Drinking the Cool Aide....San Diego Style

Captain surf ordered an EPS blank from WNC. Had it sent to Keith’s house. Keith has lots of templates…and lots of tools… Keith and Resinhead and Captain agreed on an outline…Mrs Stingray found a nice spot in the shade and stayed out of the mess… Ray and Keith cracked a few beers and sat back…

Keith wanted to jump in but it was Resinhead’s shape time…95% complete shape got loaded into Stingray’s new surf van and delivered to the Low Tech Lab… the following weekend Captain fine tuned the blank with a screen …Sweet… spackle time…

We all have the skills to do a complete board…but it sure is great to trust others…and let people run with the skills that they have…
Final sanding and screening was left for Stingray…And … The Admiral was seeking out Vintage Hawaiian cloth the whole time.

It was raining the day we glassed the board… with Epoxy… in February…Stingray is set up…ok…
Captain Surf and Stingray had a big debate on how to do the color… KD showed up for a big learning curve… fun stuff.

freckles in EPS…

The bottom lam was done first. Cut lap, 2 layers of 6 ounce and the fabric inlay, purple tint… the board is 9-4.
We mixed up 30 ounces of epoxy resin and used it all…

Boards over 8 feet its best to use the 2 man tag team when laminating. Stingray and captain did the Lam…and guess who shows up?
MarkSSD… the guy that taught us the tag team stuff… Mark jumped in and did the hot coat on the deck… beer time…
Full on San Diego project!

Single fin box install next by Stingray…and then the board goes to Captn for final sanding… Stoked on this project. Big time team effort.

you guys are clearly having too much fun!

Love this. I have no build buddies here. Plenty of finished product admirers, but no one to help roll out and cut the glass. All y’all rock.

All the best

Totally cool. I love the teamwork.

Regarding the EPS freckles… Did you just spackle or also seal with epoxy? I’ve found that the tint seems to gravitate toward the spackle filled areas and causes this effect. Not exactly sure why but sealing with epoxy reduces the freckles considerably.

Blue tint’s my favorite color. Resin’s guns are second to none(well almost). Keith’s work space all scabbed together is hilarious. I love the old school locker in the corner! Perfect Day, girls! I can see the Cap’n dropping into some meaty ones with that board! Yah! Mike

Glad to hear that Mark came around.

WideAwake and I got together yesterday morning for a morning surf and then we started glassing one of his current projects. We did not take any pictures but they would have fit in on this thread.

I like freckles

The board is a Brewer-Chapman longboard gun template. 9’4" x 22’ x 3". Single fin. Flat bottom to vee in the tail.

Ray forgot to mention that the dang “blank” was 4 inches thick and SOMEBODY had to take three full passes off it with a skil 100 before Resinhead got to claim “shaper” status with the hitachi (one suspects he’s still not comfortable with the big old metal planers)

Hey Keith, looks like you guys had some fun. Aloha.

Sorry bro… I did not know the blank was that thick when you started. Mr and Mrs Stingray thought you were just cranky because the blank was a slab…
The barrel blades seemed to work really good on the EPS…

For Gunkie…Board was spackled…Light weight spackle is used to fill the voids. Not used to make a totally smooth surface. So we get freckles… Most people think we are crazy to add color to EPS. I like it…

This is awesome. No one remotely interested in shaping in my area.