Crazy hollow carbon balsa kevlar composite fish!!

Surfs kicking up now…

Along with the wind.

Definently going kiting today.

First, I’ve been following you’re thread nearly every day, thanks for one of the most interesting step-by step builds I’ve ever seen!!! Thanks to Sways also, for making it possible to post project details in such a continuous flowing manner… Over 18000 views of your thread, that must be some kind of record!!!

I’m currently building a 5’ -5" all-core-cell kite-surfboard , and I have a few critiques if I may, they’re more questions than critiques , as your technical hollow frame building methods are unique and innovative… That being said, Wouldn’t it be a good idea to shell out some cash on a vacuum pump and bagging materials when laminating your skins.??. Sand bags don’t cut it, if you want a high end laminate. You can’t possibly be getting an even thorough bond with the “weighted bag” method… Second question; Why the complexity? It’s really not necessary. You could have used double sided Carbon skins and done away with all the carbon rods , tow and such… In reality all you really need for a hollow board is a shaped foam plug or mold , good quality core materials for the bottom and deck and the right laminate sandwiched on both sides of these “skin” cores… Like a molded kayak but better… Your rails are headed in the right direction, perhaps all of your next board can be based on your kevlar rail concept… No offense intended, just my $.02 worth…


the sandbags are working for now. Im definitly getting a vac pump in the future. I just cant afford it at the moment Im sure you know why. As for the complexity, This board has become a template for me to experiment with MANY different construction concepts that I have wanted to integrate into my airplanes. That is why it got so complex. However the amount that I have learned from the project is pricless. I am going to start using carbon tube frame-ups in my airplanes around critical areas. I might mold a kevlar leading edge on a combat plane to surive those frequent mid-air collisions. (combat as in fighting r/c planes with r/c planes, yes we really do that!!). All in all I love building stuff and the more time I can spend on a project, the more I will learn from it. Its just my philosophy.

here’s another reason why I didnt use vacuum bags

Thanks marke ) :

Like I said, no disrespect, your build has been the most ambitious and gratifying that I’ve seen in years!!

I’ve been building composite hard foam over 1# eps windsurf boards since 1984, and Core-cell based kite-boards since 2000… My avitar shows me as a newbee but I assure you I know “compsand” as they call it here… Your hollow Kevlar rails were a breath of fresh air, even I would be weary of building hollow rails unless I thought out the impact strength and durability…

Vac. bagging is the only way to go to get perfect laminates, which is the key to structures,imho…!!!. It’s all in the skins!!

Yes, it’s tough to vac. bag a hollow structure, the crushing forces want to deform or destroy your shell.(as in the picture). For this reason, you have to vac bag to a male or female plug( mold). Once the skins are formed in their curvature and joined as one ,

they become a monocoque unit…

I have a 190# friend who kite-surfs on a Core-Cell based board that is only 1/4" thick, skinned with 12oz. carbon!!! The entire board is only 1/4" thick, and the loads that kiteboarders put on there equip. is large!!..

If you must go hollow, vac to a positive or negative mold and laminate the two halves together… Yes you must reinforce finbox/ footstrap areas to suit…

All this being said, I can’t wait to see the final product !!! You ARE a true craftsman!!!


There’s a lot more crushing force in a big wave, then us kiters put on our boards…

Only tricks we may put a lot of force into our boards are kiteloops, and I’ve seen plenty of boards break from them…

Also, busting ass puts quite the bit of pressure on some boards too :smiley:

When I look at this photo, Brittle is the only word that sticks in my mind.!! Plywood sucks, in this application…anyway…


I sanded the sh*t out of the top deck to make it flush with the rails. In some areas I had to sand through quite a bit of the skin to make it flush. I didnt plan on that, but it gives it sort of an antique look so Im going with it.


There’s a lot more crushing force in a big wave, then us kiters put on our boards… Only tricks we may put a lot of force into our boards are kiteloops, and I’ve seen plenty of boards break from them… Also, busting ass puts quite the bit of pressure on some boards too :smiley:

I put a “LP” graphic on the front of the board. I traced it off a computer print-out on to the veneer and sanded it smooth.

LP, I have been following the thread from the beginning, and just wanted to say nice work! And, of course, bump this to the top for a picture update that would make Chip proud!!

Any updates?

Im proud to be the one to make the 20,000th view!!!

What are the chances??

Here is the final bottom skin

Now what are you going to do with it?

Hope you’re not going to be covering up all that wood…

what I want to know is how it SURFS …

WHEN is the launch day ??

cheers ,


nice work lp, and I really like how the fins turned out …

Here is the tail block. It still needs to be shaped and stained

Is that a legrope plug just above the V in the swallow tail?

yes. It is actually part of the stringer itself. It is super strong.

been following your post with great interest,good stuff

your comment about not being able to afford a vac pump,you can make one from a fridge compressor easily with hardly any cost at all other than a pressure gauge,

i was given an old fridge and have used the pump for 5 vac bagged boards , it runs continuosly and silently ,its worth making one , there will be info in the archives but basically you just wire in a conecting link where the thermostat was wired and you are ready to run ,pete

I think I will try that on a future project. Now I just have to track down an old refrigerator. Junk yard maybe??? I might be able to find one with an old fridge