Crazy hollow carbon balsa kevlar composite fish!!

This project has to be in the top five all time most interesting threads.Now we just need to see two more boards made please!

The best place to find a freon compressor (pump) is at a appliance repair, appliance second hand shop or Craig’s List under free stuff.A lot of good information at Joe and in the archives under cheap little sucker.

Thanks for the great thread!


here’s a plane that surfs…

The nose and tail blocks are on. I did some staining/sanding. I will explain why…

Since I messed up when I molded the rails, they did not end up thick enough to match the thickness of the board when the deck was attached. If you noticed, I brutally sanded through the top deck. It has given the deck a very worn out and old/used appearence. I have since decided to try to make the board look worn out. Im going to try to make it look antique. It might work out.

Check it out!! Pic: surf100 Celebrating 100 pics

Are you going to put a layer of glass over the whole shebang? how thick? I can’t wait to hear how it surfs.


Me too, can’t wait, don’t forget the first ride pics!!!

By the way, I loved that plane…

riding was never part of the deal… that baby is definately going on the wall as a hanger! :wink:

from where you are at now how far away are you from actually getting it in the water?

gonna do an pool testing prior ?

or just gonna go for it.

you have waves in your pool oneula?


And the final weight is…???..

be kind of nice to see if she’s gonna take on water before you paddle her out.

Kind of like MrJ’s air pressure test.

Just an idea

would be a waste to ruin/waterlog it on the first paddle out after all that work.

this project goes on my greatest hits list for sure if it makes it past day one.


I’m just kidding around. Oh, and maybe wishing I had a pool with a hollow right hander in it.


I agree, this thread is great. I love the crossover tech. Having built and flown planes myself I can really relate!

I think another thing you could apply from airplane design is the idea of creating a vacuum over the wing to give the plane more lift. If you took that idea to the underside of the tail of a longboard, it would suck the tail down, allowing you to noseride better. This might take the form of deep concave pockets around the fin.

Anyone seen a design like this?

I seem to recall a stepped bottom where someone brought up the parallel between the pontoons on a plane…


I think another thing you could apply from airplane design is the idea of creating a vacuum over the wing to give the plane more lift. If you took that idea to the underside of the tail of a longboard, it would suck the tail down, allowing you to noseride better. This might take the form of deep concave pockets around the fin.

Anyone seen a design like this?


I believe they call it sticking the turbofin in the back slot design… :wink:

okole maluna! (hawaiian toast)

it’s friday…

Those things seem wrong to me… not sure why.


Are you going to put a layer of glass over the whole shebang? how thick?

Im gonna do a layer of 2 oz first and sand the shit out of it because there is some areas that are not level. Then Im gonna do another 2 oz on the bottom and either 4 or 6 oz on the top


And the final weight is…???..

I think Im looking at about 10 lbs. Its heavier then I expected but I added several parts to the board that I didn’t initially plan on.

Hurricane season is coming up… Then you can surf it.

I glassed the bottom

That’s looking very cool. Seeing hints of those carbon diagonals along the rail reminds me a little of Frakenstein’s monster. That is one wild creation you got there. Also, I have to say that in the first photo I can’t see that straight section in the outline. The shape looks really good. Now I’m one of the legions who can’t wait to see how the board surfs.

Of all the boards I’ve seen here in the last year, I’d like to try surfing your crazy hollow carbon balsa kevlar composite board more than any other.

Major points for uniqueness.

You should have someone video your first session on it. Really.
