Evo and Nano builds in progress

There are so many things I like about your shapes I don’t know where to start.  I love the mashup of the Nano and Vanguard.  I realize these are simply based on Tomo’s work, but the attention you’ve given the details of the designs (and their execution) is very admirable for a home builder.  It’s hard for me to imagine them not performing well.


Thanks man. This last year has been huge for me and my learning curve building boards. I do 90% of my build process outside so its pretty cool when it all comes together (usually with a few bugs and fish eyes to be sanded). So far this board seems like it is going to become a daily driver for me. Cant wait to get it into some decent surf.


carbon is in tension but still allows flex and maintains rebound energy-

A: Yes! Thats the theory. This board is already on the thick side and per my discusions with Lemat I added an extra layer of 4oz on the bottom and an extra layer on the top to ensure the board didnt simply fold in half. But, despite the lack of stringer I feel like I might have over glassed it a bit. It will definitely hold up to impact (which is a great thing for me)!


If you put carbon on top too the board would get too stiff?  

A: On my build with the lam schedule I used- yes. It would have been stiffer with all of that carbon and glass. I think just adding the extra layers of regular glass made it MUCH stiffer as it was. I did consider doing carbon on the deck of the board in tapered channels similar to Dan Hantz Vulcan surfboards… but I didnt because I had already put the full carbon strip down the center of the bottom. If you take a look earlier in the thread LEMAT gives some great input on the glassing schedule and how carbon produces localized stiffness. Really appreciate his input on that. It got my brain spinning on a few more ideas.

I do have more carbon left over and I plan on trying the stringerless Vulcan concept or full length carbon rails at some point but, I want to test what I have and continue to improve my regular build process before I go nuts on more carbon applications. Yeah it looks cool but I want to actually be able to tell there is a difference/need and that its worth all of the extra steps and cost for my home built surfboards. I am all about experimenting so this has been educational! 

Thanks for the questions and taking a look at my boards. I appreciate the input.


here is the almost finished 5’9" Evo. Just gotta finish sand and polish.

Wow…these look great !!!..a question though: how did you sand the fcs 2 plugs inside the channels without screwing up your glass job?..looks the nuts however u did it…


Q: How did you sand the fcs 2 plugs inside the channels without screwing up your glass job?


Ha ha sorry, I couldnt help myself. I have been working to improve my sanding for a long time (and I am still no good). I did the plug sanding after I installed them (after the hotcoat stage of glassing). So I could really sand the plugs down and even them out with a firm pad. Those plugs actually sand down really easy. Trying to sand Fusion down into channels is a mess because the plastic just wants to smear if your sander is going to fast and everything gets hot.

After I sand down the plugs I go right into sanding down the whole boards hotcoat. Tape off the fin plugs and do the gloss/sealer coat. At that point the plug part is done. The only sanding on the entire board is just 320 grit and up finish work! Easy day.

I am no pro, but I am using good gear. I invested last year in a nice Dewalt sander and I use good Flex pads with decent paper. I actually sanded that board out pretty quick because I only went to 400 grit wet sanding(really wanted to get it in the water) and not my usual 2000 and polish.

Take care,

Ahh okay…that makes perfect sense…as i say good job mate !!!..keep it up.


Finally got the Evo done. Customer was so stoked he put the pad and stickers on it and had it in the water the next morning. Happy days. Ride report was very positive but still waiting on a few more sessions.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but did you add glass patches over the plugs also?

On the black and white board you can see the patches (my screw up) because I put them down with the color lamination. If I am doing color now I glass the board first, then route the fin plugs, glass them in and put glass patches over so the color remains clean and sharp. I have made (3) more Evos since this one and got it dialed in pretty well with fin plugs and channels.

Cool, yeah I thought so but saw the patches earlier on the thread and got confused!! Sick builds, super inspiring.

Nice work

Wow, didn’t know there was a left at Zanpa. You still in oki?