Custom for Muggsie

I posted a custom board for a freind.

He posted a review of this board.

What is between that is crap.

Do you want better boards???

I would really appreciate it if you would keep posting your boards :slight_smile: just awesome … and perhaps you could keep the pissers and moaners at bay by using a single post. One of my favorite all-time threads is the previously mentioned Bert post where he periodically added new boards, gave some specs for board and rider.

Anyway, NICE work!


I agree Greg.

I am still thinking about your design elements… especially as relating to a comment on another thread about planing ability…

I am going to make a board for myself to test out, with a flat bottom and hard edges. I am still working the rails over in my mind really, and I had the idea of setting the fin boxes in to use it as a quad or a thruster, but I am very curious as to how your 5-fin setup works with the rest of the elements in your boards.

Keeping in mind that I am learning, and am mostly making boards for the northeast coast of North America; re:usually smaller and mushy; so am looking at elements that work for quick planing and drive.

Always enjoy seeing the boards you are putting out. Keep up the good work.

Is this the same Muggsie (or Mugsy as I thought it was) who surfed Santa Cruz in the early 70’s with a feet-together-just-standing-there kind of style? Pretty cool.


Keep posting them.

I’m all for better surfboards.

Those interested in surfboard design appreciate your contributions.



I posted a custom board for a freind.

He posted a review of this board.

What is between that is crap.

Do you want better boards???

Yes, I want better boards, but in the meantime, I’ll have to make my own!

Thanks for posting here. I know a lot (if not most) of us appreciate it. You can do 30 threads a day as far as I’m concerned.

If someone posts up looking for help and doesn’t receive a reply, they can “bump” their thread back to the top. It’s really very simple.

Besides, I miss surfing Backyards, and I like the scenery along with the sticks!

Sweet story Muggsie, and thanks for sharing.

Greg has the most beautifully designed boards. In fact, I have a pic of one his 5 fin fish as my wallpaper on this machine. He provides alot of inspiration for me. Each time I shape a new board, I picture how clean and even his lines are and my best to get there.

Greg: Thanks for posting, and for God’s sake, continue to do so. Just ignore the bitchers and whiners!


thanks pato…

Surfboards are pretty interesting things. Some are just sticks. Others give off this visceral vibe that makes you just feel so confident riding them. That’s what Greg’s boards do.

My favorite surf movie ever was Morning of the Earth. I think the Baddy Treloar sequence at Angourie and the Terry Fitzgerald sequence at sunset when they both build their own boards and then ride 'em and rip really captures that magical vibe.

Greg is an excellent example of dedication to fine shaping for anyone aspiring to be a great shaper.

And I agree, ignore the whiners and keep posting great boards greg.


better yet

dare I say it without getting banned…

but how about just saving up on some weekly gas money and order a custom board from Griff

and find out for yourself

what alot of his returnig customers already know.

If you spend the time explaining what you need on a somewhat coherent level

what ever you do ask questions and listen before deciding

you shouldn’t be dissapointed

and it’ll be custom down to the fins themselves if that’s what you want

keep the masters going and order a board or two from them every now and then

then use the knowledge you learn from riding them to apply it to what you make with your own hands…

can’t go wrong with that type of hands-on education

good or bad

even the pavel experience taught that buyer a lesson or two about choosing and working with a shaper

Buy Griffin

and Buy American…

for those of you that need that kind of prompting

in the end though

for those of you not paying attention

everyone in this catagory of board building experience is getting old

faster than you think…