Details of my first North Shore mission...

Me thinks you are majoring in english literature and you had a fiction writing assignment due.

What break was it?

When I have my 9’ gun I would be usually outside and there would be no 6’ single fin to be found for 50 + yards

If monday was the best wave you have ever ridden then you really need to be careful this winter when the real surf actually arrives.

I think the story would have been much sweeter if you started your line with “sorry it won’t happen again”.

Next time try sincere “no sirs and yes mams” and in 20 years they will be calling you sir with sincere respect.

It’s only surfing and you probably came closer to death or permanent brain/ jaw damage than you will ever understand.

Keep it up guys , its working!!

It’s not a guy but a club of men and women. We have a secret handshake and everything. We are called the Association of Serious Surfers Helping Outsiders Life Experiences Succinctly (A.S.S.H.O.L.E.S.)

Been surfing for 20 plus years on the NS and have never had a problem. I probably look just like you too. So is it looks or behavior???

‘What break was it?’

Rocky point… little confused here…was that you out there?

Since I’ve moved here I have been improving with every session…So nearly every time I go out I catch the best wave of my life… I havn’t surfed more then doubble overhead, wont be anytime soon.

"I think the story would have been much sweeter if you started your line with “sorry it won’t happen again”.

Next time try sincere “no sirs and yes mams” and in 20 years they will be calling you sir with sincere respect."

As you know, respect must be earned and a dude cussing me out and stealing my waves does not have mine. Savages do not deserve formal titles.

“It’s only surfing and you probably came closer to death or permanent brain/ jaw damage than you will ever understand.”

I’m not worried about some over the hill burnout with a beach house…if he hit me, I’d own it and he would be in jail for a long time. If he were some Moke with nothing to loose, I’d be on the beach building sand castles…


I think Otay’s just messin with ya.

as far as the guy with the red board, go get some beers and share with him and his buds

become one with the crew

kill em with kindness

First thing I learnt on the NS : why make a problem when there doesn’t need to be a problem?

Identify the assholes/enforcers/locals etc etc and give 'em all the room in the world. It’s their home, thats the least you can do.

If you paddle for a wave and one of them paddles for it: don’t worry about it…let 'em have it.

If someone calls you into a set wave (usually a horrendous closeout) charge it and thank 'em afterwards.

If you’re surfing Rocky Point ,paddle up to Gas Chambers, or Monster Mush, or Ehukai etc etc.

Duck and weave…creating a scene with a local is just bad shit that can only turn out bad for you.

Why do it?

Surfing Rocky Point in itself is a good way to get beat up or dropped in on, especially when it’s such a B-grade wave.

I never had a problem surfing on the NS…got told once upon accidentally finding a secret spot between Kahuku and Turtle bay that this spot was for Hawaiians only and “mo better you go surf somewhere else”…

sure…4 big mokes in a pumped up truck with pitbulls in the back in the middle of nowhere…“no worries mate…we were just leaving”.

I got sick of the violence I witnessed though…especially when ice moved in…and started going to WA.

No point going where I ain’t really welcome…I had my share, time to move on.

Good luck. Steve


‘What break was it?’

Rocky point… little confused here…was that you out there?

Since I’ve moved here I have been improving with every session…So nearly every time I go out I catch the best wave of my life… I havn’t surfed more then doubble overhead, wont be anytime soon.

"I think the story would have been much sweeter if you started your line with “sorry it won’t happen again”.

Next time try sincere “no sirs and yes mams” and in 20 years they will be calling you sir with sincere respect."

As you know, respect must be earned and a dude cussing me out and stealing my waves does not have mine. Savages do not deserve formal titles.

“It’s only surfing and you probably came closer to death or permanent brain/ jaw damage than you will ever understand.”

I’m not worried about some over the hill burnout with a beach house…if he hit me, I’d own it and he would be in jail for a long time. If he were some Moke with nothing to loose, I’d be on the beach building sand castles…

No it wasn’t me but with your wonderful attitude you are in for a rude awakening. I think your last sentence displays you are totally out of touch with reality. Good luck this winter beacause you are going to need it.

you know what, i dont really care if i get dropped in on a few times

i expect a few smokings each surf

who cares its wave, a laugh

if i was in north shore i would expect to get smoked at least 4 or 5 or more times in a sesh

id say to the guy

" thanks mate" sit out wide and watch for a bit, then take a big close out and say thank for lettin me have that one mate

unless it was a haoli kook and then id say go back to vaaaallley kooook just like heath ledger rest his soul

Hey Rhino, i’m on your side.

If you follow some of these peoples(Otay) backward advice then your suited to be a dog

begging for crumbs, instead of a man.

Stay safe and be careful of the backwards and mean stupidity out in the

lineup and in this forum.

bs… just cuz you have the ability/intent to cut someones nuts off and stuff them down there throat doesnt mean you have to

he who lives by the sword dies by the sword

do you really want to risk everythin on an overinflated ego

people come to very sticky ends from one little tussle


Hey Rhino, i’m on your side.

If you follow some of these peoples(Otay) backward advice then your suited to be a dog

begging for crumbs, instead of a man.

Stay safe and be careful of the backwards and mean stupidity out in the

lineup and in this forum.

Does one’s age or few pubic hairs make one a man? Rhino’s comments sounds more like an imature spoiled baby.

Beggin for crumbs my arse. Follow my advice and the only words you will hear in the line up are those of calling your attention to outside sets and hoots of encouragement to paddle for the wave.

The begining on the ns season is always packed and lots of aggression in the water. There are so many breaks were there are no crowds at. If you go to a rough bar be prepared for a bar fight. It’s rocky point!! Just lots of whinning in my book. A man would have never posted this to begin with. Maybe he should bring his lawyer with him next time to hold his hand.

'What break was it?'

Rocky point…

Let me guess, Rocky Lefts, older haole guy w/mustache on the red gun. Goofyfoot? Oh oh, I know this one. Lots of us know who it is now. He’s originally from Florida and was a Pipe specialist and did a hell of a good job of it too. But that was a long time ago. He gets into lots of confrontations out there. Stop feeling special. You just met Jeff Crawford! Your certificate is in the mail.


Hey Rhino, i’m on your side.

If you follow some of these peoples(Otay) backward advice then your suited to be a dog

begging for crumbs, instead of a man.

Stay safe and be careful of the backwards and mean stupidity out in the

lineup and in this forum.

Obviously this guy has never surfed the islands

Otays advice is on the mark

or take mpgrander’s advice and find out for yourself

“Rhino’s comments sounds more like an imature spoiled baby.”

hey, man, your the last guy on this fourm that should be making infrences about people you dont know. I’ve read through a few of your post and you are a genuine dick & should proably be kicked off the fourm, read mine and you will see what I am about…spoiled is about the last thing i am.

I posted to get advice from the community & got good imput. A real man can ask for other peoples oppion & not have to shut everyone down to feel better about his empty life.

-I’ll your advice a try to some extent and see if “the only words I hear in the line up are those of calling my attention to outside sets and hoots of encouragement to paddle for the wave.”

Concider this thread closed if were moving on to personal attacks so the MODS dont have to…

Guess he’s not a kook…just angry…looks happy here…

Are stupid as it sounds, East Coasters are expected to perform in Hawaii. They come from some of the worst surf on the planet, but after so many have stood out in the ultimate arena, we have come to presume success. Not long ago, an East Coaster in Hawaii was hailed for merely paddling out in serious surf. To perform was unheard of. Jeff Crawford rubbed out those notions in the 1970s by emerging from Florida to claim the loftiest prize in the sport, a Pipe Masters crown. When he returned home, he brought everyone else up to speed with performance surfing, inspiring the generation that would dominate today.

Crawford was born in Melbourne Beach, Florida, but as the son of an Air Force commander, he didn’t settle in one place. Before establishing roots back in Central Florida, where his father was commander of Patrick’s Air Force Base, he would live in Virginia, Japan, Hawaii, Maryland, Oklahoma, and North Carolina. While attending Gainesville High (Go Purple Hurricane!), he began making trips to Cocoa Beach and New Smyrna to surf. He mowed lawns to purchase his first board, and drew inspiration from Smyrna kingpin Kim McNair.

Something of a late bloomer, he wasn’t immediately successful in competition, finishing second in his initial event but becoming frustrated after spending an entire season struggling to emerge from the lowly 1A ranks. “Every time I was ready to win,” he laments, “someone new came along.” By graduation in 1970, he had progressed to 4A, the ultimate rating. Crawford enrolled in Brevard Community College, where he pursued a pre-med degree in hopes of becoming a veterinarian or orthodontist. But as the surfing accomplishments began to mount, the education was shelved. In the 1972 U.S. Championships, he finished second in Mens and earned an invitation to the prestigious Duke Classic. At the World Contest at Ocean Beach the same year, he landed seventh, but his true calling came from the power of the North Shore.

In Hawaii, Crawford would have to prove himself once again. “They didn’t think much of East Coast surfers back then,” he remembers. “They were all glad to get me in a heat. It was, ‘Good, I got that guy.’ They wouldn’t cut you slack to save your life. I ended up going left at Sunset just to get a wave.” Despite the cold reception, he finished third in the Duke, where he would become a perpetual finalist.

The Pipe Masters was quickly becoming surfing’s showpiece, and Crawford overcame the likes of Gerry Lopez and Rory Russell for a surprise win in his first showing. (He was invited the previous year, but a spiteful co-worker at Primo Surf Shop intercepted the mail and replied that Crawford couldn’t make it.) “I was lucky,” he says of the colossal victory. “The waves were shit. I got a big barrel from the outside right through the middle, cause I had an 8’2” and everybody else was on a 7’6". But the next year I was on their level." Unfortunately, the day before the '75 event, he was scalped by the reef, leaving him out of the running for a repeat showing.

Crawford spent most of the decade in the islands, but each summer he would return to Florida to rule the East Coast pro events and hold court at Sebastian Inlet. “Sebastian’s a summertime spot,” he says,“and from '76 until '92 there wasn’t an epic swell that didn’t have me on it.” During that time, he built several surf shops in Brevard County, including Inlet Surf and Sport and Crawford’s Surf and Wear. He sneaked into the inaugural IPS Top 16 by way of his win in the Florida Pro (he defeated Rabbit in the final), and finished as high as 12th in 1978. Downplaying the gravity of his ability at Pipe, he called the wave “just a big Sebastian left.”

With some illegal business transactions catching up to him, Jeff dumped the shops for an extended surf trip, spending a few years traveling in Bali and South Africa. Of his dealings, he confesses, “I’ve always been very good at what I did. It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time, but they’d put you away for a long time today. I made a lot more money legitimately than I ever made otherwise. If I could do it again, I would have done it different. You probably never would have heard of me. I’d have been a doctor.”

Since returning to Florida, where he resides near Sebastian, Crawford has spent eight years and seven lawyers attempting to prove to the government that his earnings are justifiable. After a stint as an importer of wild animals, he has picked up day-trading as a hobby and occupation. Married to Karen since 1982, he has two children, Marina and Adam (himself a rising presence at the Inlet).

Crawford still shows up at Sebastian when it’s on, and people still give him space. His impact on the area’s performance boom is undeniable – including the likes of Charlie Kuhn, Matt Kechele, Todd Holland, Kelly Slater, the Lopez brothers and Hobgood twins. “You only learn from emulating others,” Jeff declares. “When I came back from Hawaii, I was surfing at a higher level than anyone had. It took 10 years, but they caught up, even surpassed it. A ball rolls easier once it’s rolling.”


‘What break was it?’

Rocky point…

Let me guess, Rocky Lefts, older haole guy w/mustache on the red gun. Goofyfoot? Oh oh, I know this one. Lots of us know who it is now. He’s originally from Florida and was a Pipe specialist and did a hell of a good job of it too. But that was a long time ago. He gets into lots of confrontations out there. Stop feeling special. You just met Jeff Crawford! Your certificate is in the mail.

/me waits expectantly

What’d I win?


bs… just cuz you have the ability/intent to cut someones nuts off and stuff them down there throat doesnt mean you have to

he who lives by the sword dies by the sword

do you really want to risk everythin on an overinflated ego

people come to very sticky ends from one little tussle

Pinnacle of the thread. Actually the only part of it sticking up out of the muck. Well said.

You get to paddle out with me monday 530 am with a 6 pack of guniess…

Are you even of drinking age or does BB808 have take your loose change and buy the beer?

Just remember when you point your finger at me you have 3 fingers,errrr I mean 2 fingers pointing back at you.

At my home break I’m always really helpful when someone accuses me of stealing “their wave”.

I happily give it back to them.

Splash, splash.

Trouble is it takes an awful lot of splashing to get all the water from “their wave” back to them.

Sometimes people mis-understand my generosity in returning “their wave” :slight_smile:

But seriously:

As a visitor/non born and bred local to the North Shore its just common sense to pull your head in and tread lightly.

whats a moke anyway

when someone says hit by a moke i imagine a dude getting run over by a mini moke car