Details of my first North Shore mission...


…Today a grom droped in on me at ala moana bowls…I YELLED “HEY, DUDE!”…When he paddled back out he said he was “sorry” over and over again…I said “It’s cool, bro, don’t worry about it. I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”…and he would have if I had stayed on the line…

You’re kidding right? Newly arrived haole at Ala Moana YELLING “HEY DUDE!” at some local grom? What? Was he like a ten year old? If he kept saying “Sorry” he must have been scared of you or you were giving him stink eye or something. Or he was just a really polite kid.

And you’re a “soul surfer”?

I usually won’t even yell at boogie boarders who drop in on me at the spot I’ve been surfing since 1975. I might just mention to them to look before they go.

The soul surfer would have yelled at the grom “Go!”

By the way, way back near the beginning of this thread, you spelled “consensus” wrong. Sorry. I’m a school teacher and notice those things especially coming from a college student.

It was more like I was on the wave, and the “hey dude” was to let him know I was on the wave…(not an angry yell)

…too late, i pulled out to avoid any accidents and was not a dick to the kid…i did pull out

I spelt a lot of thigs wrong…youre just not looking hard enough…find them all. I want a memo.

You guys are on a witch hunt man.

“Ethnic slur? yes, but no more than Haole is & limited to beefy stupid people from what I understand…then again I’m new here.”

Have you ever heard the expression “your mouth is writing checks your butt can’t cash”?

So let me get this straight - this was your first time surfing the north shore, and you are complaining that the red carpet wasn’t rolled out for you. You didn’t get punched or slapped. Your car wasn’t broken into. You claimed to get the best wave of your life. But, you have a very minor run-in with JC and feel the need to whine about it here and both antagonize and ignore some very good advice from people with much more experience than you, both in life and in the water.

You claim to be a soul surfer, and yet your posts on this thread have been filled with “I”, “MY”, and “Me”. Not very soulful IMHO. I think you’ve watched “North Shore” a few too many times.

And, no, the word haole is not an ethnic slur. “F@*king Haole” is an ethnic slur. As has been pointed out in an earlier post, the word ha’ole means without breath or breathless. Or means someone who is ignorant of local customs.

Take an honest look in the mirror and examine your own actions. You may find an easier way to handle yourself next time. Because guess what? If you are looking for friction there are plenty of people out there who are up for it.

“dropping in on MY wave”? Please.

If this is the worst thing that happens to you all winter, consider it a great season. Open your eyes and your heart. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some sanding to do.

You got snaked by Jeff Crawford? I might consider that a bit of an honor. Rhino, I think your a pretty good kid. Kind of self centere, but a good kid. You were given some very good advice from Bammbamm and others. I hope you consider it very carefully. How was the paddle to Coronado? Mike