CMP Re-surfaces

I guess Charlie got tried of waiting for one of Bert’s boards to show up so he went and freed Roys from customs and surfed it in Waikiki with his bros…

CMP in all his glory… part of OTAY’s band of brothers

Aloha Charlie!

gotta stop by and talk story one of these days…

oh yea Roy

its Charles Price not Charlie Parker (that just CMP’s quick wit again)

Also I think CMP is like 6’3"–1.jpg?t=1227075562…ure-Prmitive-olo.jpg

Did Olo finally make it to the rock?

Vi - de - OH !

Vi - de - DOH !

Slam dunk at Queens n Threes

Pops one open n da conoes


so nice to post that for us. got me stoked for sure.

cant wait to see the rest!!


How funny, when I was reading about it on the “other” surfing forum, I saw where it was someone named charlie who had gotten it out of customs. My first thought was, “I wonder if it was CMP, seems like the kind of thing he’d do”.

Good for him, he seems like a hell of a guy from what I know about him. Yet another to whom I owe a handshake and a beer if I ever get to meet him.


kind of weird that he’s part of OTAY’s crew

makes me wonder if he’s resurfaced here as OTAY?

stranger things have happened

remember those “walmart” threads with Noel and CMP?

Makes me feel sad

that although he’s but a 5 minute drive away

I haven’t gone over to say hello in more than two years

ever since our dad died

used to spend almost every weekend

doing what i could helping him out

and learning what i could from him up till then

from a practical standpoint

he was light years ahead of the swaylocks crew

saw him in homedepot once

Were are the surf shots?

…and the videos of 3OH Pipeliners ??? Sunsetters? Waimea??

i have faith some vids will be shot, with all the photogs and vidhogs on the ns…

weather’s been terrible

hurricane wind and rain coming down sideways here

as far as the board

it’s way out of my hands

i don’t think i’ll ever get a chance to see it or ride it until after it’s broken in half by all those northshore crazies.

maybe they’ll take some footage this week when it clears up

if we had it we’d take some shots in some southshore slop

maybe Blane Chambers should get a chance at it

he’s about the right size and and is used to steering oversized equipment

and he’s part of the blue tent ohana…

but sounds like OTAY and CMP got to ride it for a whole day in waikiki

if anything you have to compliment Mr. Stewart on his woodwoorking skills

cause everyone who’s seen it said its a beautiful looking wooden board.

should be ridden at every sacred break here on oahu and maui using the super ferry to transport it by truck there…

Have not seen Charlie since he did some stuff for me just before he started his home addition. Used to see him in the water once in a while…busy man, I reckon, these days.


Holy crap. this is a misinformation super highway.

I have received and written PM’s to 2 people(roy and oneula) regarding this board. I have no clue where all this wrong info is coming from.

Waikiki ???, Charlie Parker??? You make it sound like Charlie had terminal cancer and now is cured. Can’t wait to tell him he is famous. He is the most unassuming person I know. He is going to chuckle hard about his photo. I guess the ugly girls do get their pictures taken at the prom sometimes.

Here is what happened.

  1. Roy talked smack, needed cash to ship the board

  2. I offer to pay

  3. Roy accepts offer

  4. Roy takes board to Air NZ to ship

  5. Roy sends me the air freight info.

  6. Board arrives 11 Nov 08 at Aloha Cargo.

  7. consignee of board notified and arrangements made to pay shipping.

  8. consignee unable to pick up board. We try to.

  9. 1st attempt to pick up board. $359.54 paid to Aloha Air cargo by me.

  10. Off to customs to be shut down for lack of and wrong and missing paper work.

  11. Charlie spends a few days working the kinks out with the consignee and picks up the board on the 13th with an additional customs fee of $9.00. New total is $368.54(receipts available upon request)

  12. The board is already in the water and being surfed when I first see it. It is beautiful to look at. I was indifferent on the ride because the waves were so small. I felt too heavy for it but could catch any wave I wanted with max paddling effort.

  13. The South shore is about 30-40 miles long. I haven’t surfed waikiki since the July swell of 1995. Not sure why anyone thinks the board went to touristville. It was surfed on the South shore in the most picturesque warm turquoise clear blue water one could imagine. Pictures you say. Who would have thunk it. Memories of surf and friendship just for our minds eye I guess.

  14. The board was suppose to go to a photo journalist per the consignee’s request. That person (don’t know their name) could not take it. So the board went to the consignee, Randy Rarick (sp) in Haleiwa. I think it will be very easy for anyone interested to have an opportunity to ride it. Not sure why you think it is out of your hands or why it will break.

  15. I will see Charlie tonight and ask if he will post on his first ride experiences.

  16. Are you serious with the sunova comparison? Apples and mangos??

Also this is as far away from an SUP in ride or design as you can get. Paddles more like my tow board than a SUP.

  1. Bottom line…$368.54, no bs, no need to be repayed, just aloha and a you’re welcome to Roy. He has put up and now it soon will be determined if he has to shut up. Good luck on the challenge, I’ll be watching.

thanks for paying so we can hopefuly all see the results. Very generous of you.

Like Tim said - Right on Charlie…

I hope to have to break out my humble pie spork…

Love to see some video footage in good head+ waves… One of my biggest issues w/Roy’s claims - except for some recent photos of decent waves - was the video of waist high mush…


I thought of getting a longboard from Bert a couple years ago as a gift for Charlie’s generosity

he’s a one of kind person.

But you probably know that already as do alot of guys he’s helped here.

I thought it would be nice for Charlie to see one of Bert’s creations since Charlie was doing his compsand thing for about a decade before that Burger post showed up here. Hard to believe the first compsand project he walked me through was building a balsa skinned Jeff Alexander shaped Gemini for my brother as a Christmas present. And that included wrapping balsa around the rails nose and tail.

Roy claimed a Charlie Parker delivered the board but when I saw the photo on the blog I recognized that smiling face as my compsand mentor.

I thought CMP told Roy he was Charlie Parker as a joke thinking that Roy wouldn’t understand the implication of using that famous name cause you know Charlie he has a great wit…

The Waikiki thing came from Roy too so I guess he’s not getting his info straight or its some kind of English-New Zealand translation problem. Also the person who runs the Hiikoi blog PM’d me recently asking about the board cause a guy named Garrett Mcnamara wanted to ride it (and yes I know who he is).

I don’t know why everyone thinks I had the board but they did. Again I think something Roy said online on the other bb.

I only offerred to take care of it if all the others only wanted to do was to destroy it.

In the spirit of things it really should be ridden by as many folks as possible with all of them chronicling their experiences good or bad on the blog site. Just like we did here with Ambrose’s board… In fact I think Bill Barnfield should ride it at Lani’s like he wanted to in the first place with his speedometer attached. It would only be fair cause that’s how this all started.

As far as the SUP thing I think someone used to managing giant foam things in the surf and turning them would be better off than some hotdogging shortboard rider trying to maneuver and hold onto that thing in decent sized surf… Blane deserves a surf too as he’s only brought alot of aloha to swaylocks ever since he showed here. Plus Blane always has someone shooting pic of him…

Maybe when all the buzz dies down

I’ll just humbly wait my turn and ask to also give it another southshore romp at haubush or whiteplains

it sure would be nice to see one in person and ride one

before I attempt to build my own from the plans Roy kindly sent me awhile back

but it sounds like i might not be able to haul it around in a car with racks based on the weight issue mentioned but we’ll see.

If you see Charlie tell him I said hello and that our family wishes his the best as always.

Also I’ll be dropping by with my brother soon to say hello in person.

I think Roy should at least get some kudo’s for all the work he put into building and sharing this wood sculpture.

Not many would relinquish that much hard work to a bunch of strangers.

I just felt compelled to say this thread is full of good news and Aloha. It’s really nice to see so much enthusiasm.


I think Bill Barnfield should ride it at Lani’s like he wanted to in the first place with his speedometer attached. It would only be fair cause that’s how this all started.

Aloha Bernie

I am not sure where you ever got the idea that I wanted to ride one of Roy’s boards at Laniakea. And that is not how this whole thing started.

One of the problems with forums is that sides are often quickly drawn on “hot topic subjects”. And people can get placed by others on one side of the “hot topic” or another, even though they aren’t nor ever were on any particular side.

I am pretty sure I never took a position on the speeds Roy claimed to be attaining. Roy and I were never adversaries in the speed battle. And my later discussions with Roy about his boards working in Hawaii were at Pipeline.

(SIDE NOTE. My discussions with Roy started over his claim that gravity was the sole force propelling a surfboard. While I certainly agree with him that gravity is the dominant force, I proposed that there were “other” forces to also consider. Roy didn’t agree and I suggested that maybe this was because he hadn’t experienced these “other” forces that waves like Pipeline made more obvious then what his local break in NZ did. I also mentioned that his boards, as we had commonly seen them on Swaylocks, might not ride powerful, hollow waves like Pipeline well and that was why he wasn’t aware of these “other” driving forces and therefore didn’t acknowledge their existence.

Roy interpreted this as me disparaging his boards and harming his business, which wasn’t my intention at all. I tried to apologize for any misunderstanding and explain, but wasn’t hearing it and it was all downhill from there.

Now back to my point…

I didn’t have a dog in Roy’s speed fight. I was regrettably, sucked into a fight about Roy’s boards working well at Pipeline, especially working as well as Roy boldly claimed they would.

I think Roy should at least get some kudo’s for all the work he put into building and sharing this wood sculpture. Not many would relinquish that much hard work to a bunch of strangers.

Bernie, your big Hawaiian heart may be being taken advantage of here. Considering Roy’s well calculated marketing plan for this whole shindig, (cudos Roy) and the immense exposure Roy has already gained, with more likely to come. It might be a bit naive to suggest that his making this board to send to Hawaii, was ever the profound act of generosity that you are suggesting it is. Especially since others paid the freight. Few in the industry, with a similar overwhelming high confidence in their product, like Roy has, would ever allow an opportunity to have their board showcased at Pipeline to go untaken. Especially if others paid all the shipping costs and handled the production of the event and coordinated the media. What an unbeatable deal! Roy is smart to have taken advantage of it. And since “failure” isn’t even on the radar screen at this level of confidence, risk of failure, is invisible.

You left out the part where you called me a liar and a charlatan, and also neglected to mention your many abusive private messages.

I don’t actually have the right of reply here, so perhaps to be fair you should shut up or move the discussion elswhere. . . . you know that Mike doesn’t want this sort of thing on Swaylocks, so cut it out.


hi bill i dont really agree with your opinion

roy is provider for wife and 13 children on less income then i have for my 2 kids

any marketing ploy you think exists is unrealistic and shows little understanding of New Zealand and its people

roys evil plan to dominate the surf industry has been exposed

omg selling a set of plans a week for 30 dollars to feed his kids

i cant see how a retailer such as yourself selling chinese goods could be in a position to criticize a guy that handcrafts a unique board and sends it half way around the world for people to enjoy

roy built that board by hand and when i spoke to him he didnt want to part with it

he wanted to surf it

he loves it and im sure feels like hes sent a family member to hawaaii

i dont blame him

it just fckin crazy anyone could say roy is benefiting financialy more then the odd block of wax or surfboard plans

well the board is here

and it should be ridden by as many folks as possible and they need to report what ever happens during that experience good and bad,

We owe Ben Chipper at least that much, (“build it, ride it, report back here”)

I don’t see much difference in what Roys doing versus “timberflex”, “firewire”, “epoxy vs PU”,“fin systems” discussions that have been about selling product behind the scenes more than assisting backyard builders. So I don’t really care.

I do know that no one has said similar things about Ambrose’s contribution to the community as they have about Roy’s but thats a personality issue with the builder.

Also so far only three people out of all the thousands who post here have ever hand crafted a board and just given it away to the community. And that says alot about the motives of the majority. Imagine the changing dynamic of this place if we just built and gave our work away to others to enjoy hmmm

i serious doubt that this craziness of spending $15K-$20K for something as stupid as a “collector surfboard” will continue in the coming economy no one seems to acknowledge.

Actually at this point any further discussion about this stupid challenge is useless.

I just enjoyed seeing CMP smiling face again which is why I posted this.

He’s usually so far ahead of the pack here in mind and spirit.

We all could learn allot from him

So I take my cue from my former teacher CMP and his bud OTAY…

just ride the damn thing and have some fun with it and learn a thing or two about parallel profile build method… People just lost the fact that these are 4-5 flat sheets of wood panels bent into a surfboard that you can ride using a curve and some bricks. No electric planer needed, and possibly no fiberglass too just scraps of wood.

But more important;y report back honestly for all those who will never have have the same opportunity good or bad. Pictures are good too but not necessary.

That’s all…


Lokahi (work together)

Imua (Move forward)


he loves it and im sure feels like hes sent a family member to hawaaii

Sent it to it’s death…AHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHH!!! Let the game begin!!! On a serious note. The board looks fantastic, and I was really hoping to see it in person in HI. Congratulations on seeing it through Roy. LET THE GAME BEGIN!!! Roll the tape!!!