"Claiming" revisited...

There was a lengthy discussion here awhile back on “claiming” rides… I.E. whether or not it was OK to clench fists, grab balls, pound chest, etc. after a good ride. I don’t recall if there was a final agreement. Apparently the new school guys are more in to being “cool.”

My question? - Is it generally acceptable for a “tube ride” to be claimed as such if the ride is not completed?

If I recall correctly, a ride not completed counts as zero in a contest? Am I way off base on that?

Here is a quote from a website on scoring waves in a contest…

Remember, for a maneuver to be scored, it must be completed. No matter how radical the attempt, if he/she doesn’t emerge with both feet on the board and still being pushed by the force of the wave, it doesn’t count.”

I may be way off on this…and I couldn’t give a crap about what the rules of scoring are…but if something I do or something that happens when I’m riding a wave gives me a thrill, I celebrate !

If someone who’s watching doesn’t approve of my “claim” (whatever that means) they can bite me !

I don’t surf to impress others or to be better at it than someone else. I surf because it’s one of the most fun things I found to do in life.

I get a kick out of seeing people “claim”. Whether its some guy who’s just gotten spat out of a gnarly barrel, or a grommet who just got to his feet in 8 inches of whitewater, it’s all about the stoke !

I think the only people who look down on others celebrating a ride are the one’s who’ve lost the real joy of their own surfing. There can be no other reason for belittling another surfers stoke.


My question is whether it’s or not it is OK to clench fists, grab balls, pound chest, etc. after a finishing a board…???..

I do recall seeing pictures of you doing all of the above…

I say, be proud…



There was a lengthy discussion here awhile back on “claiming” rides… I.E. whether or not it was OK to clench fists, grab balls, pound chest, etc. after a good ride.

The notion of “claiming” a ride can bring me to near-hysterical laughter, and the more challenging conditions there are the funnier it seems. Never turn your back on the ocean…:wink:

I’m fine with celebrating anything, and the fist pump can be used either way. The “claiming” thing seems motivated by arrogance and aggression, celebrating by joy and excitement (stoke defined, eh?). Tough call for passing or interested observers. A rule of thumb that works anywhere, since this seems so universal, is that if the surfer turns to the beach and pumps a fist, especially outside competition, you gotcher basic showboat…

Any display of healthy exuberance is OK… you just run the risk of looking like a fool.


There was a lengthy discussion here awhile back on “claiming” rides… I.E. whether or not it was OK to clench fists, grab balls, pound chest, etc. after a good ride.

The notion of “claiming” a ride can bring me to near-hysterical laughter, and the more challenging conditions there are the funnier it seems. Never turn your back on the ocean…:wink:

I’m fine with celebrating anything, and the fist pump can be used either way. The “claiming” thing seems motivated by arrogance and aggression, celebrating by joy and excitement (stoke defined, eh?). Tough call for passing or interested observers. A rule of thumb that works anywhere, since this seems so universal, is that if the surfer turns to the beach and pumps a fist, especially outside competition, you gotcher basic showboat…

I agree. For example; if you’ve just scored what you consider to be an awesome/incredible ride, then by all means celebrate it anyway you like. But, if you turn towards shore and give it the “In your face!” treatment. IMO your doing nothing but showing the world what an ass you are.

My claiming of a barrel earned me a nice set of stitches in the forehead when I flip kicked my board after coming out and the Santa Ana’s threw it right back in my face… fin to the forehead. I don’t claim anything anymore:)

I don’t need ANY help looking like a fool…thank you very much.

claiming a wave is rather senseless,

sure feels good at the time though.

It is more interesting to hear personal experience to me though so here goes a ball grabber that happened about seven years ago.

Was surfing in a well known area that has nice coral formation south and north of the small east facing beach. Surfers packed like seals in the main slot. Two large flattened rocks just below the ocean surface where the peaks usually formed. I usually look to the south here while in the water. I had been known to paddle over to the south coral shelf and scout it out when the crowd was up. I got to know the shelf pretty well hopin and dreaming of the day a typhoon would kick up something big enough to make it worth taking seriously.

I got my wish one day and shot straight for the outside after getting in the water. It was firin from the outside and working all the way across and into the usual area. The wave in the usual beach was bumpin up twice, most guys were on the inside bump, my friend and I went out back. It was nice droppin down the face twice on the same wave.

Crowd kept comin and I went to the reef, it is known as “Ishi gane” by the locals. I couldn’t believe how perfectly it was peelin. Long. round and hollow. I was fitting in comfortably, no need bend. :slight_smile:

Heaven earth life and myself, in harmony for the moment. I was ecstatic.

I did a ball grabber there, haven’t done many others.

"My question is whether it’s or not it is OK to clench fists, grab balls, pound chest, etc. after a finishing a board…???..

I do recall seeing pictures of you doing all of the above… "

No, that’s definitely not OK. You and I both know I’d had way too many cocktails for breakfast that day. I apologize and swear it’ll never happen again.

I claim with a big smile! An occaisional "ooouuuiii!

Seems the fist-pumping, etc. is for convincing others that it was a good wave, move, etc.

2 quotes come to mind:

from Greenough

“Surfing is about how it feels, not how it looks”

from a good friend who has both a Super Bowl ring and a World Football League championship ring(about the onfield celebrations by players)

“Act like you’ve done it before and you may actually do it again”

I like to give a good loud hoot for any good wave. Doesn’t have to be mine. A great beeg Oooowwwww! puts a smile on the face of those getting that ride, makes people paddle just a bit harder to try and catch that ride, and just sounds so cool when you’re in the barrel.

Sharing the stoke brings up the good vibes, and good vibes brings in more waves. Not sure what pumping your fist in the air does.


Seems the fist-pumping, etc. is for convincing others that it was a good wave, move, etc.

Well defined. Which seems a little silly, when you come right down to it. Kinda like a lot of self-promotion, it takes away far more than it adds.

Me, I manage to convince myself that I’ve done something right, now and then. And then I laugh, 'cos I’m just another jackass, and that one moment of not screwing up doesn’t nearly balance out all those moments when I did… peoople, well, they take themselves waaaay too seriously.


WHO CARES ??? not me …

I claimed an ol’t-shirt once !


Laughing, it works for me, smiling is even good enough.

The most humble claim I ever saw was by a very competent young lady in western Indo. She pulled into and out of a beautiful overhead barrell, sort of cruised off the wave in autopilot, and just slowed, stopped, sank and sat on her board motionless with her head down, for many seconds. She later told me it was the best barrel she had ever ridden. Stoked beyond words.

I’m pretty sure I hooted, laughed and smiled.

Back in the 70s at Newport river jetties,I got a deep tube on a double overhead wave,and got cutoff by a dunce,who was hooting and yelling about his epic ride.

Just after he kicked out ,I followed right behind him ,and said,“What the hell are you Hooting about KOOK !”

Everyone in the water was laughing there ass off…

…I was a bit pissed then ,but the memory of the ride makes me laugh every time !



Does a “tube” count if you don’t make it?
