can i make a noserider out of my 6'5 blank?

hey folks,

looking for some advice.

i have a 6’5 eps blank to work with. when i dream of ideas and look through pages of shapes and designs i keep coming back to the idea of a mini noserider. but can it be done? am i being realistic?

any advice would be great to get me going.



I wouldn’t try to shape a “noserider.” However, you can shape something that you could nose ride (not sure about a full 10 toes).




I wouldn’t focus on that being the primary function of the board, but what do i know.


Here’s an example of 5 toes over on a board around that size:

Years ago (many!) I had a 7’ tri nose rider shaped by Dave Johnson in Santa Barbara.  Never ever should have sold it.  Never got 10 but easy hang 5’s and turned and pumped really really easily and well.  Pretty fast just forward trim as well.  Loved that board.   Longer by a lot than 6’5" esp considering at the time I was 5’3" X 130 lbs…

as long as you can stand on it, the shorter the board - the eaiser it is to hang five

I think it was Takayama that made sub 6 ft boards called the Thumb.  Wide round nose, kindof skinny pintail, and ripped on them.



There’s a guy at my local beach break that rips on something similar, but setup with squashtail and thruster.

hangin 10 with 12" to spare, a 5’5 stub + one heavy deep wood fin. Black walnut, wall nut. :slight_smile:

wow, beautiful board there.

this is the kind of thing i wanna see.

thanks for the input.  i appreciate it.


 I can't recall who the first was to shape" The Thumb" it might have been Takayama ?  All I Know is that it has been kicking around in one form or another in the north San Diego area for years.  Kind of like Fish have been surfed in The Sunset Cliffs are since the 1970s.

do a search for boss surfboards and you can try reading through that hassle of a thread. My comment has a link to a guy rippin some waves on a plonka

just shape it, ride it and see if ya can nose ride sure to leave alot of area in nose and the right rails to hold into the waves, and not rails that wanna release.....I can cheater 5 on my 5'7" x 21" .....



thanks pridmore.

im super stoked to be shaping this board. just getting the materials ready at the moment.

when you say "the right rails to hold and not rails that wanna release"... could you help me out with this. just looking for a little more specifics and advice.

thanks again


soft rails hold, hard edges give release....

yes..send your e-mail..and i will will show you's actually 6.6




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hey folks,

looking for some advice.

i have a 6'5 eps blank to work with. when i dream of ideas and look through pages of shapes and designs i keep coming back to the idea of a mini noserider. but can it be done? am i being realistic?

any advice would be great to get me going.




hey dansan

here is my email:

i would love to see the board.



I talked with peter at moonlight about his thumbs he puts a extreme kick in the last 6 inches or so of tail rocker to hold the board while you go to the nose. I can get 10 toes on a 6’3

will by tomorrow,

plus my new liddle could you post for me in hull thread?

i haven't the patience to figure out how to post pics..

no problem.

im looking forward to seeing a pic or two.



hey girvin

thanks for the response. 10 toes on a 6’3- awesome.

i would love to see the board. any chance a pic could be posted?

thanks for the input about the tail rocker. do you have any idea about how much ‘kick’ is in the tail?

cheers for the input.
