of the tail. I am 5’9" tall and weigh in at about 185 or so… Let’s see what other specs to share… It has a belly on it that is about 3/16" at the midpoint, a concave that is right around 7/16" deep ( yeah I know I might have gone a little crazy carving out the foam). Fin placement is 2" from the end of the tail, and 1 1/4" from the rail and fin size is 8 1/2" long by 5" tall.

I think that is all the details, please feel free to ask away. I have been watching this site for along time and I should have been sharing awhile ago…

Deck shot -

Bottom -

Concave -

Rocker -

And finally Belly -




That’s a cool little board. I dig the colors and am kicking myself for not puting a leash loop on my board. Nice. Mike

Thanks Rooster,

The color work was more by accident though, but turned out OK also learned to press the down tape well on pinelines a close up of that board and you would see fuzz pinlines because I had a brain fart and forgot to press down the tape. Thanks for the complement, though.

The board is sweet but what really got my attention are those swim fins to the left. Do they have fins (surfboard type) attached to them? If so, how does that work for you? Have you experimented with different sizes? What an interesting idea.

1969 Jim Phillips…



Is that a mint '69 that been stored away all these years? What lucky soul owns that piece of history?

Even if it's a ''re-issue'', remember this: Simmons taught Tinker who taught Jim.......

That’s no reissue.  Time capsule salvation. 

It was for sale on Ebay a month ago and I can’t rememeber what happned to it.  Simmons made 'em light, Velzy made 'em turn and Phillips made 'em better.

And this too…The owner of this one lives in SoCal.