Central Florida Fish Fry

I’m bringing some stuff to swap and sell. Board bags, fins other stuff. Hope others will do the same. In the vien of our west coast bros, I’m bringing a fish or two to show off.

sent from my so-called smart phone

I got permission to share a few old tricks from the master himself, Jim Phillips. So what time do you guys want this quick and dirty ''seminar'' to start? I'd default to 11:00 or so, but I'm willing to be flexible. Others can ''share'' too - I might learn something as well!

For instance, Greg Tate has an excellent program on ''how not to make fins'', or so I'm told....

technically it’s ’ how to not make fins’, but that’s cool too. Seriously, 11 is good. Can’t wait. If I am not putting you on the spot some of your tools would be really interesting. See you there.

Thanks for the correction, That (''how to not make fins'' ) was the funniest thread of the year.

2 votes for 11:00.


I'll have my templates if anyone wants the mistake of copying one, a blank, maybe a planer.  I only live down the street so they won't be physically on me.  I am really stoked this should be fun.  Is there anything else thats needed?

templates schmemplates....how'bout some surf?



I know you could care less about templates because you're using CNC from now on.



I know you could care less about templates because you're using CNC from now on.



oh that's good! reaaaaal good mike.

ya CNC rules...

piece of cake, like going to bed dreaming of the perfect stick, then waking in the morning and its right there in front of you ready to surf.

so easy...why fuss with all that "hands-on craftmanship" silly stuff...

that yucky dirty stuff is for losers......robots baby!!! 

speaking of yucky....I need another robot to clean my house...and feed me while i kick back on the lazyboy watching Gator football...

"hey robot! fetch me another beer!"

boom! there's my beer in a nano second...and without an attitude

ya future looks bright

ps - i was serious about waves tho 

Forcast for Saturday is looking good:

“ENE swell at chest to head high with 5-10mph ESE winds”

Good news too is that last weekend Paradise Park was a barrel-fest at high tide.

Low tide on Halloween is around 1pm, so that’s a good setup for getting some fun waves all morning long. Water is still 80 too.

Here ya go crafty




I don't normally surf with crowds so this should be good, nor have I been able to bring myself to take my board near rocks....lol

Okay! How much?!?! 

Can that beer fetching robot shape a board too?

ps - way back in the day a friend of a friend had a dog who could fetch beer from the fridge. The key to the trick was wrapping a kitchen towel around the handle of the fridge so that his dog could pull open the door, back when fridges had actual handles. He placed the beer cans on the lower shelf where the dog could grab them. In all my life, that was the best dog trick I ever saw in person.    

Don't call them man's best friend for nothing!

That dog must have been in Gainesville, right? Only UF dogs are that smart.

No sorry to say, it was before that. Smart (ass) dogs are from Georgia. hehe

Speaking of smart, was talking to a lady friend at work her 18 y/o daughter was applying to all the big colleges. She told me to get into UF as a freshman you have to have a 4.3 GPA minimum! Yikes!!  

So with waves looks like there might be a lot less chit chat in the pavillion, more action in the water eh?

“So with waves looks like there might be a lot less chit chat in the pavillion, more action in the water eh?”

Hopefully. All the boards will be down on the beach, so everyone can check out boards, talk shop and still heckle people in the water :smiley:

You guys better not jinx us by callin' waves 4 days out. This is Florida, remember?


Fingers crossed, looks like this will be a really fun Fry.  I look forward to checking out everyones creations.

Gettin' ready for the morning. Any of you guys that want to find me, I'll be the skinny sorta grey haired guy in the black Coil t-shirt.

I just picked up three canopy/tents.  I’m supposed to get one more tomorrow morning.  I grabbed the Surfrider one from Rick Hayes too.  I’ll be the tall balding guy most likely wearing orange and blue.  Forstall just sent me this.  Looks pretty.

So you'll be the guy with all the tents!