Details of my first North Shore mission...


You get to paddle out with me monday 530 am with a 6 pack of guniess…

No thanks. I really don’t like you after reading what you have to say. Just the fact that you would come here looking for validation after having words with some old man doesn’t speak well of you. No one laid a finger on you. Don’t you have friends you can share with? Pull you head out of your bum or go back where you came from. I’m with Crawford on this one. Leave the beer, though.

weak, dude. Joking about the guiness by the way. too early to drink, old fart doesnt deserve kindness or my waves.

-not looking for validation from any one…just sharing new experiences with friends…yes I do actually know a lot of people on this fourm in real life who are my friends…

As I said earlier, this fourm is not for personal attacks…bla bla bla im over it.

See you out in the water…dont talk to me if your an ass.

hes just prolly bitter the alpha male days are over and the only way he gets waves are by dropping in

plenty of them around at any break

pretty sad really

we all know who they are

just go somewhere else

you loose either way if you engage in a fight

no points for beating up a grandad

your wernt paddling up his inside by any chance

thats a valid reason to drop in on someone 4 times

i do it, but i say something first

no, he pretty much did not like me and paddled infront of me after snaking me.

Bambams right about one thing, this post is a fire storm, but split down the middle…

Ambrose seems to have the grip on reality, but I’m fighting for a better future.


…Today a grom droped in on me at ala moana bowls…I YELLED “HEY, DUDE!”…When he paddled back out he said he was “sorry” over and over again…I said “It’s cool, bro, don’t worry about it. I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”…and he would have if I had stayed on the line…

“Okay, so flower-power didn’t work, so what? We start again.”

Hiya Rhino,

Its a bit of deja vu here.

I was in Indo a while back and passing the time of day with someone that I met. He recounted a story about the last time that he was in Gragagan.

Seems he took off on a decent wave, came off the bottom, off the top, then a guy dropped in on him and, unbelievably, tried to push him off his board! Can’t remember what happened after that, but when he was back on land a few friends of the surfer who tried to push him off his board accosted him, aggressively, and said “Man, do you know who that was?” He replied, “Yeah, I do, the guys a kook!”, they said “That’s Jeff Crawford” to which he replied “He’s still a kook!”

Fair call. So he’s a local at Gragagan too.



…Today a grom droped in on me at ala moana bowls…I YELLED “HEY, DUDE!”…When he paddled back out he said he was “sorry” over and over again…I said “It’s cool, bro, don’t worry about it. I just didn’t want you to get hurt.”…

I’m loving this…

Who needs TV when you can visualize Rhino reality…???..

Keep 'em coming.,…

Where are we going next…???..

Who do you share the next line-up with…???..

More, more, more…!!!,

Pictures please…!!!..


You may not have the logos and sponsership markings on your board. However you still have the stereo-type thing going on. In Newport Beach we have hundreds of LOGO-less boards with hippy retro types lurking around. It’s funny how people think there different or cool when they are sheep all copying each other?

We call them RQ’s. Don’t get me wrong I think its cool to ride whatever stokes you out. However don’t do it in the name of being cool or a retro hippy because your not Avant-guarde or creating your only style. This RQ moment is nothing new!

Surfing the North Shore is all about respect. Right now it’s soft however when the swells come the Retro your riding will put you in danger. You think your having a hard time now with some older has beens out in the water. Wait until the Triple Crown Starts and all the PRO’s fill in at every spot in the 7 mile zone.

Kids your age that have been surfing since 4 all on thrusters and very fit and extremly healthly will take over the line ups. You will be schooled beyond your imagination. Never mind the big bad ass locals. I’m not trying to bum you out. Reality will set in once the season really starts. Pre-season is just playful soft waves. When the real swells come and the water starts to move stay at school and get educated. If you really like to soul surf then plan to travel. You will need a good education and lots of money to be a soul surfer.

If you really love surfing get a quiver and put some meat on those bones and start cross training and get yourself strong before you surf real waves.

I would hate for you to drown this winter. Start with some push ups and dry sand runs! Put the bong away and stay away from the mushrooms.

Turn the other cheek is good advice as well. If you just started surfing the NS you haven’t seen nothing yet!

My family lived there from 77 - 82 (I was 18 living on the NS at the time) and know that REPECT-REPECT-REPECT is a matter of staying alive. Remember what happened to Captain Cook? I kept my mouth shut and never got beat up and made a lot of friends, however I seen alot of Brazillians and Mainlander get pounded out who had smart mouths.

Ahh, Crawford and I WERE pals, my oldest son dropped in on him at Sebastian one day, now my son at 16 looked just like Wilbur Kookemeyer.

Jeff said to him “what is your name”, “Ryan Phillips”, Jeff said are you Jim’s kid?

He followed up with, if you weren’t I’d kick your ass.

I was an IPS and APS pro judge and Jeff was one of the best switch stance surfers ever, he just has a problem playing well with others

Damn, the two that have most annoyed me on the board are the two I most agree with in this thread, Silly and OTAY. Scary. Probably means they get on my nerves due to similarity to myself in some way.

Rhino, you are a very young kid who doesn’t know a damn thing. You have some ideas that you’ve taken a liking to, but haven’t lived life. Crawford has lived a very full life, as have many of your critics and supporters in this thread. In each case, you are in no position to judge or complain about any of us. Shut your mouth full of milk-teeth and try to learn and accept things that are not what you expect/approve/are familiar with. Your opinion and feelings are the least important thing in all of this, and I think that’s what Mr. Crawford was trying to tell you. But, being young and very untested, you refuse to believe it. That’s OK, life has a way of getting it’s point across, and there’s no hurry. Better for you to learn it sooner rather than later, cause you’ll run across someone who’s not as nice as Jeff. Oh, think he was mean? Keep being so stubborn and you’ll encounter mean. Could be here, or somewhere else, but you’re on that path. Others here have tried to warn you of that, and you ignore that advice at your own peril.

“It is what it is, so shut the fuck up…” Rick, circa 2004


See you out in the water…dont talk to me if your an ass.


I would suspect the last thing you want to do is piss off more guys in Hawaii. You might not know them yet…but they are begining to know you.

Remember first impressions are the ones that usually stick. How do you want to be remembered?

"Who needs TV when you can visualize Rhino reality…???.. "

theres a diffrence between an intentional snake & someone who is not looking where they are going…

Whats your quote Paul?..

"Reality is only the starting point before imagination takes over…

Question everything…Challenge assumptions…Defy convention…"


theres a diffrence between an intentional snake & someone who is not looking where they are going…

And your point is?

Jeff Crawford knew exactly where you were, and he didn’t give a rats ass.

this is the most entertaining thread i have ever read.


And your point is?

Jeff Crawford knew exactly where you were, and he didn’t give a rats ass.

Which makes him an asshole. Maybe he’s still pissed about that time HE got punched out, on Oahu.

Or, maybe he’s pissed that he’s a dead ringer for Jimmy Buffett in his old age. Hell, that would bum ME out. Imagine people mistaking you for Buffett? How humiliating.

Anyway, I surfed with Crawford back in the mid 70s. He was a hustler, for sure, but not really aggressive. I guess the years have not been kind to him.

Who here knows Jeff? Someone put him onto this thread. He’ll be laughing his ass off. Really.


"Who needs TV when you can visualize Rhino reality…???.. "

theres a diffrence between an intentional snake & someone who is not looking where they are going…

Heres the thing. From what you claim…you got snaked in Hawaii being new to Country. So what? You going to whine about it online and expect a pity party of figure out another way to fit in up there? If you feel real strong about it, wait until you see the guy again and take it up with him personally or leave it be. Also…why are you riding that design on the north shore anyway? It makes you stand out like a sore thumb. Especially being new.

Paddle out at some of the lesser known breaks and just sit there and take scraps for about a week and be really quiet. Pretty soon some of the locals will be hooting you into set waves to see what your made of. Charge it when that happens and stay quiet. Pretty soon you will be fine and you will find out there is still a spirit of Aloha up there.

Midweek morning, two guys watching an empty line-up, overhead rights and lefts pitching over the sandbar.

Surf now, or go pitch at the salmon stacked up in the river two hundred yards east of the sand dune, and let the tide fill in for a while?

New guy shows up, says hi and introduces himself, shake hands and chat for a bit about this and that.

Salmon kept their mouths closed, the waves opened up for one and all. Give new guy a hoot for pulling off a late one.

Cold water, fewer breaks, more variables to roll seven. A dozen is an almost unacceptable crowd, four or five is ok.

A state away, hundreds of surfers stack what used to be several miles of empty peaks.

Grim faces, wave count counts, flow has given way to hustle, smiles now rarer then a cover-up. True joy seems to have become MIA.

Thousands of miles to the west, ponderous old sea lion barks at young cub encroaching on prime basking rock.

The herd takes notice, and discussion boils over.

More sea lions, fewer fish, some slip away quietly and find new hunting grounds.

The herd never notices.


Ethnic slur? yes, but no more than Haole is & limited to beefy stupid people from what I understand…then again I’m new here.

oh your soooo gunna get your pretty little face smashed in over there!

i feel for you…not…

I try to tell my friends all the time i’m not a hippy…I dont do drugs and shower 3 times a day…

I’m riding single fins because I like the way they look and feel. I brought over a 7’0" thruster for slightly larger waves, but dont like the way it handles. Wont be riding my single in much over headhigh surf.

No mater what we all can be concidered products of some company or some fad. Buy a shirt with a logo on it, youre a walking bilboard, buy a pair of $200 jeans, youre a sucker, surf a single fin, youre a hippy…what ever.

My friends who are actually Hawaiian told me that ‘moke’ is not a racist like the N word and etc…Just like Haolae some hawaiians and phillipinos use it as an ethinic slur, some guys say “I’m a haolae” It seems that there are mixed feelings aboout it, & I sincerly appoligise If I have offended anyone.