Details of my first North Shore mission...

your right he doesn’t look like an arse hole, he’s sertainly paid his dues and earnt the right for respect, but respect is based on current actions and well as past deeds and can be won as well as lost. Blame it on him having a bad day and taking it out on the new guy, but its more likerly he was just letting you know that there is a pecking order and he believes he’s at the top.

Mabye people give him space coz he’s earnt it, maybe they give him space because incedents you decribe are too commom, either way you don’t know the guy and you cant judge him from a single enccounter, I hate localism but it sounds like this was just a hazing, see it as a test, initiation or right of passage if you like.

You’re a good surfer but that only goes so far. Just keep you head down and carry on surfing, step one to earning respect is attitude and dedication.

always be polite and never reactionary. You’ll take crap from the older guys, but weather it and eventually they will accept you into the pack even if its at the bottom of the hirachy, you’ll still have to take the same amount of crap but it will be more light hearted.

The trouble is knowing the difference between that and jerks that see that happening and think that the hazing of the new guy/outsider is the actual way to earn the respect coz they see the old boys doing and think that by doing it aswell they will earn favor or are just plain violent pricks and use it as an excuse.

Crawford certainly doesn’t fall into either catogory so I’d say be humble and show him some respect, its worth building up some positive relationships in the surf or the land, just don’t expect to be best chumbs, more a tolarance, but is certainly cant hurt, you may even learn something or atleast beable to have a pleasant surf.

Let your dedication and surfing do the talking, if you show the required level of respect to the hiarachy system then you will be accepted once they realise your not going to go away.

You don’t have to choose this path, you don’t have to acknowlege the pack or that there is a hirachy atall but that make you a rogue and life will be tough for you, you’ll have to be able to back that up with skill and tanasity or you’ll get hurt, people will see you as a threat to thier own standing and will want to “pull you in line”, “take you down a peg or two” or “show you your place” (in the hiarachy)

Any line up can be cracked with persistance, but you need to know the rules they are playing to, probably the closest thing to a tribe your likerly to find in modern society. Find out who the chiefs, pay your respects until they let you in, once you’re in youll find out who demands you’re respect and who are the pratenders.

give it a few months and you’ll start to see the benifits.

MOKE= ethnic slur. When used properly, will start a fight every time! In AUS, MOKE= ABBO.

Yeah Rhino, don’t feel like you were singled out, you were just an object of opportunity.

The summer of ‘63 was awesome, some of the best souths in years, I had been out at Ala Mo’ all morning getting plenty of waves to my self, when an older local guy burns the crap out of me on ONE wave.

My 16 year old bravado kicks in and I say to him when he paddles back out, “hey, you dropped in on my last wave”.

He turns to the crowd in a very theatrical manner and with a sweep of his arm across the flock of listeners, stops his hand and a finger points to me and he says, “the haole says I wen’ drop een on his wave”.

No threats from any of the crowd, just a pal to share every wave with for the next hour.

A lesson learned, I was too skinny to beat up


Any line up can be cracked with persistance, but you need to know the rules they are playing to, probably the closest thing to a tribe your likerly to find in modern society. Find out who the chiefs, pay your respects until they let you in, once you’re in youll find out who demands you’re respect and who are the pratenders.

That is the golden key to any surf spot…

true he’s a legend

bur no reason to act like that even though allot of the ex-names do

he could learn alot from Jock who was a better surfer in his time, older and paid the same dues.

Rocky Point-Pipe-Bowls all known spots for aggro animal action and heavy localism Rocky’s and Bowls have been like that for almost half a century.

Many more spots just as good if not better you can choose from or if you want to amplify the previous experience go surf 3rd dip on a good day, you won’t make it home. Be Smart = Be Safe

The evolution of a Moke below…

Sponge>Grom>Gremmie>Punk>Troll>Moke>Addict>Ripoff Artist>OtripleC

To the people who dn’t like visiting surfers , remember , one day you may travel. ond your car will get keyed,you will be a minority. all of your bro’s are miles away. be a man show humility or expect the worst reaction of the human race. what goes comes.


Any line up can be cracked with persistance, but you need to know the rules they are playing to, probably the closest thing to a tribe your likerly to find in modern society. Find out who the chiefs, pay your respects until they let you in, once you’re in youll find out who demands you’re respect and who are the pratenders.

That is the golden key to any surf spot…

One suggestion might be to drop the word Dude and mindset of mine.

Take a look at the PaddleSurfHawaii website and check out KOOK&KOOL and apply

Attempting to crack a localized spot may be an excercise in futility. Spend some time, hang out, maybe offer a couple beers. Eventually a tentative question like, “Do you think anybody would mind if I paddled out?” A decent crew might even be calling you in to waves.

Paddling out at a super secret spot, I eventually found my way to the shoulder where I stayed out of the way. During a lull, I edged over and asked, “Permission to enter lineup?” They all laughed and one guy said, “Permission to enter!”

Then again, some places are so bad you are maybe better off just going somewhere else.


if you want to amplify the previous experience go surf 3rd dip on a good day, you won’t make it home. Be Smart = Be Safe

Just too funny that this thread ends up being about Crawdaddy. I’m LMAO. The North Shore and the Westside are a completely different environment than anywhere else, and those that haven’t been there don’t have a clue about what it’s like. Hard to explain to people, you have to experience it to know… some of the kindest, most generous people I’ve ever met; but they don’t take ANY shit or ego from haoles. Hawaiian Justice is cold and swift. I can’t believe you dropped the name of the spot named for the dip in the road. I remember pulling up there once and being politely, but very firmly, told that ‘‘da boys are havin’ a session’’ and we’d better not even think about paddling out. We backtracked down the road a hundred yards and watched until they were done. When they drove by us on the way out, it was all shakas and howzits and ''NOW it’s your turn!" We got an hour and a half of barrels by ourselves.

Good point John - The limited times I’ve spent in “The Islands” - I’ve seen good looking, out of the way spots, and when I see only a handful of brown bodies ripping it up, I just keep on going. Heck once I was doing “recon” in some cane fields, and when I happened upon this perfect left, I hid for fear…

As for the rest of it, I sit wide, have a smile, give a hoot, and try not to blow it… Eventually I get some good ones, no hassles, and, in the end, isn’t that what it’s all about.

One out of the way spot on Kauai, trying the reverse, sit extra deep for “reverse” shifters, get a good one, get to deep, get sectioned… and, from overhearing the conversations, and having seen the guy, the local lifeguard doesn’t let another one go by, i.e., a couple tries on my part - not too deep, well the shoulder looked good to him least I blow another one. Lesson learned - well mostly just wait till he’d gone then try and go… Ha!

performance ART

enter the characters

ore Ha ole

{no breath?}

who takes a few and warms up the moves practiced to satixfaction.kudos from le gallirie de peanuts

enter the same kid only thirty yearns later

to come face to face with his former self


is this great theatre?

YES IT IS>>>now we have the

he said I said or HE said i said

this is the wonder of the september almost surf days

where the fng’s new kids and old attitudes

[attitude is a dance term position 3 ,and 4 are my favorites]

these performances

are a tradition

and ever so fun to watch.

I prefer watching from a great distance

I leave have left and refuse to surf

with any overt Idiocy from either end of the spectrum.

some day the big black pot will boil and

missionaries explorers and

canibals will all be eaten and digested by a greater power…

their collective ignorance of compassion and creativity…

this guy will become your best friend

and I will still refuse to surf with either of you.

I would rather surf anyplace but the place where the

attitude doesent include the capital I.


surf the void between the tudes

oh yeah

I’m Right.

“MOKE= ethnic slur. When used properly, will start a fight every time! In AUS, MOKE= ABBO”

Ethnic slur? yes, but no more than Haole is & limited to beefy stupid people from what I understand…then again I’m new here.

"Just remember when you point your finger at me you have 3 fingers,errrr I mean 2 fingers pointing back at you. "

Cold…but still one less than you!

Rhino, don’t sweat it. If you want to ride the country, just try to blend in. Pick your spots carefully, and try to stay in the less popular breaks until you know you can handle it all. Always stay on the inside when you go to a new spot and check out who the agro people are. Bring up your game to the point where you don’t have to say anything, just surf. You’re still young, so you can do it. If you do go to the outside, remember that there are usually several waves to a set, don’t go after the first waves, but go for the later waves. The water will be cleared up a little, and hopefully you’ll have one to yourself.

Back in the late 70’s I surfed up there by myself a lot, I used to go to Cammie’s when Sunset was going off, or Lani’s or Alii when I didn’t want to hassle with the “other side”.

Even as a local brown skin, I was hassled and dropped in on by “locals” like Fast Eddie, Bernie Baker, Fat Paul, and others who’d been living there less than 10 years. The breaks from Waimea to Velzyland were always filled with agro “locals” who really had just moved over or had been going there for little longer than me.

I’ve been dropped in on by Michael Ho and other “pros” then have them get mad at me for trying to stay right behind him. That’s when I started to find surfing the north shore was not what I wanted.

I’ve been told by friends that still surf there a lot that it’s all a matter of timing, weekdays, middle of the day are best for mellower crowds.

Right now we’re heading into the contest season, it’s going to be a mess up in the country. There are a lot of spots on the north east side that are really good too, but every spot has a crew, and a bunch of people that live on the beach. Best to stay away from them if they are uncool.

A lot of the “locals” are cool, but a lot of them are also pretty uncool. Too many people living on the rock. Be careful about saying something because we’re all related to someone, or friends with some badass. It’s better to bite your tongue than get your face punched, or come in weeks later and find your car broken into and trashed. Your a cool guy, so let them get to know you and you’ll be OK.

‘’…then again I’m new here.‘’

Sums it up quite well. Keep that in mind when you enter the water.

…in part you re right, in part you re still “green”

lot of good advice here from seasoned surfers

-may be you should try the next time you see Crawford in the beach, alone, going for surf

go there and talk something like : “ohh I dunno that you re J C, etc…”

start there and may be a long open road will come

–reminds me when around 20 - 25 years ago, the Brazilian crowd fight with some Hawaiians

and kick some asses to Makaha

so, if you really know how to fight, you can kick some aggro asses, but then you will not be easy

so better go the relax way

and better yet go to near the NS, plenty of good “unknow” waves

-in other side,

in all my surfing experience, I always see the same types of guys doing or receiving problems in the water

better if: you re a good surfer, not the stereotype of the surfmags, with a board without bunch of decals, quiet outside,

using a bike to go to the beach, using a short nuthin special, start with small waves in not so famous breaks, let some people recognize your face, start at the shoulders, eventually some good will come, and a long etc

“not the stereotype of the surfmags, with a board without bunch of decals,…”

Out of luck there…

Rhino, I think next time you’re thinking of paddling out anywhere, you should ask ‘OTAY’ the self-proclaimed mayor of north-shore if it is OK. and whatever you do, dont take your wooden single-fin out there, I hear he has a problem with wooden boards on the north shore…

Just curious, what makes someone a ‘blow in’ or ‘transplant’? It must be someone who’s been going there less than twenty years is it?? There’s no way ‘OTAY’ could be a blow in is there?

“Simmons was a loner,” continued Noll. "He had a habit of going off by himself to surf. He hated any type of crowd. He liked Salt Creek, below Laguna Beach. It wasn’t unusual to go there and find Simmons, by himself. Or someplace else, like Tijuana Sloughs. Places that the usual surfing crowd didn’t go…

did he drive there in a mini moke