Bob Simmons Influence

Geez, that first one should be in a museum or something.... Gotta ask JKP who did that color.

The second one is more typical condition but that's a precursor of the ''no-nose'' if I ever saw it.

I think he did the lamination on both the peace one and the gray one.  His remark when someone asked him how many of the “peace” lam boards did he do he replied, “Dependes on how much acid we had at the time…” 


Oddly enough the gray board, which looks like it’s missing 24" off the back to me, was more striking and memorable for Jim because they were so plain for the day.



Whoa whoa wee whoa!

5’ 2" long, Ice-9 Cane with added high density red to get 23" wide.



good job ace.
I specially like
the expanded width template
square detail in the nose.
the ob summers spawn this
variant shape …
nice to see the 2009
is remnicient of the 1968
but far more sophistication
and attention to detail…
is that car seat from a
64 thames combi?

Could somebody tell me the degree of toe in on the fins, manaya33 perhaps? I’ve heard simmons said something like 10 degrees. In most of these pics, they ‘look’ straight…

Hey Monkstar1,

Well I guess my board is loosely based on Simmons stuff.  I don’t have the S-deck thing going on, but I placed my fins at 2 inches from the edge of the tail to the trailing edge of the fin.  And 1.75 inches in from the rail.  The fins have an 1/8 inch toe-in, but I would have to go home to measure what that is in degrees.  I also used fins that had an 8.5 inch base by 4.5 inches tall.  And I used just about 3 degrees of cant, so not much cant at all.  They look pretty much straight up and down.  I hope that helps you some.  Sorry I am no simmons expert.




Thank you very much.

A trio of Spence hulls under the influence  -  8’4 Baby Simmons with 3 x 10.5" fin box to be enjoyed as a single or twin.

Good call on center box…I added one to this baby Simmons and it is like having two boards for the price of one…


That looks way cool! I bet it rips as well.

Thanks guys. For years I was stuck in a corner as “the longboard shaper” where I used to work. One of the reasons I left was because I had all these ideas bouncing around in my head that i was not “allowed” to do. I have always felt that there is more ways to slice a wave. It has been a lot of fun  working with some of the younger guys that want to take some risks and have some fun with their equipment.

 Ambross, nothing so exotic on the seat. More like 1980 dodge van.

Whacked a longboard epox blank in half. I outlined it and carved the deck and bottom profile. It sat in a storage shed unfinished for two years and Jim Stevens at Underground Boardworks finished it off. I went by his little factory one day and there it sat all finished and ready to go. He sold it to me for $100. I am going to use it as a Paipo board. Hello to all my old Swaylock buddies.      Roger Brucker,Savannah Georgia

my Joe Baugess Mini care of Confosas and the guys at Swift. Great to work with and delivered quickly. "Test Pilot" runs starting this Sunday. 5'8" x 23" x 3"


my Joe Baugess Mini care of Confosas and the guys at Swift. Great to work with and delivered quickly. "Test Pilot" runs starting this Sunday. 5'8" x 23" x 3"



Are you planning on bringing that little guy down to Carlsbad any time soon...maybe Sunday evening?????

maybe........ ;)    got beer?

Ride Report......

Tim and I surfed Terramar Sunday evening. We started at the Power Plant and ended up at Igor's 2 hours later.  Working our way south surfing three different peaks on a very funky high tide day. I did not ride the board but I can see the magic....first day riding the board in funky conditions Tim was getting some good rides.

There's some curves and bottom stuff going on that you have to see and feel. You can't see it in the photos. ...Talk all you want...Until you hold one in your hands you're not going to see it. Tim's board has a smooth outline with no wing. The deck is carved out in the nose but I would not call it an "S" deck or "flex deck".....Very interesting surfboard....The fins are larger than expected....EPS/Epoxy construction....Very nice.....Two thumbs up for the people that built this surfboard!

Great piece with Richard Kenvin talking about Simmons -

TSJ | POV - “Richard Kenvin behind the polyester curtain” from The Surfer's Journal