Calling all lifeguards

I have a hypothetical question to ask lifeguards, especially those in Orange county, Ca. If I were to make and ride a stand up finless “soft” board (think boogie board foam) during black ball would I be “legal”?

as long as you wrote "david hasselhoff is my hero’’ on it…yes, yes indeed !

[ or, ''Pamela, are those reaaalll ???" ]

And for god’s sake, watch out the giant octopus doesn’t get you…that’s why you need good ol’ Davie boy [and Kelly] around…


Easy “Fish and Chips”. Not everyone in socal is what you see on TV.


I have a hypothetical question to ask lifeguards, especially those in Orange county, Ca. If I were to make and ride a stand up finless “soft” board (think boogie board foam) during black ball would I be “legal”?

Friends down there tell me the black ball ordinance has a length factor. Find out what that is, build within the parameters, and I think they’ll let you stand up. I’ve seen footage of Pat Caldwell, who looks to be about 6’25" tall on dry land, stand up surf a bodyboard. It can be done, but…

you mean …

oh god… no !!! …

the T.V. LIED !!!


" but I saw it on T.V… it MUST be true " !! ‘chip’

Hey Chip, have you killed any crocodiles lately? You all do that “Down under”, right?

YE-EP !!

…sure do , " M-M-M-m-m-m-a-a-a-a-t-e " !!!


ben dundee

disclaimer… some aussie’s posts may from time to time contain humour… which may be offensive to humourless people, a lot of americans, intense people , and those unable to laugh at themselves.


disclaimer… some aussie’s posts may from time to time contain humour… which may be offensive to humourless people, a lot of americans, intense people , and those unable to laugh at themselves.


It’s not my fault I’m an intense, humorless, American, It’s a disease. They said so on TV.

we aussies used to be serious as well , but the government has cut back the mental health budget and closed all the institutions …

best part tho , instead of a padded cell and blank walls , they sent us all home with a computer and a never ending packet of tim tams …

so now all the people with a sense of humour and personality have been let loose on the streets …

so if im reading this heading correctly …

you want to make a finless board so you can surf through a maze of swimmers , but coz your out of control it wont matter coz you cant hurt anyone without a fin , even if you scone them with the rail or nose ??

but with a fin and some control and the choice to go around them ,the lifegaurds say thats dangerous ???

sounds like good ol ,gimme ya oil or ill blow ya house down logic again …

i say chip for president …

hey chip can i borrow your blow up crocodile when your done ?

just the crocodile chip …



Throw another shrimp on the barbe would ya mate. Hey aquafriend, I lived in Newport for years growing up. Every summer we used buy these foam surfboards, they were about 5’ long thick and orange. They were called foamie’s, I dont know if they still sell them. Some of the guys would ride big point on those boards, lifeguards didn’t care. Super light foam, styrofoam probably eps and if it hit you it didn’t hurt. The story I was told about the Aussies were that Britain shipped all the mental patients and criminals to Australia and let them loose. Chip it is like Baywatch here. Lots of Pamela Anderson types walking about. DR

You mean those aren’t real crocs you wrestle? Bert, are you familiar with the U.S.O.(unidentified surfing object) shaped by “Doc” Lausch of Surf Prescriptions? It had super prominent double concave that, when meeting at the stringer, formed a keel/fin. I was thinking of doing a “soft” version of that. What say you?

check out Bill Sharps “boogie” board he had make for wedge black ball times----during the early / mid 90’s i think

Any ideas where I might find it?

yea thats it , australia was a penal colony and was founded on cheap labor provided by convicted criminals sent to do hard labor in an unforgiving land …

and now we have the descendants of those criminals running around …

britain still sends its rejects here …

bawdy wenches with missing teeth , you never seen so many skinheads in one place outside berlin , sit on a bench in the city and youll see more mullets walk past than you would in the rivers , and the fashion of the day is the flanelette shirt , levis and a pair of dessert boots , on a 100 degree day …you might have baywatch , we have the freakshow …

then the rest of the population is made up from crew all over the world , to say australia is culturaly diverse would be an understatement …

havent seen the design your talking about aquafiend , but what do you mean about making a soft version ???

eps foam , beaded polyethylene ? what do you have in mind ???



Desert boots ha, I used to have those probably 30 years ago also we wore walabees like a desert boot but has a seem around the top of the foot. Bert we have the freak show here too. Most of the teens wear beanies (wool caps) in 100 summer to look cool. In fact I like the look of those desert boots, maybe I can find a pair and bring em back in style here.

hey aquafiend65. BZ’s Black Ball Beater . it has rubber fins and is black ball safe…

Hey Chips,

…I have a real first run Baywatch patch,( right off this person’s swimmies) given to me by a regular Baywatch cutie.I keep it w/ my Skateboarder mag patch(and others ) in a memory-photo book(it’s signed)…Wonder what’s it worth?

..........Nice doing stunts for THE guys that on tv look like the surfer/skaterS of the year,but actually couldn't stand-up on one to save there lives,,,,BUTT Pam could ride the length of the parking lot @ Will Rogers State Beach on my skater..........when she wasn't petting my dog(Shelby the Cattledog you perv 's). 

…Tommy was really cool to me ,at first he hated me ,then someone told him I killed for a living and he decided to be civil.I asked him about The CREW and he was thrilled that I was a fan and listened to his music.The last time I saw them together (Pam and Tommy) was at the 1999 Peta EVENT . I was getting a coffee in line w/ ellen D. in front of me and I kept hearing familiar voices behind me,“Wow,Tommy and Pam,Far F#@KING OUT!howz it guys”.Just then Charley S. came and got me saying, “let’s go Herb, back to my place, Steven S. and Jean-C. are goin back and starting another party”.Herb

"Yankee Doodle went to town, a riding on a … Stuck a feather in his hat and called it …Mike

Interesting thread.I assume you guys are drinking again.Yo Bert what the heck is a “Tim Tam”.???