Completely OFF TOPIC internet disagreement.

Stop right there!!! Do not read this unless you want to waste time!!! Hehehe!!!



OK, I get this PM the other day from McDing…Its a PRIVATE MESSAGE but oh well, I’m willing to share…


McDing: Brah------------ How about giving me the info On Shaper’s space. I am getting blanks on Oahu and would rather shape and glass these blanks there. Better to ship a glassed board than a raw blank back to Maui.

First off, here in Hawaii this is a rude way to ask for something especially if you’ve never met someone before. Its as if I was trying to hide this information from him! Being he’s using the word Brah I figure he must know local ways on being polite in asking for something…Hehehe…I responded with this…


Me: BRAH, Das how you ask??? I hope you born and raised in Hawaii to be talking like that. But then, if you was you wouldn’t be asking like that!

I guess that was waaaaaaay to mean, obnoxious, whatever so I get this back…


McDing: “Das how you ask???” You must be Canadian! Forget it Asshole. I guess the comments I’ve heard from others about you and your so-called “aloha” must be true.

Sooooo, OK…


Me: Hahahahahahahaha!!! Go back and read your PM Asshole? Hahahahaha!!! As far as my “Aloha” goes doesn’t mean I let people walk all over me or be rude to me. If you want to meet me just say the word. After that you if you want to call me asshole we can go right there BRAH.

Otis #######Also a guy named Peter over there who might be the guy who handles the shaping stuff…Peter #######Last time I was there it sounded like they were trying to get it filled all the time.

I blocked out the numbers because I don’t think they want it posted… I mean, if you’re gonna call someone names, do it to their face! So the drama continues and I get this…


McDing: Brah------------Nobody’s being rude here but you. I’ve seen you do the same treatment to others on this site as well. At least you restrained your raging anger to a PM. I’m old like Otis. But if your smart punk ass can get past my friend “Mr. Beretta”, bring it on. I gave you the benefit of doubt and reread my own PM. There was absolutly no offense mean’t and I was plenty suprised by your “my ethnic born and raised attitude”. Your "local boy " skin is toooo thin “homeboy”. Try some anger managment.

Hahahahahahahaha!!! Raging Anger??? I’m still giggling at this whole thing! So here’s the last one I sent…


Me: As far as I’m concerned anytime someone starts a sentence with BRAH and then write as if demanding something I read it as rude. I’ve seen your posts too and all I see is a grumpy old fart that is quick to snap and is rude. I think YOU of all people need anger management. Really McDing, you are an angry old soul. Mr. Beretta? Oh so now you’re threatening murder? Over an PM internet squabble? You call me an asshole and then talk about Mr. Beretta??? Hahahahahahahaha!!! All I said was come meet me in person and if you still want to call me asshole after you meet me in person then we can go right there. Maybe a good throwing of blows would be the perfect thing for you to get out some aggression that’s built up from what I would guess is a miserable life… After we beat on each other I’ll even buy you a beer. I’m not an angry guy but no way do I put up with bullshit. Go be rude to others… BRAH Hahahaha! Brah. Hmmmmmm Let me guess… You not even born and raised here BRAH. BRAH, brah, brah… Hahahahahahaha!!! Oh, but you local now cause you live here… Hahahahahaha!!!



So this was this morning and I’d like to say this… McDing, I’m not even mad at you. I think this is funny! As for Swaylocks members. If you don’t want me here due to my raging anger and LACK OF ALOHA just say the word and I’m outta here. I mean, this site is awesome. The best of the best but its still just the internet! Hahahahahahaha!!! Hawaii is a different place and it seems some people have a hard time adapting to it. I mean being polite to others is still alive and well here!!! But its still a 2 way street. A lot of times you see local people get upset but go backwards to the source of the problems. Usually lack of respect is what starts it all. McDing, like I said, I’m not even mad about this. I even gave you the numbers! Hahahahahaha!!! If you don’t like me, that’s OK. But keep Mr. Beretta at home because that would be the worst mistake of your life. Guns are bad you know?

Is it just me or did the guy just want some info about where he could shape on the island? Yeah, he went overboard after that, but so did you. Are you saying if he said, “Brah-----can you please give me info…” instead of “Brah-----how about giving me info…” it would be all different? I can see you thinking he was telling you instead of asking you, but…still a little dramatic, but entertaining, yes!!


Is it just me or did the guy just want some info about where he could shape on the island?

Hehehe! You’re absolutely right. All he wanted was information where he could shape. Get it? If I were to ask it would go like this… “Howzit Bizgravy, can I get that number for the shaping place? Thanks!” You have to live in Hawaii to understand what happened above. But then again, I may be the only guy in Hawaii that thinks this way… Its a possibility!! Hahahahahaha!!!


still a little dramatic, but entertaining, yes!!

That’s why I posted it. Its funny to me anyway. Hehehehe!!! I wonder if McDing is laughing at his keyboard too? Or is he cleaning the barrel on the ol Beretta? What happened to the good ol days in Hawaii when you beat the crap out of each other when someone disrespects the other? Now its I’m calling the cops! Or, I’m bringing a gun! Hahahahahaha!!!

Isn’t this a, “Design Forum”? CarveNalu, relax. Thin skin, to be sure.

two words



what else would you expect

another three words




again what else would you expect

Too Funny!!!

Lets see. Pay shipping on a few blanks and shape in Maui where I live or fly to Oahu, spend 2-3 days to finish a board, shaping room fee, hotel, rental car, equipment fee, fly back and pay a shipping fee on the board flight. Must be a state government employee the way he is thinking. Or maybe can I stay at CN’s? Unbelievable!!!

Time to adjust my BRA…zierre.


Isn’t this a, “Design Forum”? CarveNalu, relax. Thin skin, to be sure.

Hehe! Yes, you are right… This is a design forum. Thin skin? Lets see kaalualu. You must be from Hawaii yes? You grew up here yes? You know how we are yes? Soooo when someone says to you, “Brah. Hows about you give me something?” You of all people should know that is one of the most rude, dis-respectful ways to ask for something… BTW, I tried to keep those who want design stuff out by using Off Topic. Oh yeah, Kaalualu is such an Awesome place!!!


My point exactly, just another one, what’s new? Banging heads, no need.

Wow. Somebody lock this thread. Why the hell did you post this to a public forum? -Carl

Hey Carve,

After reading this thread I was thinking next time I go to the Islands I better keep my mouth shut tight or take some Hawaiian etiquette lessons!

One of my best friends lived for about four years on Maui. Two words- Maui Haole. He told me, “Don’t even try to talk pidgin!” He was a plumber, a happy go lucky kind of guy, makes friends really easily, not very educated and ended up leaving because a couple of locals at his work site gave him so much shit (verbal and physical) that he couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t figure that out. He’s so laid back… but he didn’t grow up there and doesn’t know anything about history. Maybe he forgot to say “please” once too often (he also grew up without any parental direction whatsoever, so is not known for social finesse). I don’t know. Makes me think of what Miki Dora said, “Too many hard feelings over there.”

So, Carve, mmmmm, if you please, are there any local etiquette schools or websites you could recommend, so we hapless mainlanders can visit the heart and soul of surfing without stepping on any toes? Mahalo.

You know I’m just kidding , yeah? Kind of…


My point exactly, just another one, what’s new?

My theory is this. By letting people come here and dictate what is acceptable and not, Hawaii becomes like where they come from wherever the heck that is… I for one am tired of people coming here with a rude attitude and thinking they can act like a dummy and hide behind lawyers etc. Remember back when you act up and you get cracks? Well, as barbaric as that is, it is a very good system. Rude people suck. I don’t get rude to anyone who doesn’t deserve it fully. But yeah, you’re right about just another one. Another rude guy that moved here from somewhere else… My question is how many “another ones” before we have to many? I’m over 40. I’m tired of all these another ones

Stop right there!!! Do not read this unless you want to waste time!!! Hehehe!!!



OK, I get this PM the other day from McDing…Its a PRIVATE MESSAGE but oh well, I’m willing to share…


McDing: Brah------------ How about giving me the info On Shaper’s space. I am getting blanks on Oahu and would rather shape and glass these blanks there. Better to ship a glassed board than a raw blank back to Maui.

First off, here in Hawaii this is a rude way to ask for something especially if you’ve never met someone before. Its as if I was trying to hide this information from him! Being he’s using the word Brah I figure he must know local ways on being polite in asking for something…Hehehe…I responded with this…


Me: BRAH, Das how you ask??? I hope you born and raised in Hawaii to be talking like that. But then, if you was you wouldn’t be asking like that!

I guess that was waaaaaaay to mean, obnoxious, whatever so I get this back…


McDing: “Das how you ask???” You must be Canadian! Forget it Asshole. I guess the comments I’ve heard from others about you and your so-called “aloha” must be true.

Sooooo, OK…


Me: Hahahahahahahaha!!! Go back and read your PM Asshole? Hahahahaha!!! As far as my “Aloha” goes doesn’t mean I let people walk all over me or be rude to me. If you want to meet me just say the word. After that you if you want to call me asshole we can go right there BRAH.

Otis #######Also a guy named Peter over there who might be the guy who handles the shaping stuff…Peter #######Last time I was there it sounded like they were trying to get it filled all the time.

I blocked out the numbers because I don’t think they want it posted… I mean, if you’re gonna call someone names, do it to their face! So the drama continues and I get this…


McDing: Brah------------Nobody’s being rude here but you. I’ve seen you do the same treatment to others on this site as well. At least you restrained your raging anger to a PM. I’m old like Otis. But if your smart punk ass can get past my friend “Mr. Beretta”, bring it on. I gave you the benefit of doubt and reread my own PM. There was absolutly no offense mean’t and I was plenty suprised by your “my ethnic born and raised attitude”. Your "local boy " skin is toooo thin “homeboy”. Try some anger managment.

Hahahahahahahaha!!! Raging Anger??? I’m still giggling at this whole thing! So here’s the last one I sent…


Me: As far as I’m concerned anytime someone starts a sentence with BRAH and then write as if demanding something I read it as rude. I’ve seen your posts too and all I see is a grumpy old fart that is quick to snap and is rude. I think YOU of all people need anger management. Really McDing, you are an angry old soul. Mr. Beretta? Oh so now you’re threatening murder? Over an PM internet squabble? You call me an asshole and then talk about Mr. Beretta??? Hahahahahahahaha!!! All I said was come meet me in person and if you still want to call me asshole after you meet me in person then we can go right there. Maybe a good throwing of blows would be the perfect thing for you to get out some aggression that’s built up from what I would guess is a miserable life… After we beat on each other I’ll even buy you a beer. I’m not an angry guy but no way do I put up with bullshit. Go be rude to others… BRAH Hahahaha! Brah. Hmmmmmm Let me guess… You not even born and raised here BRAH. BRAH, brah, brah… Hahahahahahaha!!! Oh, but you local now cause you live here… Hahahahahaha!!!



So this was this morning and I’d like to say this… McDing, I’m not even mad at you. I think this is funny! As for Swaylocks members. If you don’t want me here due to my raging anger and LACK OF ALOHA just say the word and I’m outta here. I mean, this site is awesome. The best of the best but its still just the internet! Hahahahahahaha!!! Hawaii is a different place and it seems some people have a hard time adapting to it. I mean being polite to others is still alive and well here!!! But its still a 2 way street. A lot of times you see local people get upset but go backwards to the source of the problems. Usually lack of respect is what starts it all. McDing, like I said, I’m not even mad about this. I even gave you the numbers! Hahahahahaha!!! If you don’t like me, that’s OK. But keep Mr. Beretta at home because that would be the worst mistake of your life. Guns are bad you know?

Is it just me or did the guy just want some info about where he could shape on the island? Yeah, he went overboard after that, but so did you. Are you saying if he said, “Brah-----can you please give me info…” instead of “Brah-----how about giving me info…” it would be all different? I can see you thinking he was telling you instead of asking you, but…still a little dramatic, but entertaining, yes!!


Is it just me or did the guy just want some info about where he could shape on the island?

Hehehe! You’re absolutely right. All he wanted was information where he could shape. Get it? If I were to ask it would go like this… “Howzit Bizgravy, can I get that number for the shaping place? Thanks!” You have to live in Hawaii to understand what happened above. But then again, I may be the only guy in Hawaii that thinks this way… Its a possibility!! Hahahahahaha!!!


still a little dramatic, but entertaining, yes!!

That’s why I posted it. Its funny to me anyway. Hehehehe!!! I wonder if McDing is laughing at his keyboard too? Or is he cleaning the barrel on the ol Beretta? What happened to the good ol days in Hawaii when you beat the crap out of each other when someone disrespects the other? Now its I’m calling the cops! Or, I’m bringing a gun! Hahahahahaha!!!

Isn’t this a, “Design Forum”? CarveNalu, relax. Thin skin, to be sure.

two words



what else would you expect

another three words




again what else would you expect

Too Funny!!!

Lets see. Pay shipping on a few blanks and shape in Maui where I live or fly to Oahu, spend 2-3 days to finish a board, shaping room fee, hotel, rental car, equipment fee, fly back and pay a shipping fee on the board flight. Must be a state government employee the way he is thinking. Or maybe can I stay at CN’s? Unbelievable!!!

Time to adjust my BRA…zierre.